5852 commits
to master
since this release
- Auto-layers: IntGrid layers can now render themselves automatically by drawing tiles based on their content. You can create "patterns of IntGrid values" (called Rules) to decide when a specific tile, or group of random tiles, should appear. It can for example be used to:
- add random grass or rocks on top of platforms,
- add random ceiling props under platforms,
- render ground/water/lava area,
- etc.
- Auto-layer rules can be organized in groups.
- Samples: click on the Samples button on home page to load some example projects.
- Smarter warning when deleting something in a panel. ie. If the value you're removing isn't actually used in your project, you will get a "softer" warning.
- Large levels optimizations: started an important rework of the way levels are rendered on-screen to make room for future optimizations on large levels. For now, it's still recommended to work on levels with smaller dimensions.
- Added a project option to minify the JSON file.
- Smarter extern Enum sync: the removal of unused enums will be shown as low-risks operations.
- Added perlin noise support to Auto-layers rules (a rule can apply to only a random area).
- Changed version number to 0.1.x because no one could stop me from doing it
- Better element sorting (levels, layers etc.) experience using SortableJS lib
- Closing a panel with a color picker will now validate color before closing the panel.
- Better viewport centering when opening a level.
- Fixed 0-9 keyboard shortcuts while focusing a field
- Fixed save/load notifications
- Many UI/UX fixes
- Bug fixes