arduino code for physical computing project. This code will control the LED's that will be sewn into a dress to simulate a cloud in a thunderstorm.
/* ##############################################################################
cloudDress.ino v1
Three seperate groups of pins are used to run multimple LEDs.
They are broken into Top, Middle, and Bottom.
They flash in order of Bottom, Top, then Middle in an attempt
to mimic clouds.
LED Anodes are connected to 5v rail while
LED Cathodes are connected to the I/O pins.
| Arduino |
| |
| 5.0v |-----------------------o----------------------------o----------------------------------------o
| | | | |
| GND |- top LEDS | | |
| | | | |
| pin 12 |-----------o-----|<----o | |
| | | | |
| pin 11 |-----------o-----|<----o | |
| | | | |
| pin 10 |-----------o-----|<----o | |
| | middle LEDs | |
| pin 09 |----------------------------------------o-----|<----o |
| | | |
| pin 08 |----------------------------------------o-----|<----o |
| | | |
| pin 07 |----------------------------------------o-----|<----o |
| | | |
| pin 06 |----------------------------------------o-----|<----o |
| | bottom LED |
| pin 05 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o-----|<----o
| | |
| pin 04 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o-----|<----o
| | |
| pin 03 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o-----|<----o
| | |
| pin 02 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o-----|<----o
| |
Future itterations:
Attach flashing to outside event. Maybe cellphone alert.
Use multiple I/O pins flashing at seperate random intervals.
Create Date: 10/05/2014
################################################################################# */