A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Assembly
- C
- C#
- C++
- CartoCSS
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- D
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- Elm
- Emacs Lisp
- G-code
- GDScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Janet
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Less
- LiveScript
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Nix
- Nunjucks
- OCaml
- Open Policy Agent
- Others
- Perl
- PowerShell
- Pug
- Puppet
- PureScript
- Python
- Rich Text Format
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- Svelte
- Swift
- TeX
- TypeScript
- V
- Vala
- Vim Script
- Vue
- WebAssembly
- Zig
- jq
- DoctorWkt/pdp7-unix - A project to resurrect Unix on the PDP-7 from a scan of the original assembly code
- kubernetes-sigs/security-profiles-operator - The Kubernetes Security Profiles Operator
- google/pebble - This is the latest version of the internal repository from Pebble Technology providing the software to run on Pebble watches. Proprietary source code has been removed from this repository and it will
- lucydsl/liblucy - Core Lucy compiler
- splitbrain/clipscreen - Mirror a portion of your screen to a virtual monitor for easier screen sharing.
- ravachol/kew - A terminal music player.
- andmarti1424/sc-im - sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- Modos-Labs/Glider - Open-source E-ink monitor. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/zephray/glider
- jarusll/keydogger - Keydogger is a tiny text expander written in C
- cilium/tetragon - eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement
- koct9i/ioping - simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool
- ashvardanian/StringZilla - Up to 10x faster strings for C, C++, Python, Rust, Swift & Go, leveraging NEON, AVX2, AVX-512, SVE, & SWAR to accelerate search, hashing, sort, edit distances, and memory ops ๐ฆ
- rvaiya/keyd - A key remapping daemon for linux.
- rvaiya/warpd - A modal keyboard-driven virtual pointer
- JHUISI/charm - Charm: A Framework for Rapidly Prototyping Cryptosystems
- metacall/core - MetaCall: The ultimate polyglot programming experience.
- jonas/tig - Text-mode interface for git
- reddit/snudown - reddit's markdown renderer. based on sundown.
- ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm - FFmpeg for browser, powered by WebAssembly
- dimitri/pgcopydb - Copy a Postgres database to a target Postgres server (pg_dump | pg_restore on steroids)
- DorianRudolph/pinenotes - Notes about PineNote development
- ahrm/sioyek - Sioyek is a PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers
- EricssonResearch/openwebrtc - A cross-platform WebRTC client framework based on GStreamer
- phillbush/pmenu - A pie-menu in xlib and imlib2.
- mackron/miniaudio - Audio playback and capture library written in C, in a single source file.
- google/hiba - HIBA is a system built on top of regular OpenSSH certificate-based authentication that allows to manage flexible authorization of principals on pools of target hosts without the need to push customize
- Streampunk/beamlambda - Node.js native bindings to FFmpeg as an AWS Lambda layer.
- larsimmisch/pyalsaaudio - ALSA wrappers for Python
- ventoy/Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution.
- ligurio/unreliablefs - A FUSE-based fault injection filesystem.
- overmighty/i-use-arch-btw - "I use Arch btw" but it's a Turing-complete programming language.
- BarkyTheDog/catclock - Kit-Cat xclock
- aluntzer/gtknodes - A GTK-based library to create functional flow graphs with the ability to pass arbitrary data between connected elements.
- tizonia/tizonia-openmax-il - Command-line cloud music player for Linux with support for Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Plex servers and Chromecast devices.
- glblapco/xmcp - Universal Color Picker.
- woltapp/blurhash - A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
- MobilityDB/MobilityDB - MobilityDB is a geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform, built on PostgreSQL and PostGIS.
- ImVexed/muon - GPU based Electron on a diet
- zv/9Problems - A Tiling Window Manager for Plan9
- openvenues/libpostal - A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
- mbionchi/telnet-site -
- kohler/gifsicle - Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
- leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial - FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more. Translations: ๐บ๐ธ ๐จ๐ณ ๐ฐ๐ท ๐ช๐ธ ๐ป๐ณ ๐ง๐ท
- swaywm/sway - i3-compatible Wayland compositor
- i3/i3 - A tiling window manager for X11
- vivien/i3blocks - The hacker-friendly status_command for Sway and i3
- jarun/nnn - nยณ The unorthodox terminal file manager
- davatorium/rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- dchest/passwordcheck - Go package passwordcheck is a password and passphrase strength checker based on passwdqc.
- lavabit/magma - The magma server daemon, is an encrypted email system with support for SMTP, POP, IMAP, HTTP and MOLTEN,. Additional support for DMTP and DMAP is currently in active development.
- leahneukirchen/nq - Unix command line queue utility
- aws/s2n-tls - An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
- github/brubeck - A Statsd-compatible metrics aggregator
- micha/st - suckless.org simple terminal
- vstakhov/libucl - Universal configuration library parser
- jordansissel/xdotool - fake keyboard/mouse input, window management, and more
- torvalds/linux - Linux kernel source tree
- hyperic/sigar - System Information Gatherer And Reporter
- jurikm/illumos-fusefs - Illumos fusefs
- radareorg/radare2 - UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
- allinurl/goaccess - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
- jqlang/jq - Command-line JSON processor
- haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features.
- tj/histo - beautiful charts in the terminal for static or streaming data
- dividuum/info-beamer - The Multimedia Presenter for Lua (for commercial projects, use info-beamer pi instead)
- cjdelisle/cjdns - An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing.
- uzbl/uzbl - A web browser that adheres to the unix philosophy.
- peass-ng/PEASS-ng - PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
- tooll3/t3 - Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics.
- wolfgarbe/PruningRadixTrie - PruningRadixTrie - 1000x faster Radix trie for prefix search & auto-complete
- actions/runner - The Runner for GitHub Actions ๐
- Relfos/Dither_Machine - Pixel dithering tool made with Unity
- man-group/ArcticDB - ArcticDB is a high performance, serverless DataFrame database built for the Python Data Science ecosystem.
- hyprwm/Hyprland - Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
- fgaz/ladybird - Truly independent web browser
- WerWolv/ImHex - ๐ A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- opencv/opencv - Open Source Computer Vision Library
- AGWA/git-crypt - Transparent file encryption in git
- unum-cloud/usearch - Fast Open-Source Search & Clustering engine ร for Vectors & ๐ Strings ร in C++, C, Python, JavaScript, Rust, Java, Objective-C, Swift, C#, GoLang, and Wolfram ๐
- ggml-org/llama.cpp - LLM inference in C/C++
- wwmm/easyeffects - Limiter, compressor, convolver, equalizer and auto volume and many other plugins for PipeWire applications
- k4yt3x/video2x - A machine learning-based video super resolution and frame interpolation framework. Est. Hack the Valley II, 2018.
- duckdb/duckdb - DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system
- aardappel/treesheets - TreeSheets : Free Form Data Organizer (see strlen.com/treesheets)
- capnproto/capnproto - Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system - core tools and C++ library
- hoffstadt/DearPyGui - Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
- JetBrains/skiko - Kotlin Multiplatform bindings to Skia
- ggerganov/whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
- StanfordSNR/gg - The Stanford Builder
- dragonflydb/dragonfly - A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
- protocolbuffers/protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
- neutralinojs/neutralinojs - Portable and lightweight cross-platform desktop application development framework
- versatica/mediasoup - Cutting Edge WebRTC Video Conferencing
- Maguines/Bitcoin-v0.1 - Original Release of The Bitcoin Source Code (Version 0.1) by Satoshi Nakamoto
- weserv/images - Source code of wsrv.nl (formerly images.weserv.nl), to be used on your own server(s).
- axiomatic-systems/Bento4 - Full-featured MP4 format, MPEG DASH, HLS, CMAF SDK and tools
- typesense/typesense - Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch โก ๐ โจ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
- Streampunk/beamcoder - Node.js native bindings to FFmpeg.
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
- ggerganov/imtui - ImTui: Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface C++ Library
- taichi-dev/taichi - Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python.
- coqui-ai/STT - ๐ธSTT - The deep learning toolkit for Speech-to-Text. Training and deploying STT models has never been so easy.
- ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI - ๐ป C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. โค๏ธ
- machinelevel/sp425-crazy-cow - Add crude keyboard-lettering function to eink tablet
- IBM/fhe-toolkit-linux - IBM Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit For Linux. This toolkit is a Linux based Docker container that demonstrates computing on encrypted data without decrypting it! The toolkit ships with two demos
- google-ai-edge/mediapipe - Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
- martinberlin/Remora - Remora udpx listens to UDP short commands to trigger LED Animations. Receives ; commands from ORCฮ
- simdjson/simdjson - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second : used by Facebook/Meta Velox, the Node.js runtime, ClickHouse, WatermelonDB, Apache Doris, Milvus, StarRocks
- neuro-sys/tumblr-likes-downloader - Download Tumblr posts that you liked
- NixOS/nix - Nix, the purely functional package manager
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouseยฎ is a real-time analytics database management system
- OpenGenus/cosmos - World's largest Contributor driven code dataset | Used in Quark Search Engine, @OpenGenus IQ, OpenGenus Visual Project
- nginnever/zogminer - an OpenCL Zcash GPU miner
- Ankoku/df-webfort - Web Fortress
- facebook/react-native - A framework for building native applications using React
- electron/electron -
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- google/libaddressinput - Googleโs postal address library, powering Android and Chromium
- Yelp/MOE - A global, black box optimization engine for real world metric optimization.
- mapeditor/tiled - Flexible level editor
- luanti-org/luanti - Luanti (formerly Minetest) is an open source voxel game-creation platform with easy modding and game creation
- apiaryio/protagonist - Protagonist is Node.js wrapper for the API Blueprint parser
- Evrytania/LTE-Cell-Scanner - LTE SDR cell scanner optimized to work with very low performance RF front ends (8bit A/D, 20dB noise figure)
- rvagg/archived-node-libssh - A Low-level Node.js binding for libssh
- dogecoin/dogecoin - very currency
- XRPLF/rippled - Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the XRP Ledger protocol in C++
- Mowje/node-cryptopp - Node.js static bindings to the Crypto++ library (NOT CURRENTLY MAINTAINED! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
- reverbrain/grape - realtime pipeline processing engine
- indutny/vock - VoIP on node.js
- farbrausch/fr_public - Farbrausch demo tools 2001-2011
- stealth/sshttp - SSH/HTTP(S) multiplexer. Run a webserver and a sshd on the same port w/o changes.
- SamuraiWTF/katana - SamuraiWTF package management tool and interface.
- lucaorio/obsidian-image-gallery - A zero setup masonry image gallery for Obsidian
- csstools/sanitize.css - A best-practices CSS foundation
- cat-a-flame/CSSHell - Collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them
- jagregory/abrash-black-book - Markdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book
- NsCDE/NsCDE - Modern and functional CDE desktop based on FVWM
- jaicab/progressiveenhancement - A site for all things progressively enhanced
- connors/photon - The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
- t32k/stylestats - StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.
- north/north - Design and development standards to align and guide your project.
- chriskempson/tomorrow-theme - Tomorrow Theme
- mozilla/Fira - Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS
- philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox - A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.
- floriangrundig/grails-angular-phonecat -
- radiosilence/wire - [DEFUNCT - do not use, insecure!] Communication for the 21st century activist.
- gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto - A general-purpose OpenStreetMap mapnik style, in CartoCSS
- penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
- day8/re-frame - A ClojureScript framework for building user interfaces, leveraging React
- jacekschae/learn-re-frame-course-files - ๐ฆ Learn re-frame course files for building Cheffy app
- replikativ/datahike - A fast, immutable, distributed & compositional Datalog engine for everyone.
- aphyr/postal - Clojure email support
- LightTable/LightTable - The Light Table IDE โบ
- project-fifo/vmwebadm - A frontend for the SmartDC API from joyent that runs on vanilla SmartOS
- dropbox/zxcvbn - Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
- UnquietCode/Cloud-Temple - A collection of rituals and incantations which assist in the creation of modular (reusable, extensible) CloudFormation templates in JavaScript.
- swarmsim/swarm - Swarm Simulator, an idle game with lots of bugs.
- segment-boneyard/nsqjs - JavaScript fork of the coffeescript nsqjs
- gss/engine - GSS engine
- atlas-engineer/nyxt - Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
- jrm-code-project/LISP-Machine - Archive of LISP Machine, Inc.
- eBay/tsv-utils - eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.
- maxkrieger/voiceliner - Braindump better.
- felangel/bloc - A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern
- MorrowShore/Prism - Prism is a self-hosted multistreaming solution.
- compose-spec/compose-spec - The Compose specification
- hashbang/book - A FOSS hackers guide to the CLI, privacy, security, self hosting, and the internet.
- Anduin2017/HowToCook - ็จๅบๅๅจๅฎถๅ้ฅญๆนๆณๆๅใProgrammer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
- ScottBrenner/aws-cdk-action - GitHub Action for interacting with AWS CDK
- commercialhaskell/stackage - Stable Haskell package sets: vetted consistent packages from Hackage
- zoonk/uneebee - Platform for creating interactive courses.
- membraneframework/membrane_core - The core of Membrane Framework, multimedia processing framework written in Elixir
- Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
- asciinema/asciinema-server - Platform for hosting and sharing terminal session recordings
- azimuttapp/azimutt - Explore, document and optimize any database
- erkal/kite - An interactive visualization tool for graph theory
- passiomatic/elm-quake3-renderer - Render Quake 3 Arena maps with Elm and WebGL
- mdgriffith/elm-markup - Elm-friendly markup
- eeue56/servelm - Server-side Elm
- jvoigtlaender/Elm-Tutorium - Elm tutorial held at http://nfa.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/HAL2015/ and in university course http://www.janis-voigtlaender.eu/teaching/ffp15/
- jvoigtlaender/Elm-Kurs - Elm course held for high school students.
- evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial - How to create modular Elm code that scales nicely with your app
- syl20bnr/spacemacs - A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
- shiltemann/CTF-writeups-public - Writeups for infosec Capture the Flag events by team Galaxians
- git-learning-game/oh-my-git - An interactive Git learning game!
- DonTizi/rlama - A powerful document AI question-answering tool that connects to your local Ollama models. Create, manage, and interact with RAG systems for all your document needs.
- subtrace/subtrace - Wireshark for Docker containers
- Tanq16/backhub - Backhub helps maintain backups of multiple GitHub repos as full local mirrors.
- iann0036/iamlive - Generate an IAM policy from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud (GCP) calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy
- bullfrogsec/bullfrog - Simple plug-and-play Github Action to block unauthorized outbound traffic (egress) in your Github workflows
- bruin-data/bruin - Build data pipelines with SQL and Python, ingest data from different sources, add quality checks, and build end-to-end flows.
- xataio/pgroll - PostgreSQL zero-downtime migrations made easy
- kubernetes-sigs/kind - Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
- p-e-w/shin - A shell in every text input on your system
- caarlos0/fork-cleaner - Quickly clean up unused forks on your github account.
- ymtdzzz/otel-tui - A terminal OpenTelemetry viewer inspired by otel-desktop-viewer
- x186k/deadsfu - Dead-simple WebRTC broadcasting. From the browser, or your application. Cloud-native and scalable.
- mr-smith-org/mr - Framework for creating scaffolds for any existing programming language with a customizable TUI.
- bytebase/bytebase - World's most advanced database DevSecOps solution for Developer, Security, DBA and Platform Engineering teams. The GitHub/GitLab for database DevSecOps.
- mvt-project/androidqf - androidqf (Android Quick Forensics) helps quickly gathering forensic evidence from Android devices, in order to identify potential traces of compromise.
- lxc/incus - Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
- google/gnostic - A compiler for APIs described by the OpenAPI Specification with plugins for code generation and other API support tasks.
- DataDog/grimoire - Generate datasets of cloud audit logs for common attacks
- inngest/inngest - The leading workflow orchestration platform. Run stateful step functions and AI workflows on serverless, servers, or the edge.
- redpanda-data/benthos -
- common-fate/granted - The easiest way to access your cloud.
- hoophq/hoop - Hoop.dev is an open-source access gateway that provides secure, seamless, and audited access to databases and infrastructure without exposing credentials or sensitive data.
- quackduck/devzat - The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!
- strongdm/comply - Compliance automation framework, focused on SOC2
- darkhz/bluetuith - A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
- thomiceli/opengist - Self-hosted pastebin powered by Git, open-source alternative to Github Gist.
- daytonaio/daytona - Daytona is a Secure and Elastic Infrastructure for Running Your AI-Generated Code.
- projectdiscovery/cvemap - Navigate the CVE jungle with ease.
- turbot/flowpipe - Flowpipe is a cloud scripting engine. Automation and workflow to connect your clouds to the people, systems and data that matters.
- tomnomnom/gron - Make JSON greppable!
- wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- mathaou/termdbms - A TUI for viewing and editing database files.
- maypok86/otter - A high performance cache for Go
- boring-registry/boring-registry - A Simple Terraform Provider and Module Registry
- chaosblade-io/chaosblade - An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.๏ผ้ฟ้ๅทดๅทดๅผๆบ็ไธๆฌพ็ฎๅๆ็จใๅ่ฝๅผบๅคง็ๆททๆฒๅฎ้ชๆณจๅ ฅๅทฅๅ ท๏ผ
- liquidmetal-dev/flintlock - Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking MicroVMs. Create and manage the lifecycle of MicroVMs backed by containerd.
- securisec/cliam - Cloud agnostic IAM permissions enumerator
- davesheldon/nap - Nap is a command-line tool that utilizes YAML files to test APIs.
- turbot/steampipe - Zero-ETL, infinite possibilities. Live query APIs, code & more with SQL. No DB required.
- qonto/prometheus-rds-exporter - Prometheus exporter for AWS RDS
- antonmedv/walk - Terminal file manager
- Velocidex/velociraptor - Digging Deeper....
- segmentio/chamber - CLI for managing secrets
- woodpecker-ci/woodpecker - Woodpecker is a simple, yet powerful CI/CD engine with great extensibility.
- jetify-com/devbox - Instant, easy, and predictable development environments
- VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics - VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database
- getlago/lago - Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing API โญ๏ธ Consumption tracking, Subscription management, Pricing iterations, Payment orchestration & Revenue analytics
- donuts-are-good/shhhbb - bbs based on SSH
- frain-dev/convoy - The Cloud Native Webhooks Gateway
- ProtonMail/gluon - An IMAP server library written in Go
- dapr/dapr - Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
- alajmo/mani - ๐ค CLI tool to help you manage repositories
- TykTechnologies/tyk - Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols
- makew0rld/didder - An extensive, fast, and accurate command-line image dithering tool.
- segmentio/ksuid - K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
- git-bug/git-bug - Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges
- redpanda-data/connect - Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane
- superseriousbusiness/activity - READ ONLY - Migrated to Codeberg
- superseriousbusiness/gotosocial - Fast, fun, small ActivityPub server.
- mrusme/journalist - Journalist. An RSS aggregator.
- rgburke/grv - GRV is a terminal interface for viewing git repositories
- variadico/noti - Monitor a process and trigger a notification.
- knqyf263/pet - Simple command-line snippet manager
- ory/kratos - Headless cloud-native authentication and identity management written in Go. Scales to a billion+ users. Replace Homegrown, Auth0, Okta, Firebase with better UX and DX. Passkeys, Social Sign In, OIDC,
- bensadeh/circumflex - ๐ฟ It's Hacker News in your terminal
- ema/pets - A configuration management system for Pets, not Cattle
- charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder ๐ผ
- litmuschaos/litmus - Litmus helps SREs and developers practice chaos engineering in a Cloud-native way. Chaos experiments are published at the ChaosHub (https://hub.litmuschaos.io). Community notes is at https://hackmd.
- cshum/imagorvideo - imagor video thumbnail server in Go and ffmpeg C bindings
- adevinta/maiao - Seamless GitHub PR management from the command-line
- milvus-io/milvus - Milvus is a high-performance, cloud-native vector database built for scalable vector ANN search
- ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH - ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
- nathants/git-remote-aws - encrypted git hosting should be easy
- maxmunzel/kvass - a personal key-value store
- adalkiran/webrtc-nuts-and-bolts - A holistic way of understanding how WebRTC and its protocols run in practice, with code and detailed documentation.
- livekit/egress - Export and record WebRTC sessions and tracks
- livekit/livekit - End-to-end stack for WebRTC. SFU media server and SDKs.
- fullstorydev/grpcurl - Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers
- sourcegraph/doctree - First-class library documentation for every language (based on tree-sitter), with symbol search & more. Lightweight single binary, run locally or self-host. Surfaces usage examples via Sourcegraph.
- antonmedv/fx - Terminal JSON viewer & processor
- bluenviron/mediamtx - Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams.
- dagger/dagger - An open-source runtime for composable workflows. Great for AI agents and CI/CD.
- charmbracelet/wishlist - The SSH directory โจ
- TomWright/dasel - Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool. Supports conversion between formats and can be used as a Go package.
- esm-dev/esm.sh - A nobuild content delivery network(CDN) for modern web development.
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! ๐ ๐ป
- wader/ansisvg - Convert ANSI to SVG
- lnenad/newser - Newser is a simple utility to generate a pdf with you favorite news articles
- git-town/git-town - Git branches made easy
- charmbracelet/soft-serve - The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line๐ฆ
- charmbracelet/bubbletea - A powerful little TUI framework ๐
- zorchenhimer/MovieNight - Single instance video streaming server with integrated chat.
- owncast/owncast - Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box.
- livepeer/lpms - Livepeer media server
- palantir/bulldozer - GitHub Pull Request Auto-Merge Bot
- pion/webrtc - Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
- m1k1o/neko - A self hosted virtual browser that runs in docker and uses WebRTC.
- ddvk/rmfakecloud - host your own cloud for the remarkable
- remotemobprogramming/mob - Tool for smooth git handover.
- maaslalani/confetty - Confetti in your TTY
- kudrykv/latex-yearly-planner - Digital planner for Supernote and ReMarkable // Support Ukraine ๐บ๐ฆ https://savelife.in.ua/en
- getanteon/anteon - Anteon (formerly Ddosify) - Effortless Kubernetes Monitoring and Performance Testing. Available on CLI, Self-Hosted, and Cloud
- temporalio/temporal - Temporal service
- rhysd/actionlint -
Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
- pyrra-dev/pyrra - Making SLOs with Prometheus manageable, accessible, and easy to use for everyone!
- ergochat/ergo - A modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go.
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- filebrowser/filebrowser - ๐ Web File Browser
- johnkerl/miller - Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
- grafana/agent - Vendor-neutral programmable observability pipelines.
- zettelstore/zettelstore - This is a mirror of https://zettelstore.de
- securitybunker/databunker - Secure Vault for Customer PII/PHI/PCI/KYC Records
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another ๐ ๐ฆ
- webpod/red - Security log analysis tools for server monitoring
- sorenisanerd/gotty - Share your terminal as a web application
- evilmartians/lefthook - Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
- rh12503/triangula - Generate high-quality triangulated and polygonal art from images.
- monitoror/monitoror - Unified monitoring wallboard โ Light, ergonomic and reliable monitoring for anything.
- zyedidia/micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- grafana/loki - Like Prometheus, but for logs.
- cortexproject/cortex - A horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term Prometheus.
- furkansenharputlu/f-license - Open Source License Key Generation and Verification Tool written in Go
- jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- evanw/esbuild - An extremely fast bundler for the web
- reviewdog/reviewdog - ๐ถ Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language
- disneystreaming/ssm-helpers - Help manage AWS systems manager with helpers
- jenkins-x/lighthouse -
- cli/cli - GitHubโs official command line tool
- 4xoc/monban - User and Group Membership Management for LDAP
- asdf-vm/asdf - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
- facette/facette - Time series data visualization software
- hoanhan101/ultimate-go - The Ultimate Go Study Guide
- jroimartin/gocui - Minimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
- aquasecurity/trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
- flipt-io/flipt - Enterprise-ready, GitOps enabled, CloudNative feature management solution
- nomasters/handshake - a peculiar chat app for strange times
- siderolabs/conform - Policy enforcement for your pipelines.
- blevesearch/bleve - A modern text/numeric/geo-spatial/vector indexing library for go
- akarki15/dbdot - Generate DOT description for postgres db schema
- lk-geimfari/awesomo - Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
- eranyanay/1m-go-websockets - handling 1M websockets connections in Go
- LeanerCloud/AutoSpotting - Saves up to 90% of AWS EC2 costs by automating the use of spot instances on existing AutoScaling groups. Installs in minutes using CloudFormation or Terraform. Convenient to deploy at scale using Stac
- glassechidna/pstore - Environment variable-based AWS Parameter Store command shim
- wagoodman/bashful - Use a yaml file to stitch together commands and bash snippits and run them with a bit of style. Why? Because your bash script should be quiet and shy-like (...and not such a loud mouth).
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- gaia-pipeline/gaia - Build powerful pipelines in any programming language.
- go-jira/jira - simple jira command line client in Go
- 42wim/matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (m
- tailwarden/komiser - Open-source cloud-environment inspector. Supporting AWS, GCP, Azure, and more! Your cloud resources will have nowhere to hide!
- jpbruinsslot/slack-term - Slack client for your terminal
- getsops/sops - Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
- influxdata/telegraf - Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.
- asciimoo/wuzz - Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection
- rebuy-de/aws-nuke - Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources.
- ericfreese/rat - Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications
- goreleaser/goreleaser - Release engineering, simplified
- go-piv/go-ykpiv - Golang interface to manage Yubikeys, including a crypto.Signer & crypto.Decrypter interface
- cartazio/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- StackExchange/dnscontrol - Infrastructure as code for DNS!
- estesp/bucketbench - Go-based framework for running benchmarks against Docker, containerd, runc, or any CRI-compliant runtime
- qax-os/goreporter - A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report.
- gravitational/teleport - The easiest, and most secure way to access and protect all of your infrastructure.
- whyrusleeping/gx - A package management tool
- mroth/slacknimate - ๐ฏ Realtime text animation for Slack chatops
- hoisie/web - The easiest way to create web applications with Go
- mislav/hub - A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.
- helm/helm-classic -
โ ๏ธ (OBSOLETE) Helm Classic v1 - howtowhale/dvm - Docker Version Manager
- resourced/resourced - A single binary daemon that collects and report your server data with ease.
- codetainerapp/codetainer - A Docker container in your browser.
- traefik/traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy
- constabulary/gb - gb, the project based build tool for Go
- flannel-io/flannel - flannel is a network fabric for containers, designed for Kubernetes
- kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- fvbock/endless - Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe)
- gocraft/health - Instrument your web apps with logging and metrics
- astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang - A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- gizak/termui - Golang terminal dashboard
- rakyll/coop - Cheat sheet for some of the common concurrent flows in Go
- prettymuchbryce/hellobitcoin - A collection of simple programs which can generate bitcoin wallets, create and sign transactions, and send transactions over the bitcoin network.
- sarenji/terrago - Fractal terrain generator in Go.
- hashicorp/hcl - HCL is the HashiCorp configuration language.
- ant0ine/go-json-rest - A quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API
- hashicorp/terraform - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amo
- sugyan/ttygif - ttyrec to gif
- jmcvetta/napping - Golang HTTP client library
- davidpelaez/gh-keys - Get SSH authorized keys from Github API
- avelino/awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- go-martini/martini - Classy web framework for Go
- gopherjs/gopherjs - A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
- azer/mao - Pragmatic BDD Testing Framework For Go
- nsqio/nsq - A realtime distributed messaging platform
- cayleygraph/cayley - An open-source graph database
- gogs/gogs - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service
- rafikk/halfshell - A proxy server for processing images on the fly.
- pksunkara/alpaca - Given a web API, Generate client libraries in node, php, python, ruby
- chmllr/notehub - A pastebin for markdown pages.
- indyjo/bitwrk - Bitcoin-fueled Peer-to-Peer Blender Rendering (and more)
- bradfitz/webfist - WebFist implements WebFinger delegation for providers who don't support WebFinger natively.
- github-aws-runners/terraform-aws-github-runner - Terraform module for scalable GitHub action runners on AWS
- secdevops-cuse/CyberRange - The Open-Source AWS Cyber Range
- AndrewGuenther/fck-nat - Feasible cost konfigurable NAT: An AWS NAT Instance AMI
- 100daysofdevops/100daysofdevops -
- davidbernegger/VueVelocidad - Vue Snippets for fast Development
- AwakeningSV/live-infrastructure - Live video transcoding infrastructure
- Commando-X/vuln-bank - A deliberately vulnerable banking application designed for practicing secure code reviews and API security testing. Features common vulnerabilities found in real-world applications, making it an ideal
- alufers/mitmproxy2swagger - Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic
- salaboy/platforms-on-k8s - Platform Engineering on Kubernetes :: Book Examples
- Cybr-Inc/CloudSec - Public repository of all things cloud security.
- bmarsh9/gapps - Security compliance platform - SOC2, CMMC, ASVS, ISO27001, HIPAA, NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, CSC CIS 18, PCI DSS, SSF tracking. https://gapps.darkbanner.com
- shower/shower - Shower HTML presentation engine
- carbon-design-system/carbon-charts - ๐ ๐โ Robust dataviz framework implemented using D3 & typescript
- windmill-labs/windmill - Open-source developer platform to power your entire infra and turn scripts into webhooks, workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (13x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Retool and Temporal.
- robinmoisson/staticrypt - Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed.
- cipher387/osint_stuff_tool_collection - A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT
- tsklxiv/subreply-css - A simple, yet modern and beautiful classless CSS style. Influenced by Subreply (https://subreply.com/about)
- Daiz/frame-accurate-ish - Research on getting accurate video frame numbers out of HTML5 video element
- dddddddddzzzz/OpenHeart - The Open Heart protocol.
- mark-when/markwhen - Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text. Supports simple American/European date styles, ISO8601, images, links, locations, and more.
- flathunters/flathunter - A bot to help people with their rental real-estate search. ๐ ๐ค
- LingDong-/shan-shui-inf - Procedurally generated Chinese landscape painting.
- binford2k/goatops - This is the source for goatops.com
- dwmkerr/hacker-laws - ๐ป๐ Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
- parkerhendo/figma-interface-language - A simple DSL for describing interfaces that can be compiled to build a Figma mockup using both existing and new components.
- bundesAPI/deutschland - Die wichtigsten APIs Deutschlands in einem Python Paket.
- Neufund/ESOP - legal and smart contracts framework to implement Employee Stock Options Plan
- pballett/whatfreewords -
- andybrewer/mvp - MVP.css โ Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements
- WebReflection/hyperHTML - A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
- edent/SuperTinyIcons - Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
- cryptoanarchywiki/cryptoanarchywiki.github.io - Encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments. - Timothy C. May
- hundredrabbits/100r.co - Official Website
- hackerinnen/hackerinnen - hackerinnen.space is a project to provide encouragement and enhance visibility in different places
- hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories - Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes
- XXIIVV/webring - Make yourself a website
- hundredrabbits/Ronin - Experimental Graphics Terminal
- frnsys/speculating_futures - futures we can feel good about
- OctoLinker/OctoLinker - OctoLinker โ Links together, what belongs together
- Iconscout/unicons - Unicons by IconScout offers 7,000+ free 3D and animated icons plus icon fonts in line, monochrome, solid and thin line styles. Use them in your web, iOS or Android design projects.
- rough-stuff/rough - Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
- jmhobbs/cultofthepartyparrot.com - PARTY OR DIE
- google/tacotron - Audio samples accompanying publications related to Tacotron, an end-to-end speech synthesis model.
- eliangcs/pystock-data - (UNMAINTAINED) US stock market data since 2009
- kizu/bemto - Smart mixins for writing BEM in Pug
- 720kb/angular-fx - Angular CSS3 animation directives (ngfx-bounce, ngfx-shake, ngfx-flip, ngfx-pulse and more ...) https://720kb.github.io/angular-fx
- prometheus-junkyard/promdash - Prometheus Dashboard Builder
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- OpenTechSchool-Dortmund/underground - Super secret underground organisation for global awesomeness.
- trek/beautiful-open - Handsome sites for open source software
- invertase/rdash-angular - AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme
- google/web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
- pocketjoso/penthouse - Generate critical css for your web pages
- hummingbird-me/kitsu-tools - ๐จ The tools we use to build Kitsu, the coolest platform for anime and manga
- topcoat/topcoat - CSS for clean and fast web apps
- bradfrost/this-is-responsive - This Is Responsive
- alfredxing/brick - Open-source webfont service
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - ๐ Freely available programming books
- ncarlier/nunux-reader - The super-fast-minimalist-nosql-opensource Google Reader revival.
- sovereign/sovereign - A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more.
- jaredwilli/devtools-cheatsheet - A cheatsheet for developers using Chrome DevTools
- fossar/selfoss - multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
- tent/tent.io - The website for Tent โ the protocol for evented data storage and decentralized communication
- foundation/foundation-sites - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
- AllureOfTheStars/Allure - Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game written in Haskell; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the web frontend version at
- kmonad/kmonad - An advanced keyboard manager
- swarm-game/swarm - Resource gathering + programming game
- github/semantic - Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
- radicle-dev/radicle-alpha - A peer-to-peer stack for code collaboration
- michowski/jsn - An absolutely simple & terse CLI app to manipulate JSON data
- quchen/articles - Miscellaneous articles. The readme is the table of contents.
- snapframework/snap - Top-level package for the official Snap Framework libraries, includes the snaplets API as well as infrastructure for sessions, auth, and templates.
- basvandijk/aws - Amazon Web Services for Haskell
- ianthehenry/bauble - a playground for making 3D art with lisp and math
- cedar-policy/cedar-java - Java bindings for the Cedar language
- apache/shiro - Apache Shiro
- youngmonkeys/ezyfox-server - A socket server (include SSL) supports realtime application, realtime game, MMORPG, messaging, chat and streaming data with TCP, UDP and Websocket
- Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF - #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
- onthegomap/planetiler - Flexible tool to build planet-scale vector tilesets from OpenStreetMap data fast
- SimonHalvdansson/Harmonic-HN - Modern Android client for Hacker News
- vespa-engine/vespa - AI + Data, online. https://vespa.ai
- bottomless-archive-project/library-of-alexandria - Library of Alexandria (LoA in short) is a project that aims to collect and archive documents from the internet.
- termux/termux-app - Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
- queer/utt - utt is the universal text transformer
- gstreamer-java/gst1-java-examples - Repository for examples of using gst1-java-core
- jcodec/jcodec - JCodec main repo
- resilience4j/resilience4j - Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming
- jbangdev/jbang - Unleash the power of Java - JBang Lets Students, Educators and Professional Developers create, edit and run self-contained source-only Java programs with unprecedented ease.
- spring-projects/spring-authorization-server - Spring Authorization Server
- JetBrains/skija - Java bindings for Skia
- maciejwalkowiak/reactor-sqs-poc - Reactor + AWS SQS Proof of Concept
- spring-attic/spring-cloud-aws - All development has moved to https://github.com/awspring/spring-cloud-aws Integration for Amazon Web Services APIs with Spring
- networknt/json-schema-validator - A fast Java JSON schema validator that supports draft V4, V6, V7, V2019-09 and V2020-12
- reactive-streams/reactive-streams-jvm - Reactive Streams Specification for the JVM
- graphql-java-kickstart/graphql-spring-boot - GraphQL and GraphiQL Spring Framework Boot Starters - Forked from oembedler/graphql-spring-boot due to inactivity.
- tabulapdf/tabula-java - Extract tables from PDF files
- tmobile/pacbot - PacBot (Policy as Code Bot)
- treasure-data/digdag - Workload Automation System
- failsafe-lib/failsafe - Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM
- apache/flink - Apache Flink
- HannahMitt/HomeMirror - Android application powering the mirror in my house
- blangel/wrk - A command line interface to Trello
- Netflix/Hystrix - Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distr
- dropwizard/dropwizard - A damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
- Teevity/ice - AWS Usage Tool
- Netflix/SimianArmy - Tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form. Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
- nathanmarz/storm - Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation: stream processing, continuous computation, distributed RPC, and more
- Drahflow/Utilator - Utilitarian "Todo" Management
- pockethub/PocketHub - PocketHub Android App
- spring-attic/spring-social-samples - Samples of using Spring Social
- scribejava/scribejava - Simple OAuth library for Java
- elastic/elasticsearch - Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
- colder/phantm - Static analysis using data-flow and type inference for PHP applications - Implemented in Scala
- robertpfeiffer/dbpedia-clustering - class project
- dnakov/anon-kode - koding with any LLMs
- obsidianmd/jsoncanvas - An open file format for infinite canvas data.
- thepersonalaicompany/amurex - World's first AI meeting copilot โ The Invisible Companion for Work + Life
- mayswind/AriaNg - AriaNg, a modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use.
- nksaraf/vinxi - The Full Stack JavaScript SDK
- langhuihui/monibuca - ๐งฉ Monibuca is a Modularized, Extensible framework for building Streaming Server
- openai/openai-realtime-api-beta - Node.js + JavaScript reference client for the Realtime API (beta)
- platformatic/platformatic - Platformatic Open Source monorepo!
- klimeryk/recalendar.js - ReCalendar - create your personalized calendar PDF for ReMarkable tablets
- zen-browser/desktop - A calmer internet, without any gimmicks.
- maptiler/tileserver-gl - Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
- vanila-io/wireflow - Wireflow - user flow chart real-time collaborative tool
- kgscialdone/facet - Web components made simple and declarative
- good-lly/lowstorage - ๐พ Simple, lightning fast, object pseudo-database for S3-compatible storages using Msgpack
- paulmillr/noble-hashes - Audited & minimal JS implementation of hash functions, MACs and KDFs.
- usebruno/bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
- socketsupply/socket - A cross-platform runtime for Web developers to build desktop & mobile apps for any OS using any frontend library.
- afk-mario/federike - Web app to manage your mastodon account
- melange-re/melange-re.github.io - Documentation site for Melange
- Rich-Harris/degit - Straightforward project scaffolding
- jdan/magic-hotline - A web server which generates its HTML using ChatGPT, using only the URL
- brunoimbrizi/txt-shuffle - Customisable text shuffling animations.
- pulsar-edit/pulsar - A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor
- metrico/qryn - โญ๏ธ A Polyglot API for all your Observability needs. Light, Fast, Drop-in LGTM alternative ๐ Opentelemetry, Loki, Prometheus, Tempo, Pyroscope drop-in replacement โญ
- alexcasalboni/aws-lambda-power-tuning - AWS Lambda Power Tuning is an open-source tool that can help you visualize and fine-tune the memory/power configuration of Lambda functions. It runs in your own AWS account - powered by AWS Step Funct
- chrisguttandin/timingsrc - A library to synchronize a MediaElement with a TimingObject.
- Sh3b0/realtime-web - Comparing WebSocket, WebRTC, and WebTransport under packet loss
- ungoldman/format-duration - โฑ Convert milliseconds to a standard duration string.
- mozilla/pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- terrastruct/d2 - D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
- yjs/yjs - Shared data types for building collaborative software
- webtiming/timingsrc - Source code for timing related libraries managed by webtiming (multi-device timing CG)
- youkaclub/mediasync - sync html media elements
- wooorm/starry-night - Syntax highlighting, like GitHub
- raphaelameaume/fragment - [alpha] A web development environment for creative coding
- ableplayer/ableplayer - fully accessible cross-browser HTML5 media player.
- nenadmarkus/picojs - A face detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript
- depcheck/depcheck - Check your npm module for unused dependencies
- designsystemsinternational/mechanic - Mechanic is a framework to build assets built on web code.
- naptha/tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages ๐๐๐ฅ
- garysieling/transcript-alignment - Map closed captions to transcripts with Smith-Waterman alignment
- EthanRutherford/fast-fuzzy - Fast fuzzy search utility
- cloudflare/cloudflare.design -
- gfodor/p2pcf - Low cost, low effort P2P WebRTC serverless signalling using Cloudflare Workers
- typescript-cheatsheets/react - Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
- advplyr/audiobookshelf - Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server
- KnowKit/configure-aws-codeartifact - custom Github Action to use AWS CodeArtifact token in Github Actions Workflow
- feross/simple-peer - ๐ก Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
- gesinger/debug-video - A debugging tool for HLS and DASH
- blinry/sliderland - A (very) minimalist creative coding playground. Make animations using only 64 HTML sliders!
- bbc/VideoContext - An experimental HTML5 & WebGL video composition and rendering API.
- bvaughn/react-virtualized - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
- jamesplease/react-composer - Compose render prop components
- goldbergyoni/javascript-testing-best-practices - ๐๐ ๐ข Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (July 2023)
- blahah/yunodb - A portable, persistent, electron-embeddable fulltext search + document store database for node.js
- GoogleChromeLabs/css-paint-polyfill - CSS Custom Paint / Paint Worklet polyfill with special browser optimizations.
- GoogleChromeLabs/buffer-backed-object - Buffer-backed objects in JavaScript.
- bunchtogether/vite-plugin-flow -
- jberg/butterchurn - Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer
- ctrlplusb/easy-peasy - Vegetarian friendly state for React
- robvanderleek/create-issue-branch - Boost your GitHub workflow ๐
- miroslavpejic85/mirotalk - ๐ WebRTC - P2P - Simple, Secure, Fast Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k and 60fps, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
- miroslavpejic85/mirotalksfu - ๐ WebRTC - SFU - Simple, Secure, Scalable Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-aspect-ratio -
- premasagar/pablo - Pablo is a lightweight, expressive JavaScript SVG library. Pablo creates interactive drawings with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), giving access to all of SVG's granularity and power.
- prose/gatekeeper - Enables client-side applications to dance OAuth with GitHub.
- iamarkadyt/aws-auth - ๐ฅ Simple AWS authentication CLI with support for MFA, secure credential storage and easy IAM role switching.
- zachleat/glyphhanger - Your web font utility belt. It can subset web fonts. It can find unicode-ranges for you automatically. It makes julienne fries.
- pjeby/hot-reload - Automatically reload Obsidian plugins in development when their files are changed
- xojs/xo - โค๏ธ JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults
- itteco/iframely - oEmbed proxy. Supports over 1800 domains via custom parsers, oEmbed, Twitter Cards and Open Graph
- GoogleChromeLabs/critters - ๐ฆ A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.
- hypercore-protocol/cli - A CLI for peer-to-peer file sharing using the Hypercore Protocol.
- browsh-org/browsh - A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers
- graphery/graphery -
- JasonEtco/is-sponsor-label-action - ๐๐ A GitHub Action that labels issues/PRs if the author sponsors the owner of the repo
- facebookarchive/draft-js - A React framework for building text editors.
- char0n/ramda-adjunct - Ramda Adjunct is the most popular and most comprehensive set of functional utilities for use with Ramda, providing a variety of useful, well tested functions with excellent documentation.
- metafizzy/zdog - Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
- gre/gl-react - gl-react โ React library to write and compose WebGL shaders
- thesephist/monocle - Universal personal search engine, powered by a full text search algorithm written in pure Ink, indexing Linus's blogs and private note archives, contacts, tweets, and over a decade of journals.
- stilliard/github-task-list-completed - GitHub - Task list completed PR check
- sveltejs/svelte - web development for the rest of us
- imba/imba - ๐ค The friendly full-stack language
- mafintosh/queue-tick - Next tick shim that prefers process.nextTick over queueMicrotask for compat
- conventional-changelog/standard-version - ๐ Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with semver.org and conventionalcommits.org
- shaka-project/shaka-player - JavaScript player library / DASH & HLS client / MSE-EME player
- bcomnes/deploy-to-neocities - ๐ Github Action to deploy a folder to Neocities
- ai/size-limit - Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
- dequelabs/axe-core - Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
- voxmedia/github-action-slack-notify-build - Report GitHub Actions build status on Slack
- mafintosh/xache - Yet another auto expiring, max sizable cache
- frandiox/vitedge - Edge-side rendering and fullstack Vite framework
- researchgate/react-intersection-observer - React component for the Intersection <Observer /> API
- nosir/cleave.js - Format input text content when you are typing...
- Bogdan-Lyashenko/codecrumbs - Learn, design or document codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code. Live updates, multi-language support and more.
- projectwallace/wallace-cli - Pretty CSS analytics on the CLI
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- downshift-js/downshift - ๐ A set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete, combobox or select dropdown components.
- SectorLabs/postcss-inline-class - A webpack plugin to inline CSS classes in other CSS classes using postcss
- tholman/ascii-morph - Library to animate between two ascii images -
- upgundecha/howtheysre - A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
- jxom/curji - Turn your website's cursor into an emoji ๐
- estevanmaito/windmill-dashboard-react - โ A multi theme, completely accessible, ready for production dashboard.
- BrowserBox/BrowserBox - ๐ Embeddable remote browser isolation with vettable source https://dosaygo.com
- aws/aws-cdk-rfcs - RFCs for the AWS CDK
- flotwig/the-one-cert - One cert to rule them all: SSL cert that is valid for any and all domains + all levels of subdomains
- antonioru/deep-waters - ๐ฅDeep Waters is an easy-to-compose functional validation system for javascript developers ๐ฅ
- GoogleChrome/web-vitals - Essential metrics for a healthy site.
- iann0036/aws-account-controller - Self-service creation and deletion of sandbox-style accounts.
- getgauge/taiko - A node.js library for testing modern web applications
- pjchender/react-use-opentok - React Hook for conveniently use @opentok/client SDK.
- developit/unfetch - ๐ Bare minimum 500b fetch polyfill.
- geeksven-dev/insomnia-plugin-cognito-auth - a simple env based insomnia plugin for cognito authentication
- nemanjan00/uniread - Uniread is Spritz like CLI fast reading software.
- jest-community/snapshot-diff - Diffing snapshot utility for Jest
- ashlinchak/mdanki - Markdown to Anki converter
- VGraupera/1on1-questions - Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
- camwiegert/typical - Animated typing in ~400 bytes ๐ก of JavaScript
- codeforequity-at/botium-speech-processing - Botium Speech Processing
- RD17/ambar - ๐ Ambar: Document Search Engine
- lukeed/klona - A tiny (240B to 501B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more!
- microsoft/monaco-editor - A browser based code editor
- danez/pirates - Properly hijack require
- wavedrom/wavedrom - ๐ Digital timing diagram rendering engine
- typicode/lowdb - Simple and fast JSON database
- Hypfer/Valetudo - Cloud replacement for vacuum robots enabling local-only operation
- Verivox/lighthouse-monitor - Investigate performance over your whole company with lighthouse
- jonschlinkert/gray-matter - Smarter YAML front matter parser, used by metalsmith, Gatsby, Netlify, Assemble, mapbox-gl, phenomic, vuejs vitepress, TinaCMS, Shopify Polaris, Ant Design, Astro, hashicorp, garden, slidev, saber, s
- golden-layout/golden-layout - A multi window layout manager for webapps
- hypercore-protocol/hyperdrive-schemas - Protobuf/gRPC schemas for the Hyperdrive API
- hypercore-protocol/hyperdrive-daemon - Hyperdrive, batteries included.
- holepunchto/hyperdrive - Hyperdrive is a secure, real time distributed file system
- holepunchto/hypercore - Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log.
- lukeed/sublet - Reactive leases for data subscriptions
- vadimdemedes/create-pastel-app - Generate a starter Pastel app
- danielepiccone/ditherjs - A javascript library which dithers an <img> using a fixed palette
- entropic-dev/entropic - ๐ฆ ๐ฆ a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ
- stackshareio/awesome-stacks - A curated list of tech stacks for building different applications & features
- parcel-bundler/parcel - The zero configuration build tool for the web. ๐ฆ๐
- developit/dlv - Safe deep property access in 120 bytes. x = dlv(obj, 'a.b.x')
- DamonOehlman/addressit - Freeform Street Address Parser
- boltpkg/bolt - โก๏ธ Super-powered JavaScript project management
- danilop/ServerlessByDesign - A visual approach to serverless development. Think. Build. Repeat.
- pahen/madge - Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies
- mathdroid/crop-github-images-cli - Crop image/gif into swag for your Github profile
- astroturfcss/astroturf - Better Styling through Compiling: CSS-in-JS for those that want it all.
- agalwood/Motrix - A full-featured download manager.
- wesbos/awesome-uses - A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
- taskworld/test-bed - ๐ญ Development test runner for webpack to improve TDD experience. Runs only specs affected by code change. Serve test files from memory. For large project with hundreds of test files.
- ovity/octotree - GitHub on steroids
- release-drafter/release-drafter - Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master.
- FredKSchott/snowpack - ESM-powered frontend build tool. Instant, lightweight, unbundled development. โ๏ธ
- lukeed/polkadot - The tiny HTTP server that gets out of your way! ใป
- kentaro-m/task-complete-checker - โ A Probot app that checks if all tasks are completed in the pull requests.
- nodeshift/opossum - Node.js circuit breaker - fails fast โก๏ธ
- vandium-io/aws-param-store -
- FredKSchott/pika-pack - ๐ฆโก๏ธ Build your npm package using composable plugins. https://www.pika.dev/blog/introducing-pika-pack/
- ziishaned/dumper.js - A better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications
- zadam/trilium - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
- flybondi/flynamo - DynamoDB functional wrapper
- GoogleChromeLabs/carlo - Web rendering surface for Node applications
- hackerkid/Mind-Expanding-Books - ๐ Find your next book to read!
- ryanburgess/engineer-manager - A list of engineering manager resource links.
- ovidiuch/jobs-done - Ritual app for ending the work day inspired by Deep Work
- dchest/tweetnacl-js - Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
- glennreyes/graphpack - โ๏ธ A minimalistic zero-config GraphQL server.
- jeffbski/wait-on - wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
- kopterio/vue-auth-cognito - A Vue.js Vuex module for authentication using Amazon AWS Cognito
- feross/thanks - ๐ Give thanks to the open source maintainers you depend on! โจ
- naturalatlas/tilestrata - A pluggable Node.js map tile server.
- shama/testron - ๐ CI your client side tests with Electron
- mafintosh/browser-server - A HTTP "server" in the browser that uses a service worker to allow you to easily send back your own stream of data.
- ungoldman/hyperaxe - ๐ช An enchanted hyperscript weapon.
- max-mapper/cat-lobby - simple http+sse based lobby server with cat themed room names
- mafintosh/pumpify - Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify
- klaudiosinani/taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
- mikerockett/vue-routisan - Archived โ new package coming soon!
- stanford-oval/genie-cloud - Genie As A Service and Thingpedia
- tjmehta/101 - A modern JS utility library
- alexeyraspopov/dataclass - Data classes for TypeScript & JavaScript
- alexanderjarvis/maybe - Maybe is a type that wraps optional values
- jbuck/npm-readonly-mirror - Mirror npm to S3
- automerge/automerge-classic - A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
- anvaka/pm - package managers visualization
- fastify/fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- TomasHubelbauer/webrtc-data-channel-demo - WebRTC Data Channel demo
- haltu/muuri - Infinite responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable layouts
- aws-samples/aws-codepipeline-stepfunctions - This project shows how to integrate AWS CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions state machines. The integration enables developers to build much simpler CodePipeline actions that perform a single task and
- Bogdan-Lyashenko/js-code-to-svg-flowchart - js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn otherโs code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
- steadyequipment/node-firestore-backup - Google Firebase Firestore backup tool
- StarpTech/bootme - Configurable and extendable Task pipeline. Define hooks and revert your changes on failure.
- grab/front-end-guide - ๐ Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
- hemerajs/hemera - ๐ฌ Writing reliable & fault-tolerant microservices in Node.js https://hemerajs.github.io/hemera/
- benjamn/reify - Enable ECMAScript 2015 modules in Node today. No caveats. Full stop.
- speedracer/speedracer - Collect performance metrics for your library/application.
- captainsafia/giddy - A CLI wrapper around git for an improved developer experience
- odin-public/passwdqc-js - JavaScript port of passwdqc. A password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset.
- hyperbloom/hyperbloom-protocol - Implementation of HyperBloom Protocol
- AlloyTeam/curvejs - Made curve a dancer in HTML5 canvas - ้ญๅนป็บฟๆก
- spencermountain/spacetime - A lightweight javascript timezone library
- zalando/zappr - An agent that enforces guidelines for your GitHub repositories
- karthikv/tradeship - Automatically imports missing JavaScript dependencies and removes unused ones.
- aleksandr-oleynikov/uncaught - Module for handle uncaught errors and promises rejections
- choojs/nanocomponent - ๐ - create performant HTML components
- sindresorhus/quick-lru - Simple โLeast Recently Usedโ (LRU) cache
- henryboldi/felony - ๐๐ฅ๐ Next Level PGP
- dominictarr/on-change-network -
- public-transport/hafas-client - JavaScript client for HAFAS public transport APIs.
- dvlden/vidage - Your solution to full-screen background video & image combined.
- mapnificent/mapnificent - Mapnificent shows you areas you can reach with public transport in a given time.
- ava-ia/core - Agnostic Virtual Assistant
- bevacqua/domador - ๐ผ Dependency-free and lean DOM parser that outputs Markdown
- rethinkdb/horizon - Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps.
- rsmbl/Resemble.js - Image analysis and comparison
- neilff/ng-redux-http-middleware - $http middleware example for ngRedux
- rafaelrinaldi/hn-cli - ๐ฐ CLI to browse Hacker News
- semantic-release/semantic-release - ๐ฆ๐ Fully automated version management and package publishing
- bartonhammond/snowflake - โ๏ธ A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend, or a Par
- kefirjs/kefir - A Reactive Programming library for JavaScript
- elm-community/elm-webpack-starter - Boilerplate for developing Elm apps on Webpack
- hacksalot/HackMyResume - Generate polished rรฉsumรฉs and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon.
- timekit-io/booking-js - ๐ Make a beautiful embeddable booking widget in minutes
- highcharts/highstock-release - Official shim repo for Highstock releases
- plotly/plotly.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
- alexanderGugel/ied - ๐ฆ Like npm, but faster - an alternative package manager for Node
- PatrickJS/PatrickJS-starter - MFE Starter
- wardbell/bardjs - Spec helpers for testing angular v.1.x apps with Mocha, Jasmine and QUnit
- moment/moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- brunch/brunch - ๐ด Web applications made easy. Since 2011.
- zenorocha/clipboard.js - โ๏ธ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped ๐
- yaronn/wopr - A simple markup language for creating rich terminal reports, presentations and infographics
- benoitvallon/react-native-nw-react-calculator - Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
- brett-lempereur/icra - Giving the home secretary a helping hand.
- simov/grant - OAuth Proxy
- mapbox/pixelmatch - The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library
- jschr/electron-react-redux-boilerplate - A minimal boilerplate to get started with Electron, React and Redux.
- williamngan/roll - roll and scroll tracking -- a tiny javascript library
- nodejs/node - Node.js JavaScript runtime โจ๐ข๐โจ
- avajs/ava - Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence ๐
- facebook/react - The library for web and native user interfaces.
- angular/angular.js - AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- resume/resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
- reactjs/react-router-redux - Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
- jayphelps/core-decorators - Library of stage-0 JavaScript decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but not accurate) inspired by languages that come with built-ins like @โoverride, @โdeprecate, @โautobind, @โmixin and more. Popular
- acdlite/recompose - A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.
- andrewngu/sound-redux - A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
- getify/A-Tale-Of-Three-Lists - Comparing various async patterns for a single demo
- dthree/vorpal - Node's framework for interactive CLIs
- Netflix/falcor - A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching
- e-oz/gardener - Protractor Helper for Jasmine
- Gamereclaim/httpbackendext - Http backend mock module for protractor
- plopjs/plop - Consistency Made Simple
- SpiderOak/Encryptr - Encryptr is a zero-knowledge cloud-based password manager / e-wallet powered by Crypton
- timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop - A functional javascript workshop. No libraries required (i.e. no underscore), just ES5.
- summernote/summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor
- gatejs/core - Javascript based reverse & forward proxy with high performance & capability
- mathew-kurian/CharacterMap - ๐ Online Character Map / Glyph / Icon / Font Viewer
- for-GET/http-decision-diagram - An activity diagram to describe the resolution of HTTP response status codes, given various headers.
- 1-liners/1-liners - Functional tools that couldnโt be simpler.
- MostlyAdequate/mostly-adequate-guide - Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)
- danilop/LambdAuth - A sample authentication service implemented with a server-less architecture, using AWS Lambda to host and execute the code and Amazon DynamoDB as persistent storage. This provides a cost-efficient sol
- akoenig/angular-deckgrid - A lightweight masonry-like grid for AngularJS.
- max-mapper/javascript-for-cats - an introduction to the javascript programming language. intended audience: cats
- standard/standard - ๐ JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
- estools/escodegen - ECMAScript code generator
- shutterstock/node-common-errors - Common error classes and utility functions
- tddbin/katas - Service providing katas that can be loaded into tddbin.com, most used by
- tddbin/tddbin-frontend - The source of TDDbin. -
- platanus/angular-restmod - Rails inspired REST-API ORM for Angular
- postcss/postcss-bem-linter - A BEM linter for postcss
- marmelab/ng-admin - Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
- progrium/envy - Lightweight dev environments with a twist
- grpc/grpc-experiments - Experiments and proposals for gRPC features.
- boundary/firespray - Blazingly fast streaming charts
- philc/vimium - The hacker's browser.
- jamesknelson/maxim - Maxim provides a simple way to structure JavaScript applications, letting you focus on the parts that matter.
- mako-taco/DecorateThis - JS Decorators library
- kodyl/stilr - Encapsulated styling for your javascript components with all the power of javascript and CSS combined.
- yosuke-furukawa/iojs-new-features - iojs v3.0 released.
- Excelian/Angular-Material-ECMA6-Dashboard - This is an opinionated AngularJS dashboard using Material Design, ECMA6 and Traceur
- cujojs/most - Ultra-high performance reactive programming
- stealjs/steal - Gets JavaScript
- fantasyland/fantasy-land - Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
- mafintosh/webcat - Mad science p2p pipe across the web using webrtc that uses your Github private/public key for authentication and a signalhub for discovery
- burningtree/uson - ฮผson (uson) is a shorthand for JSON
- arasatasaygin/is.js - Micro check library
- vadimdemedes/awesome-print - Beautifully print your JavaScript objects
- rstacruz/unorphan - Removes text orphans
- neumino/rethinkdbdash-examples - Examples using rethinkdbdash
- tmcw/stickshift - A clean & modern SQL data interface.
- hbi99/defiant.js - http://defiantjs.com
- devinivy/bedwetter - Auto-generated, RESTful, CRUDdy route handlers for Waterline models in hapi
- balderdashy/waterline - An adapter-based ORM for Node.js with support for mysql, mongo, postgres, mssql (SQL Server), and more
- segment-boneyard/highlight - A simple, pluggable API for syntax highlighting.
- launchscout/angular-schema-form - Directives to build forms from json schema
- ralphtheninja/mkstack - Create and apply your favorite npm stacks.
- json-schema-form/angular-schema-form - Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS!
- JakeChampion/fetch - A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
- plouc/mozaik - Mozaรฏk is a tool based on nodejs / react / redux / nivo / d3 to easily craft beautiful dashboards
- wekan/wekan - The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https
- cainus/percolator - Percolator is a framework for quickly and easily building quality HTTP APIs in Node.js
- kandanapp/kandan - Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat
- mikeal/sequest - Simplified API for SSH and SFTP similar to request.
- mikeric/rivets - Lightweight and powerful data binding.
- gorescript/gorescript - Retro first-person shooter, written in JavaScript using three.js.
- arcanis/ohui - Javascript curses library
- yaronn/GifW00t - A pure javascript web recorder
- HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet - ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
- json-schema-faker/json-schema-faker - JSON-Schema + fake data generators
- bebraw/schema2object - Generate random objects based on JSON Schema (MIT)
- wilmoore/selectn.js - Curried property accessor function that resolves deeply-nested object properties via dot/bracket-notation string path while mitigating TypeErrors via friendly and composable API.
- stackvana/hook.io - Open-Source Microservice Hosting Platform
- annojs/inject - Injects dependencies to JavaScript modules and packages (MIT)
- hapijs/bell - Third-party login plugin for hapi
- abeisgoat/FiltrES.js - A simple, safe, ElasticSearch Query compiler
- LinkedInAttic/sepia - Sepia is a VCR-like module for node.js that records HTTP interactions, then plays them back exactly like the first time they were invoked
- charted-co/charted - A charting tool that produces automatic, shareable charts from any data file
- defunctzombie/zuul - [UNMAINTAINED] multi-framework javascript browser testing
- vvo/gifify - ๐ป Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
- Dogfalo/materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
- sindresorhus/meow - ๐ CLI app helper
- mafintosh/docker-registry-server - docker registry server in node.js
- shanzi/myicons - Your flat icons manager and font builder.
- observing/tolkien - Passwords are obsolete - Send one time tokens for authentication instead.
- juliangruber/capture-screenshot - Capture screenshots in multiple browsers!
- nodemailer/mailparser - Decode mime formatted e-mails
- btmills/geopattern - Generate beautiful SVG patterns
- davidsonfellipe/awesome-wpo - ๐ A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
- outmoded/bassmaster - Batch request plugin for hapi
- thlorenz/proxyquireify - browserify >= v2 version of proxyquire. Mocks out browserify's require to allow stubbing out dependencies while testing.
- lewster32/phaser-plugin-isometric - Feature-packed axonometric plugin for Phaser 2 which stays true to the Phaser API.
- outmoded/poop - hapi plugin for handling uncaught exceptions
- dataarts/3-dreams-of-black - Source for the 3 Dreams of Black Interactive Film.
- keybase/kbpgp - OpenPGP (RFC4880) Implementation in IcedCoffeeScript
- skatejs/skatejs - Effortless custom elements powered by modern view libraries.
- jsonresume/resume-schema - JSON-Schema is used here to define and validate our proposed resume json
- petehunt/webpack-howto -
- mafintosh/read-torrent - read and parse a torrent from a resource
- NV/captureCalls.js - captureCalls('document.getElementById') to show a stack trace for document.getElementById on its every call
- tildeio/oasis.js - A lightweight library for embedding untrusted content and exposing capabilities. I guess it does two things? But it does them well.
- drdk/dr-css-inliner - DEPRECATED! PhantomJS script to inline above-the-fold CSS for a webpage.
- workshopper/goingnative - A NodeSchool style workshopper for learning how to write native Node.js addons
- webtorrent/webtorrent - โก๏ธ Streaming torrent client for the web
- dannysu/angularjs-firefox-seed -
- component/ie - get the running version of IE without UA sniffing.
- feross/lxjs-chat - Talk to strangers! (P2P video chat using WebRTC)
- bebraw/jswiki - JavaScript wiki. Focuses mainly on JS/HTML5/WebGL related tech.
- flightjs/flight - A component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework from Twitter
- webpack/webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AM
- vigetlabs/blendid - A delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
- bipio-server/bipio - The bip.io API Server
- levelgraph/levelgraph - Graph database JS style for Node.js and the Browser. Built upon LevelUp and LevelDB.
- djcas9/komanda - The IRC Client For Developers
- montagejs/frb - Functional Reactive Bindings (frb): A CommonJS package that includes functional and generic building blocks to help incrementally ensure consistent state.
- hapijs/hapi - The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust
- jaredhanson/node-nks-fs - Secure key services.
- trentm/node-bunyan - a simple and fast JSON logging module for node.js services
- GoogleChromeLabs/psi - PageSpeed Insights Reporting for Node
- SpiderStrategies/node-tweet-stream - Node twitter module to hook into the public filter streaming, seamlessly updating the tracking keywords.
- mafintosh/peerflix - Streaming torrent client for node.js
- primus/primus - โก Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
- svg/svgo - โ๏ธ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files
- browserify/browserify-handbook - how to build modular applications with browserify
- Fyrd/caniuse - Raw browser/feature support data from caniuse.com
- ldapjs/node-ldapjs - LDAP Client and Server API for node.js
- conveyal/transitive.js - Transit data visualization
- themadcreator/seen - Render 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas.
- yocontra/wifi-location - Triangulate your WiFi signal to guess geolocation
- sole/Animated_GIF - Javascript library for creating animated GIFs
- julien/generator-phaser - A yeoman generator for phaser games
- curasystems/zabbix_sender - Simple node.js zabbix agent sender wrapper (agent for windows and smartos included others welcome)
- AlexNisnevich/untrusted - A meta-JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin.
- jfhbrook/node-ecstatic - A static file server middleware that works with core http, express or on the CLI!
- binocarlos/len - Database for time based bookings of resources in leveldb
- gulpjs/liftoff - Launch your command line tool with ease.
- sidorares/crmux - Chrome developer tools remote protocol multiplexer.
- hootsuite/grid - Drag and drop library for two-dimensional, resizable and responsive lists
- pilwon/barbeque - Redis-based task queue library inspired by Celery and Kue.
- component/schema - A simple, fluent API for generating immutable schemas.
- juliangruber/schema - A simple, fluent API for generating immutable schemas.
- jaukia/unmeater - A bookmarklet for removing text and images on a web page
- workshopper/workshopper - A terminal workshop runner framework
- nodegit/nodegit - Native Node bindings to Git.
- kvz/metriks - [UNMAINTAINED] A lightweight server graphing framework
- marmelab/gremlins.js - Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
- madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo - A simple demo app using node and mongodb for beginners (with docker)
- mllrsohn/gulp-protractor - gulp wrapper for protractor tests
- segmentio/myth - A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.
- CodeboxIDE/gittle.js - Simple Node.js wrapper for the Git CLI
- mcantelon/node-deja - A node.js-driven CLI utility for managing git versioning of dotfiles, cheatsheets, etc.
- dead-horse/callback_hell - examples for handling callback hell
- mbostock/gistup - Create a gist from terminal, then use git to update it.
- NodeFly/uhura - Server-to-server event emitter with session support
- havard/node-openid - OpenID for Node.js
- aaditmshah/augment - The world's smallest and fastest classical JavaScript inheritance pattern.
- sahat/hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
- jlmakes/scrollreveal - Animate elements as they scroll into view.
- pstadler/flightplan - Run sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.
- broccolijs/broccoli - Browser compilation library โ an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser
- katiefenn/parker - Stylesheet analysis tool.
- raganwald/javascript-allonge - Markdown source for the book "JavaScript Allongรฉ"
- borismus/sonicnet.js - Ultrasonic Networking with the Web Audio API
- Automattic/browser-repl - Launch a repl on your command line to any browser in the cloud.
- caolan/highland - High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
- lsm/genji - Writing reusable, modular and flexible node.js applications made easy.
- shipshapecode/tether - A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
- remy/nodemon - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
- jmendiara/ng-di - Spectacular Angular Dependency Injection for Javascript isolated as a library. Working in Node and Browser
- gagle/node-tftp - Streaming TFTP client and server.
- koajs/koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
- jshttp/accepts - Higher-level content negotiation
- toddmotto/echo - Lazy-loading images with data-* attributes
- cschwarz/nsm - A service manager for node
- frictionlessdata/dpm-js - [DEPRECATED] Please use https://datahub.io/docs/features/data-cli
- floriangrundig/karma-remote-reporter - Karma plugin which enables test reporting via tcp to a remote server.
- tantaman/LargeLocalStorage - Problem: You need to store a large amount of key-value based data in IE, Chrome, Safari, AND Firefox
- riot/riot - Simple and elegant component-based UI library
- vesln/nixt - Simple and elegant end-to-end testing for command-line apps
- mozilla/nunjucks - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
- fontello/fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
- apostrophecms/apostrophe - A full-featured, open-source content management framework built with Node.js that empowers organizations by combining in-context editing and headless architecture in a full-stack JS environment.
- HubSpot/messenger - Growl-style alerts and messages for your app. #hubspot-open-source
- jimhigson/oboe.js - A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
- cameronmcefee/plax - JQuery powered parallaxing
- pyramation/LaTeX2JS - LaTeX web components
- node-formidable/formidable - The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production.
- alabid/flylatex - FlyLatex: A Realtime Collaborative Environment (with a concurrent editor) in node-js.
- Reportr/dashboard - Your life's personal dashboard.
- Unitech/angular-bridge - Link models easily via a REST interface between Mongoose/Node-Express/Angular.js
- videojs/video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
- begriffs/css-ratiocinator - because your CSS is garbage
- jakutis/httpinvoke - A no-dependencies HTTP client library for browsers and Node.js with a promise-based or Node.js-style callback-based API to progress events, text and binary file upload and download, partial response b
- sintaxi/harp - Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
- share/sharedb - Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
- tj/consolidate.js - Template engine consolidation library for node.js
- shelljs/shelljs - ๐ Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
- deployd/deployd - a toolkit for building realtime APIs
- calmh/zsnapper.old - [UNMAINTAINED] ZFS Snapshotting Service
- mark-rolich/RulersGuides.js - Creates Photoshop-like guides and rulers interface on a web page
- pksunkara/inflect - custom inflections for nodejs
- postcss/autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
- xmppjs/xmpp.js - XMPP for JavaScript
- mtttmpl/speak-js - Text-to-Speech in JavaScript
- remy/polyfills - Collection of polyfills that I've written
- Unitech/pm2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
- svgdotjs/svg.js - The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
- tj/punt - Elegant UDP messaging for nodejs
- astro/bitford - BitTorrent Client in a Chrome Packaged App
- adobe/brackets - An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- chevcast/shotgun - A simple UI agnostic command framework.
- remy/min.js - Super minimal selector and event library
- 4ae9b8/browserhacks - An extensive list of CSS/JS browserhacks from all over the interwebs.
- jsbin/jsbin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging App
- dagrejs/dagre - Directed graph layout for JavaScript
- NodeBB/NodeBB - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
- nodejitsu/godot - Godot is a streaming real-time event processor based on Riemann written in Node.js
- cytoscape/cytoscape.js - Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
- bcle/fuse4js - FUSE bindings for Javascript and node.js
- jakiestfu/Medium.js - A tiny JavaScript library for making contenteditable beautiful (Like Medium's editor)
- ractivejs/ractive - Next-generation DOM manipulation
- fdietz/recipes-with-angular-js-examples - Recipes with Angular.js
- nrstott/bogart - Fast, Sinatra-Inspired JavaScript Framework running on JSGI with Node.JS!
- clipperz/password-manager - Clipperz is an online vault and password manager that knows nothing about you and your data. Everything you submit is locally encrypted by your browser before being uploaded to Clipperz. The encrypti
- clipperz/javascript-crypto-library - The JavaScript Crypto Library provides web developers with an extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions. The library aims to obtain maximum execution speed while preserving modularity and
- JoergFiedler/PrettyPrintTrello - Print Trello cards and check items.
- arlolra/otr - Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol implemented in JavaScript
- candy-chat/candy - JavaScript-based multi-user chat client for XMPP.
- calvinmetcalf/catiline - JavaScript library to take the pain out of web workers.
- mattes/inwx-nodejs - InternetWorX XML-RPC API Client for NodeJS
- pump-io/pump.io - Social server with an ActivityStreams API
- philipwalton/html-inspector - HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup. It's written in JavaScript and runs in the browser, so testing your HTML has never been easier.
- chandlerprall/Physijs - Physics plugin for Three.js
- skgmn/fromjs - LINQ engine for JavaScript
- openpgpjs/openpgpjs - OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
- hcliff/ampere - Clojurescript bittorrent client using webrtc datachannels
- xmpp-ftw/xmpp-ftw - The goal of this project is to make XMPP really simple to use for developers. This module takes away all of the XML and works by hooking to events which are passed between client and server using a tr
- buggerjs/bugger - Bugs bugging you? Bug back.
- cainus/Prozess - kafka library for node.js
- Level/levelup - Superseded by abstract-level. A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers.
- darsain/sly - JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.
- devtyr/trello-burndown - Generate a burndown chart from trello tasks
- hoodiehq/hoodie - ๐ถ The Offline First JavaScript Backend
- ternjs/tern - A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
- segmentio/analytics.js - The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application.
- thom4parisot/crx - A node.js command line app for packing Google Chrome extensions.
- baryshev/ect - Fastest JavaScript template engine with embedded CoffeeScript syntax
- rvagg/node-worker-farm - Distribute processing tasks to child processes with an รผber-simple API and baked-in durability & custom concurrency options.
- nwjs/nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
- miohtama/obfuscate.js - Obfuscate sensitive text on web pages for demostration screenshots
- ladjs/superagent - Ajax for Node.js and browsers (JS HTTP client). Maintained for @forwardemail, @ladjs, @spamscanner, @breejs, @cabinjs, and @lassjs.
- chriso/redback - A high-level Redis library
- pconstr/recurrent - A redis-backed manager of recurrent jobs, for node.js
- tomerdmnt/tag-input - Turns a text input into a pretty Evernote like tags input
- tumblr/tumblr.js - JavaScript client for the Tumblr API
- nodejitsu/haibu - [Deprecated] a node.js application server - spawn your own node.js clouds, on your own hardware
- nodejitsu/require-analyzer - Determine the set of requirements for a given node.js file, directory tree, or module
- imakewebthings/waypoints - Waypoints is a library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
- kainosnoema/jim - Simple webhook server
- IFTTT/statsd - Simple daemon for easy stats aggregation
- marcojetson/jquery-notification -
- jdotjdot/CouchQueue - CouchQueue is a module that enables queuing systems to be built out of CouchDB databases.
- colin-jack/resourced - A resource-oriented DSL for configuring koa.
- tiefpunkt/MobiDown - PHP Markdown to .mobi converter
- brynbellomy/otis - Documentation generator for Javascript, CoffeeScript, C, C++, Objective-C, Ruby, Python, AS3, Java, and everything else ever.
- tante/om12 - Folien meiner openmind12 Prรคsentation
- bower/bower - A package manager for the web
- natefaubion/matches.js - Powerful pattern matching for Javascript
- TradeMe/bootup.js - Cache and load static files from local storage.
- openstreetmap/iD - ๐ The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
- imsky/holder - ๐ Client-side image placeholders.
- HabitRPG/habitica - A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- dominictarr/browser-stream - open pipable streams to and from the browser, with Socket.io
- brunch/twitter - Simple twitter client built with brunch.
- NUKnightLab/TimelineJS - TimelineJS: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript.
- mikeal/tako - Functional web framework.
- cnodejs/nodeclub - ๐คNodeclub ๆฏไฝฟ็จ Node.js ๅ MongoDB ๅผๅ็็คพๅบ็ณป็ป
- Victa/curtain.js - PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED - This plugin allows you to create a web page with multiple fixed panels that unroll with an amusing effect.
- tcr/rem - HTTP clients with middleware for Node.js and web browsers. Flexible for any HTTP request, customizable for building API clients, and supports OAuth.
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- simplereach/helenus - NodeJS Cassandra Driver
- shutterstock/rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
- jaredhanson/passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
- jaredhanson/locomotive - Powerful MVC web framework for Node.js.
- hubotio/hubot - A customizable life embetterment robot.
- flatiron/flatiron - framework components for node.js and the browser
- WardCunningham/Smallest-Federated-Wiki - This wiki innovates by: 1. federated sharing, 2. drag refactoring and 3. data visualization.
- fasterthanlime/jsmad - ๐ท Javascript MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (mp3) and ID3v2 decoder
- josephg/ShareJS - Collaborative editing in any app
- masylum/dialect-http - http client to manage your dialect translations
- PaulUithol/Backbone-relational - Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
- bnoguchi/everyauth - node.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps
- bnoguchi/mongoose-auth - User authentication plugin for mongoose nodejs orm
- danlucraft/git.js - pure-Javascript Git implementation
- request/request - ๐๐พ Simplified HTTP request client.
- cliffano/bob - Minimalist-omakase build tool for node.js projects
- node-js-libs/node.io -
- fgnass/node-dev - Zero-conf Node.js reloading
- squaremo/node-amqp - An obsolete fork of node-amqp. Please see squaremo/amqp.node for a better RabbitMQ client.
- partkeepr/PartKeepr - Open Source Inventory Management
- handlebars-lang/handlebars.js - Minimal templating on steroids.
- tsmith/node-control - Scripted system admin and deployment for many remote machines in parallel via ssh with Node
- uxebu/embedjs - Mobile cross-platform JavaScript framework
- brianleroux/wtfjs - wtfjs.com!
- matschaffer/recorderMock.js - A tool for generating JavaScript mock objects with lots of methods that record details about the calls made on them.
- ciaranj/node-oauth - OAuth wrapper for node.js
- jsdom/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
- danwrong/restler - REST client library for node.js
- faye/faye - Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
- athina-ai/rag-cookbooks - This repository contains various advanced techniques for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems.
- anthropics/anthropic-cookbook - A collection of notebooks/recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude.
- fastai/lm-hackers - Hackers' Guide to Language Models
- The-Art-of-Hacking/h4cker - This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos (@santosomar) and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking, bug bounties, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), artif
- thomasfricke/training-kubernetes-security -
- sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax - JAX implementation of OpenAI's Whisper model for up to 70x speed-up on TPU.
- suno-ai/bark - ๐ Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model
- mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning - Materials for the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course.
- alphacep/vosk-api - Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node
- DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp - Free MLOps course from DataTalks.Club
- dcmoura/spyql - Query data on the command line with SQL-like SELECTs powered by Python expressions
- eleanorlutz/asteroids_atlas_of_space - Code, data, and instructions for mapping orbits of asteroids in the solar system
- pyannote/pyannote-audio - Neural building blocks for speaker diarization: speech activity detection, speaker change detection, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding
- marceloprates/prettymaps - Draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data! Built with osmnx +matplotlib + shapely
- leandromoreira/digital_video_introduction - A hands-on introduction to video technology: image, video, codec (av1, vp9, h265) and more (ffmpeg encoding). Translations: ๐บ๐ธ ๐จ๐ณ ๐ฏ๐ต ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฐ๐ท ๐ท๐บ ๐ง๐ท ๐ช๐ธ
- Cyb3rWard0g/HELK - The Hunting ELK
- coells/100days - 100 days of algorithms
- Belkaar/ZeroNavBridge - A bridge App to send navigation Info to Zero Motorcycle bikes
- ilya40umov/observability-deep-dive - Exploring observability with Logback, Brave, Otel, Spring Boot, Loki, Tempo etc.
- jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter - Life is too short for Bash programming
- ajalt/clikt - Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
- awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin - Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin
- square/moshi - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
- Automattic/pocket-casts-android - Pocket Casts Android ๐ง
- typesafegithub/github-workflows-kt - Authoring GitHub Actions workflows in Kotlin. You won't go back to YAML!
- grpc/grpc-kotlin - Kotlin gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC
- Netflix/dgs-framework - GraphQL for Java with Spring Boot made easy.
- darthmachina/obsidian-kotlin-plugin - Base Obsidian plugin written in Kotlin
- smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin - Smithy code generator for Kotlin (in development)
- Kotlin/kotlinx-kover -
- JakeWharton/mosaic - Build terminal UI in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose
- tasks/tasks - Bringing Astrid Tasks back from the dead
- ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-libsodium - A kotlin multiplatform wrapper for libsodium, using directly built libsodium for jvm and native, and libsodium.js for js targets.
- eddumelendez/reactor-kotlin-workshop - Hands-On Lab with Reactor and Kotlin
- vmadalin/android-modular-architecture - ๐ Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
- pjagielski/punkt - Live coding music library/environment for Kotlin
- joreilly/PeopleInSpace - Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear, Compose for Desktop, and Compose for Web clients along with Ktor backend.
- ivan-moto/30-seconds-of-kotlin - Kotlin snippets that you can understand quickly, using only stdlib functionality.
- marcoferrer/kroto-plus - gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc
- raharrison/kotlin-ktor-exposed-starter - Starter RESTful service with websocket notifications using Kotlin, Ktor and Exposed with H2, HikariCP and FlyWay
- adavis/ufo-sightings-api - Sample GraphQL API Using Ktor and KGraphQL
- SimonSchubert/Braincup - Train your math skills, memory and focus.
- nickbutcher/plaid - An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
- mixitconf/mixit - MiXiT website
- taniarascia/new-moon - ๐ โ The optimized dark theme for web development.
- AdesisNetlife/croak - Grunt made easy for large and distributed projects (deprecated)
- sorellabs/claire - [Unmaintained: please use jsverify instead] A property-based testing library for clearly specifying code invariants and behaviour.
- gkz/type-check - a library which allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a Haskell like type syntax
- leandromoreira/cdn-up-and-running - CDN Up and Running - Building a CDN from Scratch to Learn about CDN, Nginx, Lua, Prometheus, Grafana, Load balancing, and Containers.
- LunarVim/LunarVim - ๐ LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- rebelot/kanagawa.nvim - NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
- NeogitOrg/neogit - An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit
- koreader/koreader - An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
- Kong/kong - ๐ฆ The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.
- zoph-io/aws-security-survival-kit - Bare minimum AWS Security Alerting and Configuration
- OpenSLO/OpenSLO - Open specification for defining and expressing service level objectives (SLO)
- TritonDataCenter/pkgsrc-legacy - Automatically updated conversion of the "pkgsrc" module from anoncvs.netbsd.org
- adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs - Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
- NixOS/rfcs - The Nix community RFCs
- tldr-pages/tldr - ๐ Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- divnix/std - A DevOps framework for the SDLC with the power of Nix and Flakes. Good for keeping deadlines!
- tazjin/nix-1p - A (more or less) one page introduction to Nix, the language.
- hercules-ci/flake-parts - โ๏ธ Simplify Nix Flakes with the module system
- numtide/flake-utils - Pure Nix flake utility functions [maintainer=@zimbatm]
- nix-community/poetry2nix - Convert poetry projects to nix automagically [maintainer=]
- NixOS/nix.dev - Official documentation for getting things done with Nix.
- ninegua/ic-blackhole - Once a canister sets its only controller to a black hole, it becomes immutable and more!
- duffn/dumb-password-rules - A compilation of sites with dumb password rules.
- h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- opengrep/opengrep - ๐ Static code analysis engine to find security issues in code.
- melange-re/melange - A mixture of tooling combined to produce JavaScript from OCaml & Reason
- ocaml-multicore/eio - Effects-based direct-style IO for multicore OCaml
- semgrep/semgrep - Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code.
- savonet/liquidsoap - Liquidsoap is a statically typed scripting general-purpose language with dedicated operators and backend for all thing media, streaming, file generation, automation, HTTP backend and more.
- reasonml/reason - Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems
- open-policy-agent/gatekeeper-library - ๐ The OPA Gatekeeper policy library
- senaykt/cloud-security-resources -
- popcar2/BadWebsiteBlocklist - A filter that blocks spam & misleading websites from appearing in search results via uBlocklist
- EndoTheDev/Awesome-Ollama - An opinionated list of awesome Ollama web and desktop uis, frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- vavkamil/awesome-vulnerable-apps - Awesome Vulnerable Applications
- kaiiyer/awesome-vulnerable - A curated list of VULNERABLE APPS and SYSTEMS which can be used as PENETRATION TESTING PRACTICE LAB.
- tBaxter/questions-for-employers - A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers.
- Frichetten/aws-api-models - A collection of documented and undocumented AWS API models
- vizdom-dev/vizdom - A TypeScript library for Vizdom
- tldrsec/awesome-secure-defaults - Awesome secure by default libraries to help you eliminate bug classes!
- hslatman/awesome-threat-intelligence - A curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources
- adamshostack/4QuestionFrame - Shostack's 4 Question Frame for Threat Modeling
- qazbnm456/awesome-web-security - ๐ถ A curated list of Web Security materials and resources.
- fabacab/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam - ๐ป๐ก๏ธ A curated collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for cybersecurity blue teams.
- brcyrr/CyberSecurityRoadmapSuggestions - This repository contains a list of roadmaps I created with my suggestions on LinkedIn and Twitter.๐ค๐ป๐
- c3e/grundgesetz - Grundgesetz fรผr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- palantir/alerting-detection-strategy-framework - A framework for developing alerting and detection strategies for incident response.
- fehlfarbe/diy-bike-trailer -
- psenough/teach_yourself_demoscene_in_14_days - A guide to learn and become active in the demoscene within a couple of weeks
- iknowjason/Awesome-CloudSec-Labs - Awesome free cloud native security learning labs. Includes CTF, self-hosted workshops, guided vulnerability labs, and research labs.
- VulnHub/ctf-writeups - CTF write-ups from the VulnHub CTF Team
- pulumiverse/awesome-pulumi - Curated list of resources on Pulumi
- JakobTheDev/awesome-devsecops - Curating the best DevSecOps resources and tooling.
- arcataroger/awesome-engineering-games - A curated list of engineering-related video games rated Very Positive or higher on Steam
- devsecops/awesome-devsecops - An authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools with the help from community experiments and contributions.
- gonzalo-/hackers - random scenes from the movie hackers
- tijn/awesome-password-store - A collection of awesome pass extensions and interfaces (for zx2c4's pass)
- libsql/sqld - LibSQL with extended capabilities like HTTP protocol, replication, and more.
- chbarts/particle-abcs - Simple ABC book for particle physics
- TfTHacker/DashboardPlusPlus - Demonstrating the Dashboard++ method of organizing a vault in Obsidian
- xyflow/awesome-node-based-uis - A curated list with resources about node-based UIs
- ChristianLempa/cheat-sheets - This is my personal knowledge-base. Here you'll find code-snippets, technical documentation, and command reference for various tools, and technologies.
- tleb/awesome-mastodon - Curated list of awesome Mastodon-related stuff!
- webtiming/mediasync - MediaSync is a JavaScrpt library implementing timed playback of HTML5 audio/video, based on the TimingObject
- webtiming/sequencer - A generic JavaScript Sequencer for precisely timed presentation of timed data, using HTMLTimingObject/SharedMotion as timing source.
- evilmartians/mono - Free and open-source monospaced font from Evil Martians
- zalando/tech-radar - Visualizing our technology choices
- jeffbarr/gridfinity-catalog - Catalog of Gridfinity Designs and Other Resources
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
- HackerNews/API - Documentation and Samples for the Official HN API
- swyxio/spark-joy - โจ๐ 2000+ ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product.
- jorgef/engineeringladders - A framework for Engineering Managers
- hwayne/awesome-cold-showers - For when people get too hyped up about things
- TheWebScrapingClub/webscraping-from-0-to-hero - The web scraping open project repository aims to share knowledge and experiences about web scraping with Python
- hng/tech-coops - A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
- djsime1/awesome-flipperzero - ๐ฌ A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- mclaeysb/FerrarGIS - Using QGIS to apply a 1777 style to today's OpenStreetMap data.
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- stereobooster/type-o-rama - ๐พ JS type systems interportability
- ArchiveBox/good-karma-kit - ๐ A Docker Compose bundle to run on servers with spare CPU, RAM, disk, and bandwidth to help the world. Includes Tor, ArchiveWarrior, BOINC, and more...
- rothgar/awesome-tuis - List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
- Ph055a/OSINT_Collection - Maintained collection of OSINT related resources. (All Free & Actionable)
- tehtbl/awesome-note-taking - A curated list of awesome note-taking software.
- DamZiobro/gstreamerCheatsheet - GStreamer pipelines and CLI commands for different GStreamer based features (process MPEG2-TS files, get video from DVB, deinterlace video, capture RTSP stream etc.)
- liuzhen03/awesome-video-enhancement - Paper list for video enhancement, including video super-resolution, interpolation, denoising, deblurring and inpainting.
- opsdisk/the_cyber_plumbers_handbook - Free copy of The Cyber Plumber's Handbook - The definitive guide to Secure Shell (SSH) tunneling, port redirection, and bending traffic like a boss.
- fikrikarim/companies-with-successful-pivot - List of startups/companies that had successful pivots
- grantcarthew/awesome-unique-id - A curated list of awesome Unique IDs
- getgrav/awesome-grav - A curated list of awesome stuff to do with Grav
- adrianlarion/useful-sed - Useful sed scripts & patterns.
- Doragd/Awesome-Paper-List - A curated list of repositories in which many NLP/CV/ML papers and related area resources are collected.
- slowernews/hamster-system - Ultra-simple framework to organize your life.
- pmerson/ADR-template - A md template for Architecture Decision Records (ADRs)
- ProductHired/open-product-management - A curated list of product management advice for technical people.
- mithi/react-philosophies - ๐ง Things I think about when I write React code ๐ง
- hantuzun/awesome-clojurescript - A community driven list of ClojureScript frameworks, libraries and wrappers.
- mswjs/examples - Examples of Mock Service Worker usage with various frameworks and libraries.
- joelparkerhenderson/architecture-decision-record - Architecture decision record (ADR) examples for software planning, IT leadership, and template documentation
- prathyvsh/pl-catalog - A catalog of programming languages
- kuchin/awesome-cto - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
- joshbuchea/HEAD - A simple guide to HTML <head> elements
- thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist - ๐ The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
- kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet - Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern.
- zoupio/spec - a specification for decentralized federated tumblelogs
- GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars - 100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars.
- jeanqasaur/women-in-programming-languages-research - Women in Programming Languages and Software Engineering Research
- AndySparks/public-journal - Knowledge and essays. Personal and public.
- ksindi/managers-playbook - ๐ Heuristics for effective management
- ewasm/design - Ewasm Design Overview and Specification
- WICG/video-editing -
- luruke/browser-2020 - Things you can do with a browser in 2020 โ๏ธ
- meirwah/awesome-workflow-engines - A curated list of awesome open source workflow engines
- chaincodelabs/bitcoin-curriculum - Bitcoin Protocol Development Curriculum
- mayfrost/guides - Looking for a guide? You came to the right place. Here you can find documentation for a variety of topics I research to make complex computing easier. For comments go to the IRC channel #nfo at the Ri
- NoRedInk/elm-style-guide - NoRedInk style guide for our Elm code
- tycrek/degoogle - A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links.
- joeycastillo/The-Open-Book -
- Bloomberg-Beta/Investment-Documents - Bloomberg Beta's Investment Documents for Series Seed, SAFEs, and Notes
- othneildrew/Best-README-Template - An awesome README template to jumpstart your projects!
- skulltech/aws-solutions-architect-associate-notes - My notes for AWS Solutions Architect Associate.
- 0x4447/0x4447_product_answering_machine - โ๏ธ An automated answering machine build on top of Amazon Connect
- puresec/awesome-serverless-security - A curated list of awesome serverless security resources such as (e)books, articles, whitepapers, blogs and research papers.
- cutenode/1x.engineer - The official website of 1x Engineers around the world
- joelparkerhenderson/queueing-theory - Queueing theory: an introduction for software development
- lydiahallie/javascript-questions - A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations โจ
- nikosheng/aws-stepfunctions-local-tutorial - A hands-on beginning guide to build up a AWS Step Functions project in local environment
- phillipadsmith/awesome-github - A curated list of GitHub's awesomeness
- korfuri/awesome-monorepo - A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures.
- larahogan/ally-resources - A handful of things that were helpful to me, or that I developed with other allies, while working at Etsy.
- mthenw/awesome-layers - ฮป A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by https://cloudash.dev
- csabapalfi/awesome-pagespeed-metrics - โกMetrics to help understand page speed and user experience
- Mergifyio/mergify - Mergify Community Issue Tracker
- ch11ng/exwm - Emacs X Window Manager
- trimstray/the-practical-linux-hardening-guide - This guide details creating a secure Linux production system. OpenSCAP (C2S/CIS, STIG).
- mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know - A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
- mtdvio/going-to-production - A reference checklist for topics which should be covered before going to production.
- kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood - ๐ฑ Falsehoods Programmers Believe in
- k88hudson/git-flight-rules - Flight rules for git
- maguowei/awesome-stars - My Awesome List
- InterviewMap/CS-Interview-Knowledge-Map - Build the best interview map. The current content includes JS, network, browser related, performance optimization, security, framework, Git, data structure, algorithm, etc.
- cncf/landscape - ๐ The Cloud Native Interactive Landscape filters and sorts hundreds of projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding, first and last commits, contributor counts and headquar
- j4p3/strimpack - A platform for livestreamers to make a home for their audience.
- pzwang/lostweb - The Web We Lost, and What Comes Next
- ddbeck/readme-checklist - A checklist for writing READMEs
- w3c-webmob/payments-use-cases - Payments: Use Cases for payments on the web on mobile
- berzerk0/Probable-Wordlists - Version 2 is live! Wordlists sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing - make sure your passwords aren't popular!
- andrew--r/channels - ๐บ A collection of useful YouTube channels for javascript developers and web designers
- cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade - Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News.
- redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- colemancda/PureSwiftList - List of Pure Swift projects that are Linux compatible
- hsavit1/Awesome-Swift-Education - ๐ฅ Learn some Swift
- cyclejs-community/awesome-cyclejs - A curated list of awesome Cycle.js resources
- sporto/awesome-elm - A curated list of useful Elm tutorials, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome list. Feel free to contribute. ๐
- fresh-standard/fresh-resume-schema - A rational schema for your rรฉsumรฉ or CV.
- DopplerHQ/awesome-interview-questions -
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! ๐
- bevacqua/es6 - ๐ ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points
- xgrommx/awesome-redux - Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares
- AllThingsSmitty/css-protips - โก๏ธ A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro ๐ฆพ
- clef/handbook - An employee handbook built for inclusion
- getify/You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series (2 published editions) on the JS language.
- AllThingsSmitty/jquery-tips-everyone-should-know - A collection of tips to help up your jQuery game ๐ฎ
- neutraltone/awesome-stock-resources - ๐ A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
- sindresorhus/awesome-electron - Useful resources for creating apps with Electron
- marmelab/awesome-rest - A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance
- burningtree/awesome-json - A curated list of awesome JSON libraries and resources.
- leereilly/games - ๐ฎ A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
- dictcp/awesome-git - A curated list of amazingly awesome Git tools, resources and shiny things
- gocardless/angularjs-style-guide - AngularJS style guide used at GoCardless
- sindresorhus/amas - Awesome & Marvelous Amas
- sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs - โก Delightful Node.js packages and resources
- wsargent/docker-cheat-sheet - Docker Cheat Sheet
- timoxley/best-practices - Tidbits of developer best practices from around the web
- yoshuawuyts/knowledge - notes on things
- estree/estree - The ESTree Spec
- webcomponents/gold-standard -
- nicola/emoji-commits - ๐ The new generation of git commit messages
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- HR-Hackathon/API-Partner -
- kelseyhightower/kubestack - Manage Kubernetes with Packer and Terraform on Google Compute Engine.
- kelseyhightower/osdc-2015 - Building Distributed Systems with CoreOS Talk
- tcnksm/awesome-container - A curated list of awesome container technologies and services
- xiaobeicn/Style-Guide-Collection - Collection of some commonly used style guide
- moklick/frontend-stuff - ๐ A continuously expanded list of frameworks, libraries and tools I used/want to use for building things on the web. Mostly JavaScript.
- monitoringsucks/metrics-catalog - Catalog of valuable metrics you might want to collect
- phanan/htaccess - โA collection of useful .htaccess snippets.
- lebinh/nginx-conf - A collection of useful Nginx configuration snippets
- thoughtbot/til - Today I Learned
- progrium/bashstyle - Let's do Bash right!
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - ๐ List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- Pana/node-books - For those who love Node.js
- komejo/front-end-developer-employer-questions - A list of questions you can ask potential employers, when interviewing for a front-end development position.
- shadowhand/git-encrypt - Transparent Git Encryption
- gocardless/http-api-design - HTTP Design Guidelines
- a8m/golang-cheat-sheet - An overview of Go syntax and features.
- juliangruber/live-coding - How to give good live coding talks
- AllThingsSmitty/must-watch-css - ๐ฅย CSS talks you have to see โก๏ธย covering CSS Grid, flexbox, custom variables, performance, frameworks, Sass, tools, and more! ๐
- rxin/db-readings - Readings in Databases
- johnpapa/angular-styleguide - Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices.
- emijrp/awesome-awesome - A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.
- kahun/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
- dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- interagent/http-api-design - HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform API
- juliangruber/npmd -
- cloudflare/sslconfig - Cloudflare's Internet facing SSL configuration
- trevorlinton/webkit.js - Pure JavaScript Port of WebKit
- nzakas/understandinges6 - Content for the ebook "Understanding ECMAScript 6"
- madmalik/mononoki - a programming typeface
- csswizardry/CSS-Guidelines - High-level guidelines for writing manageable, maintainable CSS
- necolas/idiomatic-css - Principles of writing consistent, idiomatic CSS.
- monitoringsucks/tool-repos - Tracking various tools that fit in the monitoring and metrics space
- meenie/8bit.js - 8Bit.js Audio Library - Write music using 8bit oscillation sounds.
- nilium/st2-nil-theme - Minimalist Sublime Text 2 UI dark and light themes and color schemes. Includes HDPI support for retina displays. (Unmaintained)
- 0x-r4bbit/angular-component-spec - Specification for reusable AngularJS components
- bundestag/gesetze - Bundesgesetze und -verordnungen
- Lokaltog/vim-powerline - Moved to powerline/powerline.
- isohuntto/openbay -
- wallabag/wallabag - wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
- zutrinken/Scapegoat - Wordpress Theme for Berlin Pirate Party ๐ง Unmaintained
- captn3m0/ifttt-webhook - โป๏ธ A webhook middleware for the ifttt.com service
- niklasvh/php.js - PHP to JavaScript converter and VM written in JavaScript
- klaussilveira/gitlist - An elegant and modern git repository viewer
- straup/privatesquare - privatesquare is a simple web application to record and manage a database of foursquare check-ins.
- bendodson/phpMyOpenID - phpMyOpenID is a simple to use install routine for the popular phpMyID library which allows you to host your own OpenID server
- hybridauth/hybridauth - Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.
- annando/Syncom - Syncom - MyBB-plugin for syncing between forum and nntp server
- janschejbal/piratenid -
- inkscapeforum/Garden - Vanilla is an open-source discussion forum for the web. It is built upon Garden, our pluggable application development framework.
- inkscapeforum/Inkscape-Forum-Theme - Das Inkscape Forum Theme. Erweiterung des Vanilla default-Theme
- phork/framework - The Phork Framework is a flexible, lightweight Open Source PHP 5 framework.
- DirkEngels/PhpTaskDaemon - A deamon framework for running PHP continously and in daemon mode.
- plomlompom/PlomWiki - Extensible PHP wiki using plain text files as its database, with primitive wiki markup and page versioning. Plugins to extend its functionality available in my PlomWikiPlugins repository.
- kbjr/Git.php - A PHP git library
- Scriptor/pharen - Lisp to PHP Compiler
- abraham/twitteroauth - The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.
- so-fancy/diff-so-fancy - Good-lookin' diffs. Actuallyโฆ nahโฆ The best-lookin' diffs. ๐
- jlord/git-it-electron - ๐ป ๐ Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub
- dotphiles/dotphiles - A community driven framework of dotfiles.
- PiratenHi/Mitgliederverwaltung - Skripte fรผr die Mitgliederverwaltung
- OTRF/Security-Datasets - Re-play Security Events
- TonyPhipps/SIEM - SIEM Tactics, Techiques, and Procedures
- prism-break/prism-break - Privacy/security-oriented software recommendations (mirrored from GitLab)
- Piratenfraktion-Berlin/Infrastructure - Scripts to get the infrastructure of a political fraction running - Deprecated. We use Chef nowadays
- sharkdp/cube-composer - A puzzle game inspired by functional programming
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- camel-ai/oasis - ๐๏ธ OASIS: Open Agent Social Interaction Simulations with One Million Agents. https://oasis.camel-ai.org
- salesforce/policy_sentry - IAM Least Privilege Policy Generator
- dannysteenman/aws-toolbox - This repository contains a collection of awesome tools and scripts for Developers and Engineers seeking to automate routine tasks on AWS Cloud.
- nccgroup/ScoutSuite - Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool
- pg-spot-ops/pg-spot-operator - Maintains stateful Postgres on Spot VMs
- databridge-org/databridge-core - Multi-modal modular data ingestion and retrieval
- DrewThomasson/ebook2audiobook - Convert ebooks to audiobooks with chapters and metadata using dynamic AI models and voice cloning. Supports 1,107+ languages!
- DrewThomasson/VoxNovel - VoxNovel: generate audiobooks giving each character a different voice actor.
- Cinnamon/kotaemon - An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
- Shubhamsaboo/awesome-llm-apps - Collection of awesome LLM apps with AI Agents and RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.
- comet-ml/opik - Debug, evaluate, and monitor your LLM applications, RAG systems, and agentic workflows with comprehensive tracing, automated evaluations, and production-ready dashboards.
- agno-agi/agno - Build Multimodal AI Agents with memory, knowledge and tools. Simple, fast and model-agnostic.
- DS4SD/docling - Get your documents ready for gen AI
- hydrusnetwork/hydrus - A personal booru-style media tagger that can import files and tags from your hard drive and popular websites. Content can be shared with other users via user-run servers.
- shade40/celx - A modern terminal UI framework powered by hypermedia served over HTTP.
- shade40/Celadon - A modern TUI library taking the right lessons from the web.
- shade40/Slate - A powerful terminal management library.
- yadm-dev/yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
- pydantic/pydantic-ai - Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs
- welldone-cloud/aws-lint-iam-policies - Runs IAM policy linting and security checks against either a single AWS account or a set of member accounts of an AWS Organization.
- circlemind-ai/fast-graphrag - RAG that intelligently adapts to your use case, data, and queries
- OTRF/ThreatHunter-Playbook - A community-driven, open-source project to share detection logic, adversary tradecraft and resources to make detection development more efficient.
- thiswillbeyourgithub/wdoc - Summarize and query from a lot of heterogeneous documents. Any LLM provider, any filetype, scalable (?), WIP
- lm-sys/RouteLLM - A framework for serving and evaluating LLM routers - save LLM costs without compromising quality
- Skyvern-AI/skyvern - Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
- PyCQA/bandit - Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.
- amoffat/sh - Python process launching
- ZacharyZhang-NY/Ollama-Engineer -
- vincentkoc/airgapped-offfline-rag - Secure, locally-run Retrieval-Augmented Generation system for document-based question-answering, utilizing Llama 3, Mistral, and Gemini models with a user-friendly Streamlit interface.
- SocketDev/security-wrapper -
- j6k4m8/remarkapy -
- j6k4m8/goosepaper - generate and deliver a daily newspaper to you or your remarkable tablet
- rschroll/rmcl - reMarkable Cloud Library for Python
- qtile/qtile - ๐ช A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python (X11 + Wayland)
- jle64/gnome-pass-search-provider - Pass password manager search provider for gnome-shell
- duo-labs/parliament - AWS IAM linting library
- DataDog/undocumented-aws-api-hunter - A tool to uncover undocumented APIs from the AWS Console.
- thezakman/CTF-Heaven - ๐ป CTF Heaven
- Owez/yark - YouTube archiving made simple.
- darrenburns/posting - The modern API client that lives in your terminal.
- tanelpoder/0xtools - 0x.Tools: X-Ray vision for Linux systems
- MobSF/mobsfscan - mobsfscan is a static analysis tool that can find insecure code patterns in your Android and iOS source code. Supports Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objective C Code. mobsfscan uses MobSF static analysis r
- welldone-cloud/aws-scps-for-sandbox-and-training-accounts - Collection of example Service Control Policies (SCPs) that are useful for sandbox and training AWS accounts.
- someengineering/fixinventory - Fix Inventory helps you identify and remove the most critical risks in AWS, GCP, Azure and Kubernetes.
- SigmaHQ/sigma - Main Sigma Rule Repository
- fkie-cad/amides - An Adaptive Misuse Detection System
- bruin-data/ingestr - ingestr is a CLI tool to copy data between any databases with a single command seamlessly.
- aws-samples/siem-on-amazon-opensearch-service - A solution for collecting, correlating and visualizing multiple types of logs to help investigate security incidents.
- RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu - The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments.
- marimo-team/marimo - A reactive notebook for Python โ run reproducible experiments, query with SQL, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git. All in a modern, AI-native editor.
- trustedsec/ptf - The Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) is a way for modular support for up-to-date tools.
- tamilbotnet/qping - qping: qping is simple python tool for finding bunch of live subdomains.Generally subdomain enumeration tools (Eg. Sublister) provide a list that consists of both Live and down subdomains. Hence the u
- luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software - ๐ง A list of awesome Linux softwares
- cloudevents/spec - CloudEvents Specification
- liquidctl/liquidctl - Cross-platform CLI and Python drivers for AIO liquid coolers and other devices
- Cryptonite-MIT/Write-ups - Cryptonite is the official ethical hacking and cybersecurity team of Manipal Institute of Technology. At Cryptonite, our areas of focus are cryptography, forensics, research, reverse engineering and w
- GreyDGL/PentestGPT - A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
- innovatorved/subtitle - Open-source subtitle generation for seamless content translation.
- yl4579/StyleTTS2 - StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models
- StackStorm/st2 - StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 i
- huggingface/distil-whisper - Distilled variant of Whisper for speech recognition. 6x faster, 50% smaller, within 1% word error rate.
- reflex-dev/reflex - ๐ธ๏ธ Web apps in pure Python ๐
- keephq/keep - The open-source AIOps and alert management platform
- CycodeLabs/raven - CI/CD Security Analyzer
- paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx - A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
- adbar/trafilatura - Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML
- aws-samples/aws-media-services-simple-vod-workflow - Lab that covers video conversion workflow for Video On Demand using AWS MediaConvert.
- autokey/autokey - AutoKey, a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
- chrieke/prettymapp - ๐ผ๏ธ Create beautiful maps from OpenStreetMap data in a streamlit webapp
- ZoeDekraker/eddie-smart-video-editor - Automatically edit your videos based on your voice commands while recording.
- Softcatala/whisper-ctranslate2 - Whisper command line client compatible with original OpenAI client based on CTranslate2.
- SYSTRAN/faster-whisper - Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
- clovaai/donut - Official Implementation of OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer (Donut) and Synthetic Document Generator (SynthDoG), ECCV 2022
- responsibleproblemsolving/energy-usage - Provides a function to measure the energy usage of another function.
- mlco2/codecarbon - Track emissions from Compute and recommend ways to reduce their impact on the environment.
- SourceCode-AI/aura - Python source code auditing and static analysis on a large scale
- pyca/cryptography - cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
- npiv/chatblade - A CLI Swiss Army Knife for ChatGPT
- TheRenegadeCoder/SnakeMD - A markdown generation library for Python.
- cirospaciari/socketify.py - Bringing Http/Https and WebSockets High Performance servers for PyPy3 and Python3
- microsoft/pyright - Static Type Checker for Python
- zakird/crux-top-lists - Downloadable snapshots of the Chrome Top Million Websites pulled from public CrUX data in Google BigQuery.
- elanmart/cbp-translate -
- mozilla/bleach - Bleach is an allowed-list-based HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes
- exaloop/codon - A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler with built-in NumPy support
- pdm-project/pdm - A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
- jointakahe/takahe - An ActivityPub/Fediverse server
- freedomofpress/dangerzone - Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to safe PDFs
- python-poetry/cleo - Cleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces.
- pypyr/pypyr - pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines. Automate anything by combining commands, different scripts in different languages & applications into one pipeline process.
- Textualize/textual - The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser.
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python - OpenTelemetry Python API and SDK
- google/gin-config - Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python
- amsehili/auditok - An audio/acoustic activity detection and audio segmentation tool
- cruft/cruft - Allows you to maintain all the necessary cruft for packaging and building projects separate from the code you intentionally write. Built on-top of, and fully compatible with, CookieCutter.
- CadQuery/cadquery - A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT
- python-pendulum/pendulum - Python datetimes made easy
- mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning - Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags
- Miksus/rocketry - Modern scheduling library for Python
- openai/whisper - Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- nat-n/poethepoet - A task runner that works well with poetry or uv.
- py-pdf/fpdf2 - Simple PDF generation for Python
- markqvist/Reticulum - The cryptography-based networking stack for building unstoppable networks with LoRa, Packet Radio, WiFi and everything in between.
- deter0/xborder - Active window border replacement for window managers.
- toluaina/pgsync - Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
- kizniche/Mycodo - An environmental monitoring and regulation system
- jaredtrog/cfplot - A simple tool to generate waterfall graphs of CloudFormation Templates
- andreheuer/grocy-create-product -
- tubearchivist/tubearchivist - Your self hosted YouTube media server
- dooit-org/dooit - An awesome TUI todo manager
- Florents-Tselai/WarcDB - WarcDB: Web crawl data as SQLite databases.
- faif/python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - What the f*ck Python? ๐ฑ
- dry-python/returns - Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
- bookwyrm-social/bookwyrm - Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub
- bashrc2/epicyon - ActivityPub server without Javascript, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community.
- project-alice-assistant/ProjectAlice - Main repository of Project Alice, contains main unit source code
- saleor/saleor - Saleor Core: the high performance, composable, headless commerce API.
- holoviz/panel - Panel: The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python
- httpie/cli - ๐ฅง HTTPie CLI โ modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
- cwacek/python-jsonschema-objects - Automatic Python binding generation from JSON Schemas
- bcwaldon/warlock -
- PostHog/posthog - ๐ฆ PostHog provides open-source web & product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host. Get started - free.
- assetnote/ghostbuster - Eliminate dangling elastic IPs by performing analysis on your resources within all your AWS accounts.
- pygments/pygments - Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter written in Python
- arrrrrmin/cloudfront-cognito-auth - Lambda@edge to secure cloudfront distributions using cognito as IDP in python
- keithasaurus/koda - Type-safe functional tools for Python.
- ploomber/ploomber - The fastest โก๏ธ way to build data pipelines. Develop iteratively, deploy anywhere. โ๏ธ
- captn3m0/pystitcher - pystitcher stitches your PDF files together, generating nice customizable bookmarks for you using a declarative markdown file as input
- joostrijneveld/pwdhash-py - A Python implementation of PwdHash, accessible from the command-line
- pathbird/poetry-kernel - Python Jupyter kernel using Poetry for reproducible notebooks
- GOATS2K/overpass - A self-hosted live video streaming platform with Discord authentication, auto-recording and more!
- erik/squabble - An extensible linter for SQL queries and migrations.
- aiortc/aiortc - WebRTC and ORTC implementation for Python using asyncio
- tomas-mazak/cdk-dns - High level AWS CDK constructs for DNS infrastructure in multi-account setups
- jiaaro/pydub - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
- antiboredom/audiogrep - Creates audio supercuts.
- psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- beartype/beartype - Unbearably fast near-real-time hybrid runtime-static type-checking in pure Python.
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui - A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
- python-poetry/poetry - Python packaging and dependency management made easy
- andersju/zzzfoo - Full-text desktop search with Rofi+Recoll
- alt-meta/convmoji - A simple cli tool to commit Conventional Commits
- pypa/pip-audit - Audits Python environments, requirements files and dependency trees for known security vulnerabilities, and can automatically fix them
- binxio/aws-cloudwatch-log-minder - command line utility and Lambda to maintain AWS Cloudwatch logs
- bordaigorl/rmview - A live viewer for reMarkable written in PyQt5
- benbusby/whoogle-search - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- ryansb/otelme - A low-friction OpenTelemetry wrapper for Python apps. It comes with sugar over basic spanning and the
magic receiver - yt-dlp/yt-dlp - A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- DonDebonair/slack-machine - A simple, yet powerful and extendable Slack bot
- bram2w/baserow - The official repository is hosted on https://gitlab.com/bramw/baserow. Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative.
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - ๐ Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- karlicoss/promnesia - Another piece of your extended mind
- 0xabu/pdfannots - Extracts and formats text annotations from a PDF file
- karlicoss/HPI - Human Programming Interface ๐ง๐ฝ๐ค
- saulpw/visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
- mzucker/noteshrink - Convert scans of handwritten notes to beautiful, compact PDFs
- fastapi/typer - Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
- aws/aws-sdk-pandas - pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, Neptune, OpenSearch, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Par
- Textualize/rich - Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- plottertools/hatched - Convert images to plotter-friendly hatched patterns
- abhiTronix/vidgear - A High-performance cross-platform Video Processing Python framework powerpacked with unique trailblazing features ๐ฅ
- benjaminsoellner/quietpaper - Raspberry-based E-Paper Smart Home Display Project
- Netflix/dispatch - All of the ad-hoc things you're doing to manage incidents today, done for you, and much more!
- evilsocket/opensnitch - OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux interactive application firewall inspired by Little Snitch.
- averagesecurityguy/dnsfw - Scripts to implement a basic DNS firewall
- averagesecurityguy/scripts - Scripts I use during pentest engagements.
- PyGithub/PyGithub - Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
- duo-labs/secret-bridge - Monitors Github for leaked secrets
- freewym/espresso - Espresso: A Fast End-to-End Neural Speech Recognition Toolkit
- theserverlessway/aws-baseline - AWS Baseline to roll out into your Organization
- hellerve/programming-talks - Awesome & interesting talks about programming
- chdsbd/kodiak - ๐ฎ A bot to automatically update and merge GitHub PRs
- apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools - DeDRM tools for ebooks
- tfeldmann/organize - The file management automation tool.
- CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning - Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
- andresriancho/enumerate-iam - Enumerate the permissions associated with AWS credential set
- jdlorimer/chinese-support-redux - Anki add-on providing support for Chinese study
- geldata/gel - Gel supercharges Postgres with a modern data model, graph queries, Auth & AI solutions, and much more.
- kovidgoyal/kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
- cartography-cncf/cartography - Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.
- dowjones/hammer - Dow Jones Hammer : Protect the cloud with the power of the cloud(AWS)
- mda590/cloudping.co - AWS Inter-Region Latency Monitoring
- Netflix-Skunkworks/policyuniverse - Parse and Process AWS IAM Policies, Statements, ARNs, and wildcards.
- smacke/ffsubsync - Automagically synchronize subtitles with video.
- pindexis/marker - The terminal command palette
- chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit - Chaos Engineering Toolkit & Orchestration for Developers
- minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings - The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- Netflix/hubcommander - A Slack bot for GitHub organization management -- and other things too
- borgbackup/borg - Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- soundcloud/project-dev-kpis - Key Performance Indicators of product development teams.
- chenjj/CORScanner - ๐ฏ Fast CORS misconfiguration vulnerabilities scanner
- mhagger/git-when-merged - Determine when a particular commit was merged into a git branch
- sentialabs/coto - Undocumented AWS Management Console APIs SDK for Python
- stav121/i3wm-themer - ๐จ Theme collection manager for i3-wm
- janiko71/aws-inventory - Python script for AWS resources inventory (cheaper than AWS Config)
- joukos/PaperTTY - PaperTTY - Python module to render a TTY or VNC on e-ink
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- nbedos/termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- PaloAltoNetworks/aws-transit-vpc - automated AWS transit vpc
- spotify/luigi - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
- aws-samples/ecs-blue-green-deployment - Reference architecture for doing blue green deployments on ECS.
- goberoi/cloud_speech_experiments - Scripts to experiment with cloud speech vendors like Google Cloud Speech.
- prowler-cloud/prowler - Prowler is an Open Cloud Security tool for AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes. It helps for continuos monitoring, security assessments and audits, incident response, compliance, hardening and forensics re
- jarun/buku - ๐ Personal mini-web in text
- awslabs/aws-iam-generator - Generate Multi-Account IAM users/groups/roles/policies from a simple YAML configuration file and Jinja2 templates.
- Kwpolska/upass - Console UI for pass.
- benjaminbollen/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
- peterbrittain/asciimatics - A cross platform package to do curses-like operations, plus higher level APIs and widgets to create text UIs and ASCII art animations
- buckket/twtxt - Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.
- reddit-archive/reddit - historical code from reddit.com
- donnemartin/awesome-aws - A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
- donnemartin/saws - A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
- richo/quietnet - Simple chat program using inaudible sounds and a computer's microphone and speaker.
- mooz/percol - adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of UNIX shell
- autodesk-cloud/ochopod - Your friendly orchestration overlay over Mesos, K8S and more !
- getsentry/freight - Freight is a service which aims to make application deployments better.
- tckmn/mkcast - [OBSOLETE - see readme] A tool for creating GIF screencasts of a terminal, with key presses overlaid.
- sockeye44/instavpn - the most user-friendly L2TP/IPsec VPN server
- aronwoost/sublime-expand-region - Like โExpand Selection to Scopeโ. But better!
- asciimoo/ListOfGithubLists - List of github lists
- lauris/awesome-scala - A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
- Flolagale/mailin - Artisanal inbound emails for every web app
- eht16/zabbix-scripts - Various Zabbix Stuff
- mail-in-a-box/mailinabox - Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box.
- andresriancho/w3af - w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
- gunnery/gunnery - Remote task execution tool
- mailpile/Mailpile - A free & open modern, fast email client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features
- nsupdate-info/nsupdate.info - Dynamic DNS service
- YoSmudge/dnsyo - Check your DNS against over 1000 global DNS servers
- ansible/ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud
- lincolnloop/salmon - A simple monitoring system.
- kelvan/pyosm - Python library for parsing opening_hours field in openstreetmap
- faucetsdn/ryu - Ryu component-based software defined networking framework
- treeio/treeio - Tree.io
- ckan/ckan - CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers catalog.data.gov, open.canada.ca/data, data.hu
- mothran/bunny - Bunny is a wireless. meshing, darknet that uses 802.11 to hide its communications
- scy/levitation - Tools to convert Wikipedia dumps into Git repositories.
- robm/uzbl - A browser that adheres to the unix philosophy.
- khanhas/zshelf - reMarkable app: Browse and download books from Z-Library
- Swordfish90/cool-retro-term - A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
- adamshostack/eop - The Elevation of Privilege Threat Modeling Game
- kagisearch/bangs - Repository of bangs used by Kagi Search
- github-linguist/linguist - Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
- ankane/pgsync - Sync data from one Postgres database to another
- motor-admin/motor-admin - Deploy a no-code admin panel for any application in less than a minute. Search, create, update, and delete data entries, create custom actions, and build reports.
- hometown-fork/hometown - A supported fork of Mastodon that provides local posting and a wider range of content types.
- treflehq/trefle-api - ๐ Trefle is a botanical JSON REST API for plants species, allowing you to search and query over all the registered species, and build the next gardening apps and farming robots.
- dependabot/dependabot-core - ๐ค Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
- mlandauer/cuttlefish - Transactional email server with a lovely web interface
- mame/quine-relay - An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
- flyerhzm/chinese_pinyin - translate chinese hanzi to pinyin
- kilimchoi/engineering-blogs - A curated list of engineering blogs
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- RichardLitt/awesome-conferences - ๐ซ A list of awesome conferences
- grobie/soundcloud2000 - A terminal client for https://soundcloud.com
- cloudfoundry-attic/warden - Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- ttscoff/doing -
- aanand/git-up - NOT MAINTAINED
- technicalpickles/homesick - Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.
- discourse/discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- mizzy/serverspec - RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Itamae or anything else even by hand
- fairmondo/fairmondo -
- jordansissel/fpm - Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
- aaronpk/IndieAuth.com - This service is being discontinued in favor of indielogin.com
- zmoazeni/csscss - A CSS redundancy analyzer that analyzes redundancy.
- maccman/abba - A/B testing framework
- sbeyer/Piratistiken - Mitgliederverlauf der Piratenpartei Deutschland
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.
- Automattic/harper - The Grammar Checker for Developers
- getgrit/gritql - GritQL is a query language for searching, linting, and modifying code.
- PRQL/prql - PRQL is a modern language for transforming data โ a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
- resola-ai/rust-aws-tui -
- YaLTeR/niri - A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
- phiresky/ripgrep-all - rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
- cedar-policy/cedar - Implementation of the Cedar Policy Language
- svenstaro/proxyboi - A super simple reverse proxy with TLS support
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought โ Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- shell-pool/shpool - Think tmux, then aim... lower
- jdx/mise - dev tools, env vars, task runner
- parseablehq/parseable - ParseableDB is a disk less, cloud native database for observability and security. Parseable is the Observability platform built with ParseableDB
- cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
- loro-dev/loro - Make your JSON data collaborative and version-controlled with CRDTs
- sharkdp/hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool
- feldera/feldera - The Feldera Incremental Computation Engine
- lsd-rs/lsd - The next gen ls command
- theryangeary/choose - A human-friendly and fast alternative to cut (and sometimes awk)
- dandavison/delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
- BurntSushi/xsv - A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
- apache/iggy - Apache Iggy: Hyper-Efficient Message Streaming at Laser Speed
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native search engine for observability. An open-source alternative to Datadog, Elasticsearch, Loki, and Tempo.
- rwf2/Rocket - A web framework for Rust.
- CloudCannon/pagefind - Static low-bandwidth search at scale
- bensadeh/tailspin - ๐ A log file highlighter
- rerun-io/rerun - Visualize streams of multimodal data. Free, fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust.
- lnx-search/datacake - Tooling for creating your own distributed systems.
- lnx-search/lnx - โก Insanely fast, ๐ Feature-rich searching. lnx is the adaptable, typo tollerant deployment of the tantivy search engine.
- prefix-dev/rip - Solve and install Python packages quickly with rip (pip in Rust)
- prefix-dev/pixi - Package management made easy
- kata-containers/kata-containers - Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload
- michidk/vscli - A CLI/TUI that simplifies launching VSCode projects, with a focus on dev containers
- atuinsh/atuin - โจ Magical shell history
- getzola/zola - A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org
- haileys/bark - live sync audio streaming for local networks
- narrowlink/narrowlink - A self-hosted solution to enable secure connectivity between devices across restricted networks like NAT or firewalls
- pola-rs/polars - Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust
- openobserve/openobserve - ๐ 10x easier, ๐ 140x lower storage cost, ๐ high performance, ๐ petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for ๐ (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
- astral-sh/ruff - An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- eliaperantoni/spaceman - A gRPC client from another world
- str4d/age-plugin-yubikey - YubiKey plugin for age
- typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
- awslabs/mountpoint-s3 - A simple, high-throughput file client for mounting an Amazon S3 bucket as a local file system.
- DioxusLabs/dioxus - Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
- risingwavelabs/risingwave - Stream processing and management platform.
- metalbear-co/mirrord - Connect your local process and your cloud environment, and run local code in cloud conditions.
- aalykiot/dune - A hobby runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript ๐
- casey/just - ๐ค Just a command runner
- lencx/ChatGPT - ๐ฎ ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
- extism/extism - The framework for building with WebAssembly (wasm). Easily load wasm modules, move data, call functions, and build extensible apps.
- hyperium/tonic - A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support.
- quickwit-oss/tantivy-py - Python bindings for Tantivy
- quickwit-oss/tantivy - Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
- erg-lang/erg - A statically typed language compatible with Python
- tellerops/teller - Cloud native secrets management for developers - never leave your command line for secrets.
- vercel/turborepo - Build system optimized for JavaScriptย and TypeScript, written in Rust
- rant-lang/rant - Rant - The templating language for procedural generation.
- arxanas/git-branchless - High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
- tonarino/innernet - A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.
- gitui-org/gitui - Blazing ๐ฅ fast terminal-ui for git written in rust ๐ฆ
- target/lorri - Your project's nix-env
- qarmin/czkawka - Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
- nix-community/lorri - Your projectโs nix-env [maintainer=@Profpatsch,@nyarly]
- sachaos/viddy - ๐ A modern watch command. Time machine and pager etc.
- rustdesk/rustdesk - An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
- izderadicka/audioserve - Simple personal server to serve audiofiles files from folders. Intended primarily for audio books, but anything with decent folder structure will do.
- headwaymaps/headway - Self-hostable maps stack, powered by OpenStreetMap.
- zoeyfyi/Boop-GTK - Port of @IvanMathy's Boop to GTK, a scriptable scratchpad for developers.
- LemmyNet/lemmy - ๐ A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse
- starship/starship - โ๐๏ธ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- zesterer/chumsky - Write expressive, high-performance parsers with ease.
- lapce/lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
- PaulJuliusMartinez/jless - jless is a command-line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data.
- svix/svix-webhooks - The open source and enterprise-ready webhooks service ๐ฆ
- tkellogg/dura - You shouldn't ever lose your work if you're using Git
- sbdchd/squawk - ๐ linter for PostgreSQL, focused on migrations
- rien/reStream - Stream your reMarkable screen over SSH.
- postcss-rs/postcss-rs - ๐ Fast and 100% API compatible postcss replacer, built in Rust
- Wilfred/difftastic - a structural diff that understands syntax ๐ฅ๐ฉ
- Dusk-Labs/dim - Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- jpochyla/psst - Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI
- pimalaya/himalaya - CLI to manage emails
- zellij-org/zellij - A terminal workspace with batteries included
- hediet/slideo - This tool uses OpenCV to automatically synchronize slides with videos that show these slides.
- trussed-dev/trussed - Modern Cryptographic Firmware
- oppiliappan/dijo - scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker
- imazen/imageflow - High-performance image manipulation for web servers. Includes imageflow_server, imageflow_tool, and libimageflow
- vectordotdev/vector - A high-performance observability data pipeline.
- rome/tools - Unified developer tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, and the web
- void-rs/void - terminal-based personal organizer
- Canop/broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees : https://dystroy.org/broot
- denoland/deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- sharkdp/pastel - A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors
- analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis - โ๏ธ A curated list of static analysis (SAST) tools and linters for all programming languages, config files, build tools, and more. The focus is on tools which improve code quality.
- makepad/makepad - Makepad is a creative software development platform for Rust that compiles to wasm/webGL, osx/metal, windows/dx11 linux/opengl
- org-rs/org-rs - org-mode parser rewrite in Rust
- valeriansaliou/sonic - ๐ฆ Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
- cloudflare/boringtun - Userspace WireGuardยฎ Implementation in Rust
- greshake/i3status-rust - Very resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust
- rust-lang/mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
- timelens/timelens - Timelens command-line client
- alacritty/alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
- yewstack/yew - Rust / Wasm framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
- habitat-sh/habitat - Modern applications with built-in automation
- primer/css - Primer is GitHub's design system. This is the CSS implementation
- slatedocs/slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API
- bencodezen/vue-enterprise-boilerplate - An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI.
- pop-os/gtk-theme - System76 Pop GTK+ Theme
- flov/Hitchlog - A Social Network For Hitchhikers
- bradfrost/atomic-design - The repository for the Atomic Design book
- mdo/code-guide - Standards for developing consistent, flexible, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
- enso-org/enso - Enso Analytics is a self-service data prep and analysis platform designed for data teams.
- ghostdogpr/caliban - Functional GraphQL library for Scala
- sangria-graphql/sangria - Scala GraphQL implementation
- zio/zio-quill - Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- optics-dev/Monocle - Optics library for Scala
- omerxx/tmux-sessionx - A Tmux session manager, with preview, fuzzy finding, and MORE
- sroberts/awesome-iocs - A collection of sources of indicators of compromise.
- Security-Onion-Solutions/securityonion - Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes our own interfaces for alerting, dashboards, hunting, PCAP, detections, a
- CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- MegaManSec/SSH-Snake - SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
- SamuraiWTF/samuraiwtf - The main SamuraiWTF collaborative distro repo.
- hastinbe/i3blocks-battery-plus - An enhanced battery status indicator for i3blocks
- jameysharp/dokku-builder-nix - Dokku plugin to build images using Nix
- kasukur/auto-scale-ec2-using-sqs -
- C3S/passtore - Advanced
management for teams - MarkCotch/molly-guard - Molly-Guard trys to block you from accidentally shutting down or rebooting Linux servers
- github/hubot-sans - Hubot Sans, a variable font from GitHub
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text noteโtaking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- raycast/github-actions -
- selfscrum/wardley-maps-book - You know Simon Wardley's medium posts on his Wardley Mapping technique? This is an AsciiDoc of them, including the german translation
- CyberShadow/aconfmgr - A configuration manager for Arch Linux
- aws-samples/amazon-sagemaker-notebook-instance-lifecycle-config-samples - A collection of sample scripts to customize Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances using Lifecycle Configurations
- toltec-dev/toltec - Community-maintained repository of free software for the reMarkableย tablet.
- mercury2269/sqsmover - AWS SQS Message mover
- leahneukirchen/hrmpf - hrmpf rescue system, built on Void Linux
- ninegua/ic-utils - Unofficial software development kit for the Internet Computer
- papers-we-love/papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
- mthssdrbrg/ddns-route53 - Dynamic DNS updater using AWS Route53
- burghardt/easy-wg-quick - Creates Wireguard configuration for hub and peers with ease
- skylime/mi-core-base - core.io base server
- npryce/adr-tools - Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records
- DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB - "DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks" for *nix with XKB
- pascalw/kindle-dash - Power efficient dashboard for Kindle 4 NT devices
- donavon/hook-flow - A flowchart that explains the new lifecycle of a Hooks component. https://dwe.st/hf
- datkt/uv - libuv bindings for Kotlin
- albenik/git-summary - Checks what repos has been changed in your workspace.
- geometry-zsh/geometry - geometry is a minimal, composable zsh prompt
- screetsec/Sudomy - Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool to collect subdomains and analyzing domains performing automated reconnaissance (recon) for bug hunting / pentesting
- charlax/engineering-management - A collection of inspiring resources related to engineering management and tech leadership
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - ๐ A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- felipec/sharness - Shell library to test your tools like Git does
- nerdgeneration/www.sh - Web framework in Bash
- sos4nt/dynamic-colors - Change terminal colors on the fly
- zunit-zsh/zunit - A powerful testing framework for ZSH projects
- lambci/lambci - A continuous integration system built on AWS Lambda
- larsxschneider/scotty - Helper scripts for GitHub Enterprise admins
- larsxschneider/git-repo-analysis - Scripts to analyse large Git repositories.
- polybar/polybar-scripts - This is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
- ganifladi/blurme - Blurme v.1.0 Codename MEH (My Eyes Hurt)
- jgonsior/dotfiles -
- antonlindstrom/passpwn - See if your passwords in pass has been breached.
- mozilla/zilla-slab - Mozilla's Zilla Slab Type Family
- k4m4/terminals-are-sexy - ๐ฅ A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
- juliangruber/yarn-aliases - Commonly used yarn aliases. Fork for more!
- d3/d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐๐๐
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - ๐ A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- tmux-plugins/tmux-open - Tmux key bindings for quick opening of a highlighted file or url
- tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat - A plugin that enhances tmux search
- tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
- tmux-plugins/tmux-pain-control - standard pane key-bindings for tmux
- tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible - basic tmux settings everyone can agree on
- thisendout/shrift - A minimal spec framework for running tests against your environment
- fukawi2/ffiler - File Filer; sort files into structured directory tree. Tree can be structured based on various designs such as date (file modification time), file hash, file prefix etc
- frdmn/docker-mailbox - Postfix, Dovecot, Roundcube and ViMbAdmin in a Docker boat
- unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins - A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials.
- desenmeng/ivm - io.js version management
- jmonster/heroku-buildpack-iojs - A Heroku buildpack for <s>Node</s>io.js apps.
- ninjudd/drip - Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs.
- cattleio/stampede - Hybrid IaaS/Docker orchestration platform running on CoreOS
- viljoviitanen/setup-simple-openvpn - This is a very old repo, and a script that used to work years ago. Please find a newer vpn setup.
- Project-DogeOS/DogeOS - DogeOS is SmartOS + FIFO
- huyng/bashmarks - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- ANXS/the-ansibles - One of the most extensive sets of ansible roles/examples, including a vagrant testbox and a setup to quickly run your full-featured and secured personal cloudbox.
- dokku/dokku - A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications
- sstephenson/bats - Bash Automated Testing System
- wanelo/manta-backup - Put things in Joyent's Manta object store. Now with remote checksums!
- maltejk/uberspace-scripts -
- micha/jsawk - Like awk, but for JSON.
- arrrrrmin/lanz-mining - Crawl talkshow guests, descriptions, political party memberships and all other available information from ARD and ZDF public media's web presence. Crawlers and parsers support Markus Lanz, Maischberge
- Figma-Linux/figma-linux - Figma is the first interface design tool based in the browser, making it easier for teams to create software. Join us in https://t.me/figma_linux
- janwilmake/efficient-recorder - Attempt to create an Open Source Privacy Focused Rewind.ai Alternative for data capture
- singe/tidcli - A simple touchID prompt'er for use in shell scripts.
- evanw/thumbhash - A very compact representation of an image placeholder
- ThasianX/ElegantTimeline-SwiftUI - Elegant demonstration of a multi-faceted timeline view with interactions between the calendar, list, and app theme.
- Ben-G/Meet - [
โ ๏ธ DEPRECATED] An iOS Application Built with Swift Flow - ReSwift/ReSwift - Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
- tidwall/Safe - Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.
- 21-lessons/21-lessons-book-de - 21 Lektionen - Ein Buch รผber eine Bitcoin-Reise, geschrieben von einem Bitcoiner
- cryptoparty/handouts - a collection of handouts and, where possible, their source files to help others make new cryptoparty handouts
- shadcn-ui/ui - A set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks. Open Source. Open Code.
- BBazard/obsidian-orgmode-cm6 - Orgmode plugin for Obsidian
- OpenHealthForAll/open-health - OpenHealth, AI Health Assistant | Powered by Your Data
- code-forge-temple/circuit-sketcher-obsidian-plugin - A plugin for Obsidian to draw circuits on a canvas.
- mathuo/dockview - Zero dependency Docking Layout Manager. Supports Vanilla TypeScript, React and Vue.
- CNTRLAI/Notate - Notate is a desktop chat application that takes AI conversations to the next level. It combines the simplicity of chat with advanced features like document analysis, vector search, and multi-model AI
- browserbase/stagehand - An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.
- continuedev/continue - โฉ Create, share, and use custom AI code assistants with our open-source IDE extensions and hub of models, rules, prompts, docs, and other building blocks
- hoarder-app/hoarder - A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search
- mendableai/firecrawl - ๐ฅ Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API.
- aws-samples/github-actions-oidc-cdk-construct -
- heyform/heyform - Open-Source Form Builder
- Surfer-Org/Protocol - Open-source framework for exporting your personal data.
- javierarce/arena-manager - Publish content from Obsidian to Arena and the other way around.
- step-security/harden-runner - Harden-Runner is a CI/CD security agent that works like an EDR for GitHub Actions runners. It monitors network egress, file integrity, and process activity on those runners, detecting threats in real-
- sanity-io/sanity - Sanity Studio โ Rapidly configure content workspaces powered by structured content
- anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts - A collection of projects designed to help developers quickly get started with building deployable applications using the Anthropic API
- chrnorm/build-your-own-cloudtrail -
- mountain-loop/yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, Server Sent Events, and gRPC ๐ฆฌ
- afadil/wealthfolio - A Beautiful Private and Secure Desktop Investment Tracking Application
- Dokploy/dokploy - Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
- denoland/std - The Deno Standard Library
- 8398a7/action-slack - Provides the function of slack notification to GitHub Actions.
- TrafficGuard/typedai - TypeScript AI platform with AI chat, Autonomous agents, Software developer agents, chatbots and more
- ssoready/ssoready - Open-source dev tools for enterprise SSO. Ship SAML + SCIM support this afternoon.
- StreamPot/StreamPot - Run FFmpeg as an API with fluent-ffmpeg compatibility, queues and S3 storage.
- cdklabs/cdk-pipelines-github -
- aws-samples/cloudfront-authorization-at-edge - Protect downloads of your content hosted on CloudFront with Cognito authentication using cookies and Lambda@Edge
- redotvideo/revideo - Create Videos with Code
- omni-media/omniclip - Open source video editing web application
- extension-js/extension.js - ๐งฉ The cross-browser extension framework.
- opengovern/opensecurity - opensecurity: open-source security and compliance. See and secure your cloud, containers, code, networks, deployments, devices. Define your rules, get precise checks, fix gaps fast. Streamlined audits
- Infisical/infisical - โพ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
- pubkey/rxdb - A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications https://rxdb.info/
- classvsoftware/under-new-management - Detect when your installed extensions have changed owners.
- center-for-threat-informed-defense/cti-blueprints - CTI Blueprints is a free suite of templates and tools that helps Cyber Threat Intelligence analysts create high-quality, actionable reports more consistently and efficiently.
- elysiajs/elysia - Ergonomic Framework for Humans
- code-of-chaos/obsidian-colored_tags_wrangler - Obsidian Plugin : Assign colors to tags. Has integrations with other plugins, like Kanban.
- antfu/shikiji - A syntax highlighter based on TextMate grammars. ESM rewrite of shiki, with more features and capabilities.
- slauth-io/slauth-cli - CLI that scans directories for Cloud Provider SDK usage generates the IAM Policies/Permissions needed
- CapSoftware/Cap - Open source Loom alternative. Beautiful, shareable screen recordings.
- cursorless-dev/cursorless - Don't let the cursor slow you down
- garnix-io/garn - garn is a build tool and environment manager that replaces justfiles/makefiles, docker, and the annoying parts of READMEs. The builders lingua franca.
- openstatusHQ/openstatus - ๐ The open-source synthetic monitoring platform ๐
- tinacms/tinacms - A fully open-source headless CMS that supports Markdown and Visual Editing
- spacedriveapp/spacedrive - Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
- scalar/scalar - Scalar is an open-source API platform:ใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ๐ Modern Rest API Clientใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ๐ Beautiful API Referencesใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ
- novuhq/novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
- tiged/tiged - Community driven fork of degit
- appwrite/appwrite - Build like a team of hundreds_
- projectstorm/react-diagrams - a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works
- medusajs/medusa - The world's most flexible commerce platform.
- swimlane/ngx-dnd - ๐ถ Drag, Drop and Sorting Library for Angular2 and beyond!
- antfu/eslint-config - Anthony's ESLint config preset
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- payloadcms/payload - Payload is the open-source, fullstack Next.js framework, giving you instant backend superpowers. Get a full TypeScript backend and admin panel instantly. Use Payload as a headless CMS or for building
- makawtharani/openai-whisper-deployment -
- scaffdog/scaffdog - ๐ถ scaffdog is Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
- webpro-nl/knip - โ๏ธ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Knip it before you ship it!
- makeplane/plane - ๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ฅ Open Source JIRA, Linear, Monday, and Asana Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and cycles the easiest way on the planet.
- TfTHacker/obsidian42-strange-new-worlds - Revealing the strange new world of connected thoughts in your vault.
- event-catalog/eventcatalog - An open source documentation tool to bring discoverability to your event-driven architectures
- muxinc/media-chrome - Custom elements (web components) for making audio and video player controls that look great in your website or app.
- winglang/wing - A programming language for the cloud โ๏ธ A unified programming model, combining infrastructure and runtime code into one language โก
- unjs/magicast - ๐ง Programmatically modify JavaScript and TypeScript source codes with a simplified, elegant and familiar syntax powered by recast and babel.
- enricoros/big-AGI - AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlight
- RafalWilinski/edge-graphql-dynamodb-api - Serverless GraphQL API on Edge with Global DynamoDB Tables
- motion-canvas/motion-canvas - Visualize Your Ideas With Code
- highlight/highlight - highlight.io: The open source, full-stack monitoring platform. Error monitoring, session replay, logging, distributed tracing, and more.
- cloudflare/workers-sdk - โ ๏ธ Home to Wrangler, the CLI for Cloudflare Workersยฎ
- alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda - Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions
- alma-cdk/cross-region-parameter - Store SSM Parameter into another AWS Region with AWS CDK
- jensmtg/influx - An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level in
- Kanaries/graphic-walker - An open source alternative to Tableau. Embeddable visual analytic
- molefrog/wouter - ๐ฅข A minimalist-friendly ~2.1KB routing for React and Preact
- pshihn/venn - Declarative Venn Diagrams
- aws/aws-pdk - The AWS PDK provides building blocks for common patterns together with development tools to manage and build your projects.
- amandaghassaei/gpu-io - A GPU-accelerated computing library for running physics simulations and other GPGPU computations in a web browser.
- michaelcpuckett/activity-kit - An attempt to build a spec-compliant ActivityPub core library.
- tailwindlabs/headlessui - Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
- hedgedoc/hedgedoc - HedgeDoc - Ideas grow better together
- components-ai/css.gui - Visual development environment for CSS
- markdoc/markdoc - A powerful, flexible, Markdown-based authoring framework.
- motiondivision/motionone -
- thx/resvg-js - A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.
- seek-oss/capsize - Flipping how we define typography in CSS.
- adifyr/obsidian-chat-view - An elegant chat view for Obsidian pages.
- meld-cp/obsidian-calc -
- slash9494/react-modern-audio-player - ๐ Simple, accessible and flexible audio player
- colinhacks/zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
- trpc/trpc - ๐งโโ๏ธ Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
- dddddddddzzzz/open-stories-element - Open Stories feed โ Story viewer
- dddddddddzzzz/OpenStories - The Open Stories format.
- gcanti/io-ts - Runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding
- Wattenberger/footsteps-vscode - Keep your place when jumping between a different parts of your code. This is a vscode extension that will highlight lines as you edit them, fading as you move away.
- Redocly/redoc - ๐ OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
- liamcain/obsidian-creases - ๐ Tools for effectively folding markdown sections in Obsidian
- tremorlabs/tremor-npm - React components to build charts and dashboards
- sofn-xyz/mailing - Build, test, send emails with React
- maxwellpeterson/kafka-worker - Kafka 0.8.0 broker implementation on top of Cloudflare Workers
- SigNoz/signoz - SigNoz is an open-source observability platform native to OpenTelemetry with logs, traces and metrics in a single application. An open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. ๐ฅ ๐ฅ. ๐ Open sour
- erxes/erxes - Source available experience management infrastructure. Pioneering the future of experiences with XOS (Experience Operating System). Hubspot + Qualtrics alternative
- dubinc/dub - Open-source link attribution platform. Loved by modern marketing teams like Twilio, Perplexity, Vercel, and Huberman Labs.
- type-challenges/type-challenges - Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
- windicss/windicss - Next generation utility-first CSS framework.
- honojs/hono - Web framework built on Web Standards
- jimmycallin/react-hook-videojs - Easy React integration of Video.js using hooks.
- cloudscape-design/components - React components for Cloudscape Design System
- chhoumann/PodNotes - PodNotes is a plugin for Obsidian that helps the user write notes on podcasts.
- jon-heard/obsidian-inline-scripts - Obsidian plugin: Type text shortcuts that expand into javascript generated text.
- clauderic/dnd-kit - The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
- codemix/deprank - Use PageRank to find the most important files in your codebase.
- vitest-dev/vitest - Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
- googleapis/release-please - generate release PRs based on the conventionalcommits.org spec
- primer/react - An implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System using React
- seamapi/prefixed-api-key - Module for generating a prefixed API Key
- thelostword/timeline - Canvas timeline, supports zooming, dragging, and infinite scrolling. -- Canvas ๆถ้ด่ฝด็ปไปถ๏ผๆฏๆ็ผฉๆพใๆๆฝใๆ ้ๆปๅจ
- ariakit/ariakit - Toolkit with accessible components, styles, and examples for your next web app
- awslabs/aws-solutions-constructs - The AWS Solutions Constructs Library is an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) that provides multi-service, well-architected patterns for quickly defining solutions
- jonelantha/react-responsive-pagination - A React pagination component which intelligently renders to the available width
- actualbudget/actual - A local-first personal finance app
- shiftkey/desktop - Fork of GitHub Desktop to support various Linux distributions
- radix-ui/design-system - Design system that was used by @modulz. Itโs now archived and superceded by Radix Themes. (See https://github.com/radix-ui/themes)
- adobe/react-spectrum - A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
- outline/outline - The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible.
- react-pdf-viewer/react-pdf-viewer - A React component to view a PDF document
- chetachiezikeuzor/Highlightr-Plugin - A minimal and aesthetically pleasing highlighting menu that makes color-coded highlighting much easier ๐จ.
- facebook/lexical - Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance.
- aws/jsii - jsii allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript classes. It is the technology that enables the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deliver polyglot libraries from a single codebase!
- apollographql/apollo-tooling - โ๏ธ Apollo CLI for client tooling (Mostly replaced by Rover)
- changesets/action -
- changesets/changesets - ๐ฆ A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos
- moltar/projen-turborepo - Projen project type for Turborepo monorepo setup.
- radix-ui/primitives - Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- gvergnaud/ts-pattern - ๐จ The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.
- tajo/ladle - ๐ฅ Develop, test and document your React story components faster.
- muxinc/stream.new - The repo for https://stream.new
- bugbakery/audapolis - an editor for spoken-word audio with automatic transcription
- OpenCTI-Platform/opencti - Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
- coddingtonbear/obsidian-csv-table - Have a CSV file you want to render some or all of the data from? This plugin allows you to display that data in your obsidian preview.
- kcwinner/cdk-appsync-transformer - AWS Amplify inspired CDK construct for creating directive based AppSync APIs
- soketi/soketi - Next-gen, Pusher-compatible, open-source WebSockets server. Simple, fast, and resilient. ๐ฃ
- ngneat/falso - All the Fake Data for All Your Real Needs ๐
- TfTHacker/obsidian42-text-transporter - Text Transporter - advanced text management for Obsidian.
- tinyplex/tinybase - The reactive data store for localโfirst apps.
- jogold/cloudstructs - High-level constructs for AWS CDK
- tuzig/terminal7 - A Multi Platform Terminal Emulator & Multiplexer Running over WebRTC with Touch First UI
- mui/material-ui - Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever.
- iorate/ublacklist - Blocks specific sites from appearing in Google search results
- cloudcomponents/cdk-constructs - A collection of higher-level reusable cdk constructs
- code-hike/codehike - Build rich content websites with Markdown and React
- bangle-io/banger-editor - (previously bangle-editor) Collection of higher level rich text editing tools. It powers the local only note taking app https://bangle.io
- Budibase/budibase - Create business apps and automate workflows in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s, and more ๐ No code / Low code platform..
- cdklabs/cdk-watchful - Watching what's up with your CDK apps since 2019
- maddevsio/seo-analyzer - The library for analyze a HTML file to show all of the SEO defects
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- styfle/cancel-workflow-action - โน๏ธ GitHub Action to cancel previous running workflows on push
- cloudflare/html-rewriter-wasm - WebAssembly version of HTMLRewriter
- mtfoley/pr-compliance-action - Check PR for compliance on title, linked issues, and files changed
- xtermjs/xterm.js - A terminal for the web
- atek-cloud/spork - [CLI app] Peer-to-peer socket magic in the air
- yuanqing/vdx - ๐๏ธ An intuitive CLI for processing video, powered by FFmpeg
- expo/expo - An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
- cdklabs/aws-delivlib - setup and manage continuous delivery pipelines for code libraries in multiple languages
- theatre-js/theatre - Motion design editor for the web
- seeebiii/projen-test - An example project explaining how to create and publish CDK constructs using projen and jsii. It lets you publish your CDK constructs to npm, Maven, NuGet and PyPi.
- projen/projen - Rapidly build modern applications with advanced configuration management
- jaredpalmer/the-platform - Web. Components. ๐
- steveruizok/perfect-arrows - Draw perfect arrows between points and shapes.
- roshan8/slo-tracker - A tool to track SLA, SLO and Error budgets
- timc1/kbar - fast, portable, and extensible cmd+k interface for your site
- exhibitionist-digital/ultra - Zero-Legacy Deno/React Suspense SSR Framework
- basarat/typescript-book - ๐ The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book ๐. Free and Open Source ๐น
- elthrasher/cdk-dynamo-lambda-loader -
- pmndrs/zustand - ๐ป Bear necessities for state management in React
- supabase/supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
- thebuilder/react-intersection-observer - React implementation of the Intersection Observer API to tell you when an element enters or leaves the viewport.
- estevanmaito/windmill-react-ui - ๐งฉ The component library for fast and accessible development of gorgeous interfaces.
- gqty-dev/gqty - The No-GraphQL Client for TypeScript
- growthbook/growthbook - Open Source Feature Flagging and A/B Testing Platform
- Fr0stbyteR/jspatcher - a Visual Programming Language (VPL) in Max/PureData style
- vuejs/petite-vue - 6kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement
- lume/autolayout - Apple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for JavaScript (using cassowary constraints)
- hashicorp/terraform-cdk - Define infrastructure resources using programming constructs and provision them using HashiCorp Terraform
- dendronhq/dendron - The personal knowledge management (PKM) tool that grows as you do!
- zandaqo/structurae - Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
- wwwtyro/candygraph - Fast by default, flexible 2D plotting library.
- roam-unofficial/roam-toolkit - Roam force multiplier
- microsoft/fast - The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
- GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh - Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
- reg-viz/reg-suit - โป๏ธ Visual Regression Testing tool
- cassiozen/useStateMachine - The <1 kb state machine hook for React
- mswjs/msw - Industry standard API mocking for JavaScript.
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
- andymatuschak/orbit - Experimental spaced repetition platform for exploring ideas in memory augmentation and programmable attention
- replit/clui - CLUI is a collection of JavaScript libraries for building command-driven interfaces with context-aware autocomplete.
- nickpalenchar/goodtimer - A setTimeout/setInterval for Humans (and so much more)
- nodegui/svelte-nodegui - Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native Svelte + powerful CSS-like styling.๐
- windicss/vite-plugin-windicss - ๐ Windi CSS for Vite โก๏ธ
- pmndrs/valtio - ๐ง Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla
- johannesjo/super-productivity - Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
- seek-oss/treat - ๐ฌ Themeable, statically extracted CSSโinโJS with nearโzero runtime.
- prabhuignoto/react-chrono - ๐ Modern Timeline Component for React
- awslabs/diagram-maker - A library to display an interactive editor for any graph-like data.
- vitejs/vite - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
- mifi/editly - Slick, declarative command line video editing & API
- maxchehab/phelia - โก A reactive Slack application framework.
- honkit/honkit - ๐ HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook
- shuding/nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.
- pmndrs/react-spring - โ๏ธ A spring physics based React animation library
- mifi/lossless-cut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
- vercel/swr - React Hooks for Data Fetching
- hupe1980/react-script-hook - React hook to dynamically load an external script and know when its loaded
- ardatan/graphql-mesh - ๐ธ๏ธ GraphQL Federation Framework for any API services such as REST, OpenAPI, Swagger, SOAP, gRPC and more...
- cdk-patterns/serverless - This is intended to be a repo containing all of the official AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. All patterns come in Typescript and Python with the exported Clo
- TanStack/query - ๐ค Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
- nhn/tui.editor - ๐๐ Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible.
- zzarcon/react-cristal - Beautiful window manager for React
- matthewp/haunted - React's Hooks API implemented for web components ๐ป
- wenyan-lang/wenyan - ๆ่จๆ็ทจ็จ่ช่จ A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
- isaacs/minipass - A stream implementation that does more by doing less
- statelyai/xstate - Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic.
- deniszholob/factorio-cheat-sheet - Cheat Sheet for Factorio
- laurent22/joplin - Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- Shopify/quilt - [
โ ๏ธ Deprecated] A loosely related set of packages for JavaScript/TypeScript projects at Shopify - naver/egjs-flicking - ๐ โป๏ธ Everyday 30 million people experience. It's reliable, flexible and extendable carousel.
- akveo/kittenTricks - React Native starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications.
- nwtgck/gh-card -
GitHub Repository Card for Any Web Site
- saisandeepvaddi/ten-hands - โก Simplest way to organize and run command-line tasks
- modernserf/zebu - A compiler for little languages in tagged template strings
- vadimdemedes/pastel - ๐จ Next.js-like framework for CLIs made with Ink
- Raathigesh/majestic - โก Zero config GUI for Jest
- jamiebuilds/purposefile - Make sure every file in your repo is exactly where it should be
- sveltejs/sapper - The next small thing in web development, powered by Svelte
- shikijs/shiki - A beautiful yet powerful syntax highlighter
- codex-team/editor.js - A block-style editor with clean JSON output
- chanind/hanzi-writer - Chinese character stroke order animations and practice quizzes
- tomi/fromfrom - A JS library written in TS to transform sequences of data from format to another
- homerchen19/github-file-icons - ๐ ๐ A browser extension which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub, GitLab, gitea and gogs.
- niieani/hashids.js - A small JavaScript library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers.
- thi-ng/umbrella - โฑ Broadly scoped ecosystem & mono-repository of 202 TypeScript projects (and ~180 examples) for general purpose, functional, data driven development
- gajus/slonik - A Node.js PostgreSQL client with runtime and build time type safety, and composable SQL.
- Unleash/unleash - Open-source feature management platform
- tutao/tutanota - Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
- aws/aws-cdk - The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
- spring-media/sticky-observer - A simple and basic sticky observer (or watcher) on HTMLElement's in a given container
- sneljo1/auryo - [Discontinued] Auryo - Unofficial Soundcloud Desktop App
- vaneenige/phenomenon - โก๏ธ A fast 2kB low-level WebGL API.
- prisma-labs/graphqlgen - โ๏ธ Generate type-safe resolvers based upon your GraphQL Schema
- mixn/carbon-now-cli - ๐จ Beautiful images of your code โ from right inside your terminal.
- ueberdosis/tiptap - The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
- heiseonline/embetty - ๐ Embetty displays remote content like tweets or YouTube videos without compromising your privacy.
- kusti8/proton-native - A React environment for cross platform desktop apps
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- kamranahmedse/driver.js - A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive user's focus across the page
- typeorm/typeorm - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
- transloadit/uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers ๐ถ
- strapi/strapi - ๐ Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. Itโs 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first.
- alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs - The Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js helps you get a skill up and running quickly, letting you focus on skill logic instead of boilerplate code.
- michaelgrosner/tribeca - A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
- mobxjs/mobx - Simple, scalable state management.
- angular/angular-cli - CLI tool for Angular
- dalamgir/angular-next-starter-kit - Seed project for developing angular 1.x applications in preparation for migrating on to Angular 2.0
- socketio/socket.io - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
- visgl/react-map-gl - React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
- este/este - This repo is suspended.
- reduxjs/redux - A JS library for predictable global state management
- DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped - The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
- jimp-dev/jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
- railsware/upterm - A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
- jquery/esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
- cyclejs/cyclejs - A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
- paulmillr/chokidar - Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
- mermaid-js/mermaid - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
- cheeriojs/cheerio - The fast, flexible, and elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
- OptimalBits/redbird - A modern reverse proxy for node
- ondras/my-mind - Online Mindmapping Software
- GitbookIO/gitbook - The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
- Pana/nrm - NPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao
- sindresorhus/pageres - Capture website screenshots
- usablica/intro.js - Lightweight, user-friendly onboarding tour library
- baconjs/bacon.js - Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript
- tantaman/strut - Strut - An Impress.js and Bespoke.js Presentation Editor
- peers/peerjs - Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC.
- derbyjs/derby - MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers
- ether/etherpad-lite - Etherpad: A modern really-real-time collaborative document editor.
- vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. https://vlang.io
- p-e-w/plotinus - A searchable command palette in every modern GTK+ application
- eyelash/xi-gtk - a GTK front-end for the Xi editor
- fcpg/vim-fahrenheit - Dark, warm base16 Vim theme for 256-color terminals
- jbranchaud/til - ๐ Today I Learned
- JaycobA/vimfiles -
- djcas9/vimstack - The vim configurations of a mad man.
- editorconfig/editorconfig-vim - EditorConfig plugin for Vim
- vim-airline/vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- FredKSchott/CoVim - Collaborative Editing for Vim
- MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager - manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
- kinopio-club/kinopio-client - Kinopio is a creative thinking tool
- Lissy93/dashy - ๐ A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- AutomaApp/automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
- epicmaxco/vuestic-ui - Vuestic UI is an open-source Vue 3 component library designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Maintained by Epicmax (@epicmaxco).
- probil/vue-moveable -
โ๏ธ โ๏ธ ๐ Vue.js wrapper for Moveable - antonreshetov/vue-eva-icons - Is a pack of more than 480 beautiful open source Eva icons as Vue components
- ElemeFE/element - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- salomonelli/best-resume-ever - ๐ ๐ผ Build fast ๐ and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
- Physiix/topsi-project-manager - A Desktop Kanban board app.
- epicmaxco/epic-spinners - Easy to use css spinners collection with Vue.js integration
- jsmmth/vue-loop - Infinite content loop for Vue
- AssemblyScript/assemblyscript - A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly.
- riverwm/river - [mirror] A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor
- wader/jqjq - jq implementation of jq
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