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test: uncomment and refactor pledgeForDispute tests
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gas1cent committed Dec 11, 2023
1 parent dca8de5 commit a345956
Showing 1 changed file with 161 additions and 135 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ contract BaseTest is Test, Helpers {
* @notice Deploy the target and mock oracle+accounting extension
function setUp() public {
function setUp() public virtual {
oracle = IOracle(makeAddr('Oracle'));
vm.etch(address(oracle), hex'069420');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,16 +219,50 @@ contract BondEscalationResolutionModule_Unit_StartResolution is BaseTest {

contract BondEscalationResolutionModule_Unit_PledgeForDispute is BaseTest {
uint256 _percentageDiff = 20;
uint256 _timeUntilDeadline = 1001;

// block.timestamp < _inequalityData.time + _timeToBreakInequality
uint256 _timeToBreakInequality = 5000;
uint128 _startTime;

bytes32 _disputeId;
bytes32 _requestId;

function setUp() public override {

// Start at a later time to be able to travel back
vm.warp(block.timestamp + _timeToBreakInequality + 1);

// block.timestamp < _startTime + _timeUntilDeadline
_startTime = uint128(block.timestamp - 1000);

mockRequest.resolutionModuleData = abi.encode(
accountingExtension: accounting,
bondToken: token,
percentageDiff: _percentageDiff,
pledgeThreshold: 1,
timeUntilDeadline: _timeUntilDeadline,
timeToBreakInequality: _timeToBreakInequality

_disputeId = _getId(mockDispute);
_requestId = mockDispute.requestId;

function test_reverts(
uint256 _pledgeAmount,
IBondEscalationResolutionModule.RequestParameters memory _params
) public assumeFuzzable(address(_params.accountingExtension)) {
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BondEscalationResolutionModule_NotEscalated

mockRequest.resolutionModuleData = abi.encode(_params);
bytes32 _requestId = _getId(mockRequest);
_requestId = _getId(mockRequest);
mockDispute.requestId = _requestId;
bytes32 _disputeId = _getId(mockDispute);
_disputeId = _getId(mockDispute);

// Mock escalation with start time 0
module.forTest_setEscalation(_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved, 0, 0, 0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,30 +337,25 @@ contract BondEscalationResolutionModule_Unit_PledgeForDispute is BaseTest {
vm.assume(_pledgeAmount < type(uint256).max - 1000);
IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution _resolution = IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved;

// block.timestamp < _startTime + _timeUntilDeadline
uint128 _startTime = uint128(block.timestamp - 1000);
_params.timeUntilDeadline = 1001;

// _pledgeThreshold > _updatedTotalVotes;
uint256 _pledgesFor = 1000;
uint256 _pledgesAgainst = 1000;
_params.pledgeThreshold = _pledgesFor + _pledgesAgainst + _pledgeAmount + 1;

// block.timestamp < _inequalityData.time + _timeToBreakInequality
_params.timeToBreakInequality = 5000;
_params.timeUntilDeadline = 1001;

mockRequest.resolutionModuleData = abi.encode(_params);
bytes32 _requestId = _getId(mockRequest);
_requestId = _getId(mockRequest);
mockDispute.requestId = _requestId;
bytes32 _disputeId = _getId(mockDispute);

// assuming the threshold has not passed, this is the only valid state
IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _inequalityStatus =
_disputeId = _getId(mockDispute);

// set all data
// Set all data
module.forTest_setEscalation(_disputeId, _resolution, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst);
module.forTest_setInequalityData(_disputeId, _inequalityStatus, block.timestamp);
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized, block.timestamp

// Mock and expect IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge to be called
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,147 +384,144 @@ contract BondEscalationResolutionModule_Unit_PledgeForDispute is BaseTest {
assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized));

// TODO: Break this test into several smaller functions
// function test_percentageDifferences(bytes32 _requestId, bytes32 _disputeId, uint256 _pledgeAmount, IOracle.Request calldata _request) public {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // START TEST _forPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// _pledgeAmount = bound(_pledgeAmount, 1, type(uint192).max);
// IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution _resolution = IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved;

// // block.timestamp < _startTime + _timeUntilDeadline
// uint128 _startTime = uint128(block.timestamp - 1000);
// uint256 _timeUntilDeadline = 1001;

// // I'm setting the values so that the percentage diff is 20% in favor of pledgesFor.
// // In this case, _pledgeAmount will be the entirety of pledgesFor, as if it were the first pledge.
// // Therefore, _pledgeAmount must be 60% of total votes, _pledgesAgainst then should be 40%
// // 40 = 60 * 2 / 3 -> thats why I'm multiplying by 200 and dividing by 300
// uint256 _pledgesFor = 0;
// uint256 _pledgesAgainst = _pledgeAmount * 200 / 300;
// uint256 _percentageDiff = 20;

// // block.timestamp < _inequalityData.time + _timeToBreakInequality
// uint256 _timeToBreakInequality = 5000;

// IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _inequalityStatus =
// IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized;

// // Set all data
// module.forTest_setEscalation(_disputeId, _resolution, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst);
// module.forTest_setInequalityData(_disputeId, _inequalityStatus, block.timestamp);

// // Mock and expect IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge to be called
// _mockAndExpect(
// address(accounting),
// abi.encodeCall(IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge, (pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, token, _pledgeAmount)),
// abi.encode()
// );

// // Check: is the event emitted?
// vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
// emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);

// vm.startPrank(pledgerFor);
// module.pledgeForDispute(_request, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);

// (,, uint256 _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
// (IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _status, uint256 _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);

// // Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
// assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the pledge for dispute amount updated?
// assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the status properly updated?
// assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.AgainstTurnToEqualize));
// // Check: is the timer properly updated to current timestamp?
// assertEq(uint256(_timer), block.timestamp);
* @notice Testing _forPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
function test_changesStatusIfForSideIsWinning(uint256 _pledgeAmount) public {
_pledgeAmount = bound(_pledgeAmount, 1, type(uint192).max);

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // END TEST _forPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// I'm setting the values so that the percentage diff is 20% in favor of pledgesFor.
// In this case, _pledgeAmount will be the entirety of pledgesFor, as if it were the first pledge.
// Therefore, _pledgeAmount must be 60% of total votes, _pledgesAgainst then should be 40%
// 40 = 60 * 2 / 3 -> thats why I'm multiplying by 200 and dividing by 300
uint256 _pledgesFor = 0;
uint256 _pledgesAgainst = _pledgeAmount * 200 / 300;

// //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Set all data
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized, block.timestamp

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // START TEST _againstPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Mock and expect IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge to be called
abi.encodeCall(IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge, (pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, token, _pledgeAmount)),

// // Resetting status changed by previous test
// _inequalityStatus = IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.ForTurnToEqualize;
// module.forTest_setInequalityData(_disputeId, _inequalityStatus, block.timestamp);
// module.forTest_setPledgesFor(_disputeId, pledgerFor, 0);
// Check: is the event emitted?
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);

// // Making the against percentage 60% of the total as percentageDiff is 20%
// // Note: I'm using 301 to account for rounding down errors. I'm also setting some _pledgesFor
// // to avoid the case when pledges are at 0 and someone just pledges 1 token
// // which is not realistic due to the pledgeThreshold forbidding the lines tested here
// // to be reached.
// _pledgesFor = 100_000;
// _pledgesAgainst = (_pledgeAmount + _pledgesFor) * 301 / 200;
module.pledgeForDispute(mockRequest, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);

// // Resetting the pledges values
// module.forTest_setEscalation(_disputeId, _resolution, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst);
(,, uint256 _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _status, uint256 _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);

// // Check: is the event emitted?
// vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
// emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the pledge for dispute amount updated?
assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the status properly updated?
assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.AgainstTurnToEqualize));
// Check: is the timer properly updated to current timestamp?
assertEq(uint256(_timer), block.timestamp);

// module.pledgeForDispute(_request, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);
* @notice Testing _againstPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
function test_changesStatusIfAgainstSideIsWinning(uint256 _pledgeAmount) public {
_pledgeAmount = bound(_pledgeAmount, 1, type(uint192).max);

// Making the against percentage 60% of the total as percentageDiff is 20%
// Note: I'm using 301 to account for rounding down errors. I'm also setting some _pledgesFor
// to avoid the case when pledges are at 0 and someone just pledges 1 token
// which is not realistic due to the pledgeThreshold forbidding the lines tested here
// to be reached.
uint256 _pledgesFor = 100_000;
uint256 _pledgesAgainst = (_pledgeAmount + _pledgesFor) * 301 / 200;

// Set the data
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.ForTurnToEqualize, block.timestamp

// (,, _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
// (_status, _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);
// Mock and expect IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge to be called
abi.encodeCall(IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge, (pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, token, _pledgeAmount)),

// // Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
// assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the pledges for amount updated?
// assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the status properly updated?
// assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.ForTurnToEqualize));
// Check: is the event emitted?
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // END TEST _forPercentageDifference >= _scaledPercentageDiffAsInt
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
module.pledgeForDispute(mockRequest, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);

// //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
(,, uint256 _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _status, uint256 _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // START TEST _status == forTurnToEqualize && both diffs < percentageDiff
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the pledges for amount updated?
assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the status properly updated?
assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.ForTurnToEqualize));
// Check: is the timer properly updated to current timestamp?
assertEq(uint256(_timer), block.timestamp);

// // Resetting status changed by previous test
// module.forTest_setPledgesFor(_disputeId, pledgerFor, 0);
* @notice Testing _status == forTurnToEqualize && both diffs < percentageDiff
function test_changesStatusIfSidesAreEqual(uint256 _pledgeAmount) public {
_pledgeAmount = bound(_pledgeAmount, 1, type(uint192).max);

// // Making both the same so the percentage diff is not reached
// _pledgesFor = 100_000;
// _pledgesAgainst = (_pledgeAmount + _pledgesFor);
// Making both the same so the percentage diff is not reached
uint256 _pledgesFor = 100_000;
uint256 _pledgesAgainst = (_pledgeAmount + _pledgesFor);

// // Resetting the pledges values
// module.forTest_setEscalation(_disputeId, _resolution, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst);
// Resetting the pledges values
_disputeId, IBondEscalationResolutionModule.Resolution.Unresolved, _startTime, _pledgesFor, _pledgesAgainst

// // Check: is the event emitted?
// vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
// emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);
// Mock and expect IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge to be called
abi.encodeCall(IBondEscalationAccounting.pledge, (pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, token, _pledgeAmount)),

// module.pledgeForDispute(_request, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the event emitted?
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(module));
emit PledgedForDispute(pledgerFor, _requestId, _disputeId, _pledgeAmount);

// (,, _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
// (_status, _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);
module.pledgeForDispute(mockRequest, mockDispute, _pledgeAmount);

// // Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
// assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the pledges for amount updated?
// assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// // Check: is the status properly updated?
// assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized));
// // Check: is the timer reset?
// assertEq(_timer, 0);
(,, uint256 _realPledgesFor,) = module.escalations(_disputeId);
(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus _status, uint256 _timer) = module.inequalityData(_disputeId);

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // END TEST _status == forTurnToEqualize && both diffs < percentageDiff
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// }
// Check: is the pledge amount added to the total?
assertEq(_realPledgesFor, _pledgesFor + _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the pledges for amount updated?
assertEq(module.pledgesForDispute(_disputeId, pledgerFor), _pledgeAmount);
// Check: is the status properly updated?
assertEq(uint256(_status), uint256(IBondEscalationResolutionModule.InequalityStatus.Equalized));
// Check: is the timer reset?
assertEq(_timer, 0);

contract BondEscalationResolutionModule_Unit_PledgeAgainstDispute is BaseTest {
Expand Down

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