It is a simple web application that extracts rainfall data of a particular location across Singapore, such as Gardens by the Bay (with address Marina Gardens Drive). The real-time weather readings can be found at
The application is developed as a webservice to serve the selected rainfall data over HTTP using Flask, a micro web framework written in Python.
It uses a config file(config.yaml) as an input with the below 2 entries
location: Marina Gardens Drive
Location, Time, Rainfall Amount, Raining/Not Raining
When the app is running, calling http://localhost:8080 will return the current data for the given location, as a single line:
Marina Gardens Drive, 08:45, 0.2mm, Raining
Clone the repo
git clone
Install the python dependencies
cd rainfall-service/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application
python service/
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080
Clone the repo
git clone
Create the docker image
cd rainfall-service/
docker build -t rainfallsvc .
Check the docker images
docker images
Run the app in the container
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/conf/config.yaml:/app/conf/config.yaml --name rainfall rainfallsvc
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080
rainfall docker image is pushed to dockerhub and is publicly available with the tag docklinux/rainfall. POD definition file pulls the docker image from dockerhub.
To pull the docker image
docker pull docklinux/rainfall
Create the namespace
kubectl create ns rainfall
Create the configmap
using config.yaml directly
git clone
cd rainfall-service/
kubectl create configmap rainfall-config --from-file conf/config.yaml -n rainfall
Or using manifest
git clone
cd rainfall-service/
kubectl apply -f manifests/rainfall-cm.yaml
Create the Pod
kubectl apply -f manifests/rainfall-pod.yaml
Port Forwarding
kubectl port-forward rainfall -n rainfall 8080:8080
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080