This code implements a remote serial port attached to a openstack instance.
Once installed the module will create a tcp serial port for every instance created on that hypervisor, and populate the instance metadata with the information about where the port can be found. The code assumes that the hypervisor nodes are reachable and routable from a clients machine.
To install, one needs to copy the serial_debug module to the hypervisor node and use setup tools to install it into the system:
$ cd serial_debug $ python install
Then apply the patch to nova/compute/
$ cd /usr/lib/python/site-packages/nova/compute $ patch -p0 add_instance_hook.diff
Then restart the nova-api client, and the hook should be functioning.
IMPORTANT The credentials present in the update_metadata function inside must be updated for your cluster
Also make sure that socat is installed on your hypervisor nodes.
It uses the openstack 'hooks' framework which is not API compatible with any releases except the one it is written for.
A big thanks to everyone who helped me implement this in #openstack on freenode. As well as Giorgio Franceschi who's pinhead hook helped me get ideas on how I should be writing my implemenation.