The project is currently deployed at this URL:
- NodeJS, npm or yarn
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
To run the project locally you need to install all the required dependencies first, then start it:
npm i
npm run start
The project can be built and deployed on the internet.
npm run build
Once done the build
folder will be created and its content is ready to be deployed.
The following is a list of the data in this repository:
- Shapefile italian towns:
- Shapefile italian regions:
- Shapefile Municipalities for the city of Rome:
. - Old to new mapping of Rome Municipalities:
- ISTAT data from the Rapporto BES:
- List of administration's datasets:
- Time series of Municipalities for the city of Rome:
- source: see the in the
file for the city of Rome
- source: see the in the
- Time series per type for the city of Rome:
- source: see the in the
file for the city of Rome
- source: see the in the
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If you have ideas for more features to add to the article, or more data to add to it let us know or contribute with a PR!