Angular-PCF is a project to demonstrate Angular features and utilize Gitlab's pipeline along with Cloud Founday to Build , Test and Deploy an Angular project.
An Angular 6 project on Gitlab needs CI configured using Gitlab Runner on Cloud Foundry.
Gitlab is an efficient repository manager that provides CI/CD pipeline features, hence I choose to push my source code to Gitlab and deploy the Runner on PCF.
Gitlab Runner is a tool on which we run our pipelines.
Architecture : Angular 6 + Gitlab Runner + Cloud Foundry ( for CI ).
Pre-requisite :
- Git and Docker installed on your local system
- Gitlab account
- Docker Hub account
- PCF account
The Angular Feature that has been demonstrated and tested here is Dependency Injection.
To Build and Run the project follow the simple steps mentioned below
git clone
Once the project is on your local system , do the following to run the application
npm install
npm start
Run the following command to run tests
ng test
Remember to run prod build before you push to Cloud Foundry so that all the required file are generated in your /dist folder
npm run build -prod
Gitlab's pipeline has been uitlized to run Build , Test and Deploy Jobs in 3 stages.
The pipeline utilizes Individual Runner that is hosted on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
As you can see in the below image , I have two APPS running under one space (angular-pcf-demo) .
angular-pcf-demo is where the whole application is deployed.
gitlabrunner-pcf is where the Gitlab runner is deployed and this is where the Pipeline runs.
If the above statement is confusing I have created this documentation to help you understand and work on it step by step
Configure CI for a Node/Java project in Cloud Foundry using Gitlab Runner
If you dont want to setup the pipeline right now and would like to go live with the application quicly by hosting it on PCF , follow the simple CF commands below:
- Login to CF.
cf login
- Proviode your credentials as prompted.
- Provide your Endpoint name.
- Enter your SPACE as prompted my the CLI
- Enter the cf push command
cf push app-name
Remember, you must have the manifest.yml file whose content should be like below:
- name: angular-pcf-demo
memory: 512M
instances: 1
Things to note:
I am facing a techinical issue with the my CF's Disk Quota. Since this is a node application , when I build the app , node_modules file is created which is quite large in size. This tends to consume a lot of Disk Space and causes the rest of the pipeline steps to fail. The error is as below:
Fetching changes... error: could not lock config file .git/config: Disk quota exceeded ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
I am working on fixing this. Will keep this file update and will mention how I resolved this issue. Stay tuned !!