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Version 0.1.4
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dcousin3 committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 7689f57 commit 7618dea
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Showing 80 changed files with 736 additions and 465 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions CRAN-SUBMISSION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2024-03-19 22:15:25 UTC
SHA: ac53156e8aec07bdf7bf4c543d500f2d9648606c
Date: 2024-03-21 17:29:51 UTC
SHA: 7689f57477b4601e809f1b131a2f3a91ae70d7b0
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: ANOPA
Type: Package
Title: Analyses of Proportions using Anscombe Transform
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2024-03-21
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 2024-11-26
Authors@R: c(
person("Denis", "Cousineau", email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut", "ctb", "cre")),
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
# ANOPA 0.1.4 (November 2024)

* Corrected a bug on `GRP()` with mixed design
* Allowed compiled format inputs for `anopa()`

# ANOPA 0.1.3 (March 2023)

* removed some cats and a few `
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170 changes: 145 additions & 25 deletions R/ANOPA-anopa.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#' This is expressed as a vector of strings such as "Moment(2)".
#' @return An omnibus analyses of the given proportions. Each factor's significance is
#' assessed, as well as their interactions when there is more than one factor. For
#' decomposition of the main analyses, follow the analysis with `emProportions()`,
#' assessed, as well as their interactions when there is more than one factor.
#' The results are obtained with `summary()` or `summarize()` as usual. If desired,
#' the corrected-only statistics can be presented \insertCite{w76}{ANOPA} using
#' `corrected()`; the uncorrected statistics only are obtained with `uncorrected()`.
#' For decomposition of the main analyses, follow the main analysis with `emProportions()`,
#' `contrastProportions()`, or `posthocProportions()`)
#' @details Note the following limitations:
#' 1. The main analysis performed by `anopa()` is currently restricted to four
#' 1. The main analysis performed by `anopa()` is currently restricted to three
#' factors in total (between and/or within). Contact the author if you plan to analyse
#' more complex designs.
#' 2. If you have repeated-measure design, the data *must* be provided in wide or
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,12 +101,30 @@
#' summary(w) # or summarize(w)
#' # The above presents both the uncorrected statistics as well as the corrected
#' # ones for small samples [@w76]. You can obtain only the uncorrected...
#' # ones for small samples (Williams, 1976). You can obtain only the uncorrected...
#' uncorrected(w)
#' #... or the corrected ones
#' corrected(w)
#' # Finally, the data may have repeated measures and still be accessible in a compiled
#' # format, as is the case of this short example:
#' minimalMxExampleCompiled
#' # As seen, it has one "group" factor (between) and two repeated measures (under the
#' # "foraging" or "frg" within factor). The groups are unequal, ranging form 16 to 81.
#' # Finally, as this is repeated measures, there are correlations in each group
#' # (generally weak except possibly for the "treatment3" group).
#' # Such a compiled structure can be provided to anopa() by specifying the
#' # repeated measures first (within cbind()), next the number of observation column,
#' # and finally, the column containing the measure of correlation (any names can be used):
#' v <- anopa( {cbind(frg.before,frg.after); Count; uAlpha} ~ group,
#' minimalMxExampleCompiled,
#' WSFactors = "foraging(2)")
#' anopaPlot(v)
#' summary(v)
#' # You can also ask easier outputs with:
#' explain(w) # human-readable ouptut NOT YET DONE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +156,7 @@ anopa <- function(
# STEP 0: preliminary preparations...
data <- # coerce to data.frame if tibble or compatible
data <- # coerce to data.frame if tibble or compatible

Expand All @@ -147,7 +168,7 @@ anopa <- function(

# 1.2: has the formula 1 or more DV?
if ( formula )) {
stop("ANOPA::error(12): Argument `formula` has no DV. Exiting...")
stop("ANOPA::error(12): Argument `formula` has no DV. Exiting...")

# 1.3: are the data actually data?
Expand All @@ -169,18 +190,28 @@ anopa <- function(
# STEP 2: Manage WS factors
# 2.0: Keep only the columns named
data <- data[, names(data) %in% vars]

data <- data[, names(data) %in% vars]

# 2.1: get cbind variables if Wide (WS or MX) formats
if (has.cbind.terms(formula)) {
if (!in.formula(formula, "{") && has.cbind.terms(formula)) {
# extract vars from cbind
bvars <- c()
for (i in 2:length(formula[[2]]))
bvars <- c(bvars, paste(formula[[2]][[i]]))
cleanedWSF <- cleanWSFactors(WSFactors, bvars)

# 2.2: get WSfactors in Long format before they are erased

# 2.2: get cbind variables if Compiled (WS or MX)
if (in.formula(formula, "{") && has.cbind.terms(formula)) {
# extract vars from cbind
bvars <- c()
for (i in 2:length(formula[[2]][[2]]))
bvars <- c(bvars, paste(formula[[2]][[2]][[i]]))
cleanedWSF <- cleanWSFactors(WSFactors, bvars)

# 2.3: get WSfactors in Long format before they are erased
if (has.nested.terms(formula)) {
tmp <- getAroundNested(formula)
wsvars <- unique(data[[paste(tmp[[2]])]])
Expand All @@ -197,11 +228,30 @@ anopa <- function(
BSFactors <- WSFactors <- c()
WSLevels <- BSLevels <- 1
WSDesign <- data.frame()
compData <- NULL
countCol <- "n"

# 3.2: Convert data to wide format based on the format as infered from the formula
if (in.formula(formula, "{")&& has.cbind.terms(formula)) {
if (in.formula(formula, "{") && has.cbind.terms(formula)) {
# Case 1: Compiled (WS or MX) template: {cbind(b1,..,bm);n;r} ~ Factors
stop("ANOPA::error(16): The compiled format must not contain repeated measures. Exiting...")
bracedvars <- c(paste(bvars), paste(formula[[2]][[3]]), paste(formula[[2]][[4]]))
BSFactors <- complement(vars, bracedvars)
BSLevels <- unlist(lapply(BSFactors, \(x) length(unique(data[,x])) ))
DVvars <- bvars # ??
WSFactors <- cleanedWSF[[1]]
WSLevels <- cleanedWSF[[2]]
countCol <- paste(formula[[2]][[3]])

compData <- data # data are in compiled format
wideData <- lapply(1:(dim(data)[1]), doONEline,
DF = data,
BSfacts = BSFactors,
WSfacts = bvars,
CountCol = paste(formula[[2]][[3]]),
AlphaCol = paste(formula[[2]][[4]])
wideData <-, wideData)

} else if (in.formula(formula, "{")) {
#case 1: Compiled (BS only) template: {s;n} ~ Factors
Expand All @@ -221,7 +271,6 @@ anopa <- function(
WSLevels <- cleanedWSF[[2]]
WSDesign <- cleanedWSF[[3]]
DVvars <- bvars

wideData <- data # nothing to do, already correct format

# computes correlation with unitaryAlpha
Expand All @@ -230,9 +279,7 @@ anopa <- function(
# adds a dummy BS factor
data[["dummyBSfactor"]] <- 1; factors <- "dummyBSfactor"
uAlpha <- plyr::ddply(data, factors,
function(x) {unitaryAlpha(as.matrix(x[bvars]))}
uAlpha <- plyr::ddply(data, factors, function(x) {unitaryAlpha(as.matrix(x[bvars]))} )$V1

} else if (has.nested.terms(formula)) {
#case 3: long (BS or WS or MX)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,23 +361,24 @@ anopa <- function(
for (i in DVvars)
wideData[[i]] <- as.numeric( wideData[[i]] )

# 4.2: compile the data
compData <- wtoc(wideData, DVvars, "n")
# 4.2: compile the data if was not given compiled
if (is.null(compData))
compData <- wtoc(wideData, DVvars, "n")

# 4.3: check for all sorts of missing (not there or there with zeros...)
compData <- checkmissingcellsBSFactors(compData, BSFactors, DVvars)
compData <- checkforZeros(compData, DVvars)

# 4.4: sort the data
if (length(BSFactors) > 0)
compData <- compData[, data.frame(compData[,BSFactors]) ), ]

# 4.4: perform the analysis based on the number of factors
analysis <- switch( length(allFactors),
anopa1way(compData, DVvars, "n", BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa2way(compData, DVvars, "n", BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa3way(compData, DVvars, "n", BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa4way(compData, DVvars, "n", BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels)
anopa1way(compData, DVvars, countCol, BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa2way(compData, DVvars, countCol, BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa3way(compData, DVvars, countCol, BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels),
anopa4way(compData, DVvars, countCol, BSFactors, WSFactors, WSLevels)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +406,75 @@ anopa <- function(

# Subfunctions
# Subfunctions to generate long from compiled

getCorrStructure <- function(mat, targetUA) {
# This function is used when the design has repeated measures
# and the data are provided as compiled. In that case,
# the exact dispositions of 1s and 0s cannot be determined and
# so random rearrangments are tested to get uAlpha as close as possible.
bestDiff = 999
ncol = dim(mat)[2]
for (seed in 1:2000) {
for (col in 2:ncol) {
mat[,col] = sample(mat[,col])
currentUA = unitaryAlpha(mat)
if (abs(currentUA - targetUA) < .0001) {
# close enough!
bestmat = mat
if (abs(currentUA - targetUA) < bestDiff) {
bestDiff = abs(currentUA - targetUA)
bestmat = mat
# check that correlation are not too far from target
if (abs(targetUA-unitaryAlpha(bestmat)) > 0.25) {
ANOPAwarning("ANOPA::warning(111): Cannot reconstitute the correlation structure. Consider using raw (wide or long) data...")

getBaseStructure <- function(line, cnt) {
# expand a line of the compiled data into a matrix
mat <- data.frame( toDelete123 = 1:cnt )
for (i in names(line)) {
mat[[i]] <- c(rep(1, round(line[i]) ), rep(0, round(cnt-line[i]) ))

# delete sentinel column
mat$toDelete123 <- NULL
addBSfcStructure <- function(mat, bs) {
# adds to the mat the between-subject group(s)
if (!is.null(bs)) {
for (i in names(bs) )
mat[[i]] <- rep( bs[[i]], dim(mat)[1])

doONEline <- function(lineno, DF, BSfacts, WSfacts, CountCol, AlphaCol) {
oneBScd <- DF[lineno, BSfacts, drop=FALSE]
oneline <- DF[lineno, WSfacts]
onecnt <- DF[lineno, CountCol]
oneual <- DF[lineno, AlphaCol]

mat1 <- getBaseStructure(oneline, onecnt)
mat2 <- getCorrStructure(mat1, oneual )
mat3 <- addBSfcStructure(mat2, oneBScd)

# Subfunctions for recognizing formats

getAfterNested <- function(frm) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,9 +602,12 @@ linesA1notInA2 <- function( a1, a2 ) {
# harmonic mean
hmean <- function(v) (length(v)/ sum(1/v))

# Analyses functions per se

anopa1way <- function( cData, ss, n, bsfacts, wsfacts, unneeded ) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,6 +664,7 @@ anopa1way <- function( cData, ss, n, bsfacts, wsfacts, unneeded ) {
anopa2way <- function( cData, ss, n, bsfacts, wsfacts, wslevls ) {
# Two-way ANOPA (within, between, or mixed design)
# the observations are compiled into success (s) and number (n) per group and uAlpha when relevant
#print("Begin anopa2way")

if (length(wsfacts) == 2) { # both within-subject factors
s <- cData[ss]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/ANOPA-random.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ GRP <- function(
WSDesign = NULL, # idem
sname = "s" # name of the column containing the results 0|1
) {

# 1- Validation of input
if (is.null(n))
stop("ANOPA::GRP (1002): The sample size n is not provided. Exiting...")
if (is.null(BSDesign)&&is.null(WSDesign))
stop("ANOPA::GRP (1003): Both within subject and between subject factors are null. Provide at least one factor. Exiting...")

# preparing the input to match GRD format
BSDasText <- mapply(\(x,y) {paste(x,"(",paste(y,collapse=","),")",sep="")},
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/minimalExamples.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
#' - 'minimalWSExample': an example with a within-subject design (three measurements)
#' - 'twoWayWithinExample': an example with two within-subject factors
#' - 'minimalMxExample': a mixed design having one within and one between-subject factors
#' - 'minimalMxExampleCompiled': a mixed design having one within and one
#' between-subject factors but available in a compiled format (more compact).
#' @docType data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,4 +51,7 @@

#' @rdname minimalExamples

#' @rdname minimalExamples
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ install.packages("ANOPA")

The development version 0.1.3 can be accessed through GitHub:
The development version 0.1.4 can be accessed through GitHub:

``` r
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