In the project directory, you can run:
Deploys a new SHLD NFT collection contract to the Goerli network.
Enables the ability to mint the NFT in the collection. Called 1 time after the collection is deployed.
Mints NFT from the calling account.
Changes the price of the NFT minting to the new one specified in the newPrice variable of the "change_price" task from the hardhat.config.ts file.
Changes the baseURI of the collection to the new one specified in the newUri variable of the "change_uri" task from the hardhat.config.ts file.
Note: Don't forget to fill in your .env variables first by following the example from example.env
And also change shldProxyAddr value to the new contract address if you have re-deployed the contract.
Original contract address: 0x90Ed812d4DFd4845ba64F8D8B2511360AcE0DEA0
IPFS CID for metadata: QmecqaxvGPjqhk7H4sxj4zBDjJNHVNGdPgWSpz4g99bM1h
IPFS CID for the image: QmUxNasW2wqjTncEEpkg8XJWNYSAMvYGQgL8vTeHsEkoBK
The ABI is stored in ./artifacts/contracts/SHLD.json