🚀 Features
Accessibility and Performance:
Improved accessibility and performance of the Feedback Overlay (b10701f ).
Enhanced End Overlay with better accessibility and performance optimizations (1728171 ).
Upgraded accessibility and performance of game components (7bf365c ).
Improved Playlist Item accessibility and performance (d556d02 ).
Enhanced GameHeadline component accessibility and performance (aa856e6 ).
Improved Error Message component with auto-hide functionality (2dd9bc9 ).
🛠 Fixes
Game Home:
Improved filter functionality and list layout (368b148 ).
🛡️ Refactors
Type Safety and Documentation:
Enhanced type safety and documentation across utilities, games, and error handling:
shuffleArray function (3111dfc ).
ErrorHandler structure and accessibility (e0406db ).
Type safety in game answer handling (8cf9c09 ) and game utilities (3daa510 ).
getRandomQuestion function optimization (a217ed6 ).
Golden LP data handling (78449c9 , 1e77ce6 ).
Joker utilities (571243f ).
AudioController implementation and documentation (3bc8050 ).
LoadingSpinner component architecture and accessibility (aff5b35 ).
IntroText styling and cleanup (3e6d554 ).
GameHome usability and type safety (ae7fb31 ).
Header section performance and accessibility (06b13e2 ).
Improved User Interaction:
Enhanced user points saving and round data type safety (b1b33de ).
Queue Management:
Improved type safety and error handling in QueueManager (bed47ff ).
Optimized database functions for handling Golden LPs (1e77ce6 ).
Overlay Components:
Improved accessibility and performance of Golden LP Overlay (ec55c08 ).
📦 Chore
Updated project dependencies for better stability and security (3c86c49 ).
Improved TypeScript documentation for:
You can’t perform that action at this time.