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Simple type-check library for minimalistic sass-tests


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The simple sass/scss type-guard library

Sasspect is a small library for sass/scss for type-guarding. With proper type-guarding it allows your code to be more robust.


@function hello-world($name) {
  // Basic types
  $name: expect-string($name);
  content: "Hello #{$string}!";

@function calculation($first, $second) {
  $first: expect-number($first); // Expects any number (with/without unit)
  $second: expect-unit($second); // Expect a number with a unit (no restrictions)
  @return $first * $second;

For a full documentation on all function and on how to use them, check out the Wiki


You can install sasspect via packagemanagers or by cloning/downloading the sasspect.scss-File. After that you just have it into your project and use it. Be SURE that you import sasspect before you try to use any functions!


npm install sasspect


bower install sasspect


git clone [email protected]:entailment/sasspect.git

LibSass include-path

LibSass allows you to specify the paths to where to search for files if it can't find it directly. Here you can tell it to look for Sasspect in which ever location you have it installed. For more information, check the node-sass documentation about it

Assuming that you have this project installed via npm, this is how the configuration would look like for node-sass:

// Node-Sass configuration
  includePaths: [

// Your sass/scss file
@import 'sasspect';