Java client library for use with OnTrac's shipping API
[email protected]
This library takes Java classes generated from the XSD schema files provided by OnTrac and pairs them with a simple API for interacting with OnTrac's web services. The schema classes are a bit clunky (particularly interacting with lists), but they've been left as is for two reasons:
- Names of fields match the schema (and OnTrac's documentation) exactly.
- Less hands-on maintenance down the line if the schema changes.
Normal Usage:
import ontrac4j.OnTrac;
import ontrac4j.schema.ShipmentRequest;
import ontrac4j.schema.ShipmentResponse;
import ontrac4j.schema.TrackingShipment;
OnTrac ontrac = OnTrac.builder().account("12345").password("secret").build();
ShipmentRequest shipmentRequest = new ShipmentRequest();
ShipmentResponse shipmentResponse = ontrac.createShipment(shipmentRequest);
System.out.println("Shipment created: " + shipmentResponse.getTracking());
System.out.println("Total charge: " + shipmentResponse.getTotalChrg());
System.out.println("Transit days: " + shipmentResponse.getTransitDays());
TrackingShipment trackingShipment = ontrac.trackShipment(trackingNumber);
if (trackingShipment.isDelivered()) {
System.out.println("Delivered to " + trackingShipment.getName() + " on " + trackingShipment.getExpDelDate());
} else {
System.out.println("Expected delivery date: " + trackingShipment.getExpDelDate());
To use OnTrac's test site instead of production:
OnTrac ontrac = OnTrac.builder().test().account("37").password("testpass").build();
See the unit tests for simple examples of all API calls.
JAXB/XML mappings were generated from the XSD files supplied by OnTrac by first commenting out the "Dim" type in OnTracRateResponse.xml (there were two, which caused duplicate issues with XJC), and then running:
xjc -extension xsd/simpleMode.xsd -d src/main/java -p ontrac4j.schema -verbose xsd/OnTrac*.xsd