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Alex Deich edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 19 revisions documentation


GRB Afterglow Lightcurve Calculator (GALC) is some code using the method outlined in Rossi et al. 2004. It calculates the afterglow lightcurve of GRB's of various initial conditions:

  • A simple homogenous fireball with constant isotropic energy and initial lorentz factor across its face
  • The so-called "gaussian" and "structured" fireballs outlined in Rossi.
  • Fireballs of arbitrary energy and Lorentz distributions as functions of theta, which are read in from CSV files.

Every lightcurve is calculated in an instance of a galc.Lightcurve() object. This object has a function, time_evolve, which iterates through each timestep in the observer's frame, and calculates the following quantities (using Lightcurve.update_EATS_arr()):

  • The coordinates of the equal arrival time surface (EATS)
  • The Lorentz factors, magnetic field, and frequencies across that surface
  • The intensities and resulting luminosities of those frequencies.

In addition, there are several time-independent quantities which are calculated before the main time evolution (in Lightcurve.make_time_independent_arr()). These are calculated on a grid of the radius and theta coordinates and include:

  • The radius and theta coordinates of the fireball in its own center-of-mass frame.
  • The distributions of energy and Lorentz factor as functions of theta.
  • The Lorentz factor of the shock, the fraction of mass swept up at a given radius, and the laboratory time of each (r, th) bin.

The code then outputs luminosity data in units of erg/s for a given frequency in one column, and time in seconds in the other. Outside the Lightcurve object are functions to convert the data to flux/day, and to plot the data with matplotlib.

initialization parameters

A Lightcurve object is initialized with the following parameters:

simulation parameters

n_theta: int

the number of theta bins.

n_phi: int

the number of phi bins.

dt: float, default: 0.1

the log timestep. The observer time steps are determined by doing 10**(np.arange(start, end, dt)).

radius_range: tuple, default: (5.0, 20.0)

the log of the start and end radii of the fireball in cm. The radius is determined like above with 10**(np.arange(start, end, dr))

dr: float, default: 0.1

the log step between radii.

physical parameters

nu_obs: float

the observed frequency, in Hz

E_iso, G_0: float, str, numpy.ndarray

E_iso and G_0 can be either:

  1. A float specifying the isotropic equivalent energy and initial lorentz factor of the fireball for a homogenous, gaussian or structured case,

  2. A string specifying the path to a data file containing the energy- or lorentz-factor-vs-theta data.

  3. A numpy array with the energy- or lorentz-factor-vs-theta data.

The data in these files or arrays must be in two columns, the first specifying theta (in radians) and the second specifying energy or Lorentz distribution. If you specify an arbitrary energy and Lorentz distribution, you MUST also specify jet_type = 'numerical' below.

It does not matter if n_theta specified above matches the number of rows in these distributions. The distributions are just used to generate interpolation functions, so the code always generates n_theta theta bins.

jet_type: str, default: homogenous

Type of jet to be simulated. Options include:

  • homogenous: a spherically symmetric jet with simple, constant E_iso and G_0
  • gaussian and structured: analytical energy and lorentz distributions, specified in Rossi.
  • numerical: If you specify an arbitrary energy distribution file, you MUST also set the jet_type to numerical.

theta_j: float, default: 90

the jet opening angle, in degrees.

theta_obs: float, default:0

the observer angle, in degrees.

n_ism: float, default: 0.1

the interstellar medium number density, in cm^-3.

ee: float, default: 0.001

the electric field equipartition number

eB: float, default: 0.005

the magnetic field equipartition number

pel: float, default: 2.5

The electron acceleration slope

a_e, b_e, a_G, b_G, theta_c: floats, defaults: 2, 1, 1, 1, 90

parameters required to calculate the structured and gaussian jets as specified in Rossi. Ignored if jet_type isn't structured or gaussian.

Note: there exist set_parameter functions to dynamically change any of the above parameters. For example, say you define the following lightcurve object:

grblc = galc.Lightcurve(n_theta = 500,
                        n_phi = 500,
                        E_iso = 1e52,
                        G_0 = 1e4,
                        theta_obs = 0.)

and do some analysis before deciding you want to look at the same object from another angle. Then you would just do


and rerun the analysis. Similarly for set_E_iso, set_nu_obs, set_G_0, set_n_ism, etc...

There is an example of this in galc_examples.ipynb in this GitHub repository.

time_evolve parameters

To time evolve the object, you call the Lightcurve.time_evolve() function. This takes two parameters, start_time and end_time, which are the log of the start and end of the integration, in days. time_evolve() outputs the actual lightcurve luminosity data

converting between units and plotting

When you have your data, there are two functions for converting the data to other units.

get_Jy_flux(data, z)

This function converts the luminosity output into Jy flux. It takes the parameters:

data: arr

This is just the second column of the output from time_evolve.

z: float

This is the redshift of the GRB.


jy_data: arr

This is the output of get_Jy_flux()

plot_curve(data, units, z, ax, **kwargs)

This function will convert the data itself and return a matplotlib plot of the lightcurve, in either Jy or AB units.

data: arr

This is the full 2-column output array from time_evolve.

units: str

Either 'Jy' or 'AB'. Leaving this argument blank will plot it in erg/s/Hz.

z: float

The redshift of the GRB.

ax: matplotlib object

If left blank, the function will make its own plotting axis. Otherwise, you can pass it your own axis on which you plot other things.


Any matplotlib aesthetic parameters you want (linewidth, color, marker, etc...).