[RECOMMENDED] Setup a Github Personal Access Token as mentioned here.
- Build and run with
mvn -U clean package
docker-compose up -d -V --build
- Verify that the application is running,
curl http://localhost:9090/actuator/health
(the database is automatically included when running with docker)
Set up a postgresql database with credentials or run it in docker with
docker compose up -d dcsa-test-db
Then build and run the application with
mvn -U clean package
mvn -pl reefer-commercial-application -am spring-boot:run
Set up a postgresql database with credentials or run it in docker with
docker compose up -d dcsa-test-db
Then make sure you modify the run environment for the Application
class so it includes the following environment
Then just start the Application
The branching and devopment model is described here.
This reference implementation does not do any authentication/authorization and should not be used in production as is. Using this as is in production would expose data for all parties to all other parties without checking whether they should have access.