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ChatGPT Clone with NextJS and Supabase

This project is a personal code challenge attempting to clone ChatGPT. The project is built using NextJS, and Supabase, an open-source Firebase alternative.


🚧 This is a work in progress and is not yet complete 🚧


  • Optimistic rendering (don't have to wait for DB to update before updating UI).
  • Database tables have no RLS (Row Level Security) set up yet.
  • Shareable converations.
  • Edit messages and create message threads.
  • Refactor pages/components to be SSR where possible.
  • Use Framer Motion for pretty animations.
  • General code clean up.

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • app/: Contains the main application logic and page-specific components.
  • components/: Contains reusable components.
  • providers/: Contains context providers.
  • hooks/: Contains custom React hooks.
  • store/: Contains the application state management logic.


The application is hosted on Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions.

Running the Project Locally

P.s Currently, I have not share the migration files for the database schema. So this cannot be run locally.

Nonetheless, to run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the dependencies with bun i
  3. Start the development server with bun dev

Please note that you will need to set up your own Supabase project and provide the necessary environment variables for the project to function correctly.



This project is a personal code challenge and is not currently accepting contributions. However, you're welcome to fork the project and make your own modifications.

Please note that this is a personal project and is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.