Author: David Bokser E-Mail: [email protected]
Website :
A set of tools to help in creating and shaping hair curves in Maya
Download the hairTools zip.
Extract the contents to /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/plug-ins. (Note: I'm showing the path of the plug-ins folder for a Mac OS X computer. You may need to locate and change the folder path if on Windows.)
Check inside your /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/plug-ins folder. Make sure you have a folder called hairTools inside your plug-ins folder.
In Maya, open a Python console and enter this code: import sys sys.path.append( '/Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/plug-ins')
Execute the code you just typed in
Now type this in the Python console: import hairTools.hairTools as hairTools hairTools.hairballUI()
Execute the code you just typed in. You can now start using this nice tool.