This release incorporates some of the most popular requests:
- The ability to add domains without the requirement of having existing recipients before the system will relay e-mail.
- The availability of SPF, DKIM and DMARC in the Community edition of Hermes SEG.
- Automatic update notifications for the Pro Edition of Hermes SEG.
- Our new Web GUI 2.0 is now the default upon login and we have added some nifty graphical resource monitors for CPU, Memory and Disk Utilization.
- All Web GUI 2.0 menu links have been fixed and you should be able to navigate between the new Web GUI and the Old Web GUI seamlessly. Our Web GUI 2.0 is still a work in progress so some links will still point you to the Old Web GUI.
Our Getting Started Guide has been simplified and updated to reflect the new changes.
- Upgraded Admin Console --> System --> Domains to version 2.0. Added the option to add domains without requiring Internal or Virtual Recipients in order to relay e-mail. By selecting "ANY" in the Recipient Delivery, Hermes SEG will relay e-mail to the destination server without checking the existence of the e-mail address in Internal or Virtual Recipients table. This method relies on the destination server to reject the e-mail for non-existent e-mail address. Additionally, added the option to silently discard e-mail for a domain by selecing "NONE" in the Delivery Method and added the option to specify Authentication to the destination server.
- Added client SMTPS support in Postfix in addition to existing server SMTPS support. If you enable opportunistic or mandatory encryption in System --> SMTP TLS Settings it will also be set on the SMTP client.
- Upgraded Admin Console --> System --> Mail Queue to version 2.0. Added options to search messages, flush the mail queue and unhold message(s). Added functionality to display messages that are ON-HOLD or ACTIVE queues.
- Upgraded OpenDMARC from version 1.3.2 to 1.4.2.
- Moved Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DMARC Settings from the Pro Edition to the Community Edition.
- Upgraded Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DMARC Settings to version 2.0. Added option to Hold Quarantine Policy messages in order to alleviate issue with messages stuck in Mail Queue with ON-HOLD status after failing DMARC validation and having a DMARC policy of qurantine. The default Hold Qurantine Policy Messages setting is set to NO. Additionally, added option to add DMARC whitelisted domains in an effort to bypass domains that fail DMARC validation in a locally generated Authentication-Results header.
- Moved Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Settings from the Pro Edition to the Community Edition.
- Upgraded Admin Console --> System --> System Settings to version 2.0. Removed requirement to add Database credentials. Added options to specify system TimeZone and Daily Update Checks with e-mail notification (Pro Edition Only).
- Upgraded Admin Console --> System --> System Status to version 2.0. Added Graphical System Resources section to monitor CPU, Root and Data Filesystem utilization.
- Moved Admin Console --> Content Checks --> SPF Configuration from the Pro Edition to the Community Edition.
- Moved Admin Console --> Content Checks --> SPF Bypass from the Pro Edition to the Community Edition.
- Refreshed the Postfix RBL List
- Admin Console --> System --> Relay Domains RENAMED TO Admin Console --> System --> Domains
- Admin Console --> System --> Mail Queue Management RENAMED TO Admin Console --> System --> Mail Queue
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DMARC Configuration RENAMED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DMARC Settings
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Configuration RENAMED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Settings
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Sender Bypass MOVED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Settings
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Trusted Hosts MOVED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Settings
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> DKIM Sign MOVED TO Admin Console --> Gateway --> Domains --> Edit DKIM
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> SPF Configuration RENAMED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> Domains --> SPF Settings
- Admin Console --> Content Checks --> SPF Bypass MOVED TO Admin Console --> Content Checks --> Domains --> SPF Settings
- Admin Console --> System --> System Settings
- Admin Console --> System --> System Status
- Admin Console --> System --> System Logs
- Ensured /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs/db-us/ directory exists and owned by clamav user in order for the UrlHaus feed to work correctly.
- Fixed links in version 2.0 Web GUI to point to Old Web GUI when page was not upgraded to version 2.0 instead of having a broken link, made 2.0 Web GUI the default upon login and removed any references and link to Old Web GUI.
- Added additional checking for the url.mid field on the preloader_view_message.cfm to avoid app crashes if field is missing.