This is a proof of concept for a medical appointment scheduling app that will help doctors schedule appointments for various kinds of services offered by them . The app also integrates with a third party service for getting in touch with patients in a HIPPA compliant manner.
- Angular 7
- Ionic
- Firebase Database.
- Authentication
- Express JS + Node.js for backend
- Google Calendar API to manage appointments
This is an Angular 7 application with Ionic Framework. Google Authentication is done using Firebase. I have used Firebase database to store doctor and patients and production company details. I have a api logic in setMDserver.js using node.js's express framework. Google Calendar API helps retrieve doctor's calendar and create new appointment as well.
Create your API key and Web Client by following the steps mentioned in
Replace the existing Key and Web Client in index.js file with your Credentials
Clone the application.
git clone
- Run to run the Rest API
node setMDserver.js
- Run to load the app
ionic serve`