You can use it to ask questions about specific topic from someone who knows about it from experience. For example:
- ask advice on opening (medical, crypto, ect.) startup
- take mock interview for (software engineer, university interview, ect.) position
- how to start making content on (Medium, YouTube, ect.) about (education, ect.)
- ect.
Or start sharing your knowledge with others - take calls and give useful advice on a topic that you are expert in
- give advice on how to open (medical, ect.) startup in (Australia, Brasil, ect.)
- how to open offshore account for business in (Switzerland, Singapore, ect.)
- or whatever skill or knowledge that you have and think it will be usefull for someone
- Typescript
- React
- Next
- Appolo (GraphQL)
- Jest
- Typescript
- PostgreSQL
- Express
- Appolo Server (GraphQL)
- type-graphql
- typeorm
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd ./server
$ yarn install
$ cd ../web
$ yarn install
To run it start server and frontend:
$ cd ./server
$ yarn start
$ cd ../web
$ yarn dev
- Login/Register
- Creating/editing profile
- Creating/editing schedule
- Video call room
- Scheduling calls
- Explore page
- Chat