To implement the perceptron training algorithm using HMM-based features and the train and test data. How does the accuracy on test data accuracy compare to HW 1?
To run the script "" change the values of "train_file", "test_file" and "tag_file" variables in the script. We also have to specify the no. of iterations.
The structured perceptron algorithm is used to find the weights for all the features using the train file. Then, these weights are used to find the best tag sequence for a given sentence in the test file using the Viterbi algorithm.
Correct tags: 51073 (8 iterations) Total tags: 56684 Accuracy: 90.1%
The structured perceptron seems to give a lower accuracy (90.1%) than the HMM (91.75%). One reason that I can think of is the no. of iterations (8), if the no. of iterations are increased then the structured perceptron may give a better accuracy.
This was done as a homework problem in the Statistical Speech and Language Processing class (CSC 448, Fall 2017) by Prof. Daniel Gildea at the University of Rochester, New York.
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