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Getting external traffic into your cluster can be achieved using the Service k8s object or Ingress
Ingress is probably the most powerful way to expose your services, but can also be the most complicated. To expose traffic we need a Ingress Controller (e.g. ISTIO) + Ingress rules:
- There are many types of Ingress controllers, from the Google Cloud Load Balancer, Nginx, Contour, Istio, and more.
- There are also plugins for Ingress controllers, like the cert-manager, that can automatically provision SSL certificates for your services.
Service mesh is an abstraction which consists of a network of envoys (data plane) and the istiod (control plane) - one envoy in the ingress gateway and one envoy in each pod (the istio proxy)
If you expose another service as type LoadBalancer and obtains a separate ip, then requesting that endpoint would still be regarded as ingress traffic but not manager by the Istio service mesh.
The ingress gateway is just the first workload part of the service mesh to intercept and process the request.
Gateway describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections.
Istio uses gateway instead of ingress:
kubectl get ingresses.networking.k8s.io -A # no resources found
kubectl get gateways.networking.istio.io -A # is a CRD used by Istio Service mesh
- Get ALL istio objects:
kubectl get istio-io -A
external request -> istio ingress gateway -> istio virtual service -> istio destination rule
external request -> svc (loadbalancer type) -> istio ingress pod -> istio gateway -> istio virtualservice -> application pod
Istio injects a Envoy proxy sidecar proxy container to the pods to intercept traffic from pods, this behavior is enabled using label
on the namespace level andsidecar.istio.io/inject=true
on the pod level. -
To enable automatic sidecar injection at the namespace level:
# automatic sidecar injection of istioinaction namespace
kubectl label namespace istioinaction istio-injection=enabled
# get all ns with label istio-injection
kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
Envoy proxy is deployed as a sidecar and mediates all inbound/outbound traffic for services in the mesh and enabls load balancing, circuit brakers, fault injection
Spin-up a pod without outside the mesh:
kubectl run mybusyboxcurl --labels="sidecar.istio.io/inject=false" --image yauritux/busybox-curl -it -- sh
Disable the sidecar container, updating the label:
sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
Mesh traffic out of the box is mutals TLS (both client and server side). Mutal TLS = Secure communication between services inside the mesh between PODs with the Istio sidecar injected and also from mesh-external services accessing the mesh through an Ingress Gateway.
Side note: istio gateway and virtual service are just instrumentation to the ingress pod
This init container is used to setup the iptables rules so that inbound/outbound traffic will go through the sidecar proxy -
Spin-up a pod without outside the mesh:
kubectl run mybusyboxcurl --labels="sidecar.istio.io/inject=false" --image yauritux/busybox-curl -it -- sh
Disable the sidecar container, updating the label:
sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
- Set of proxies running along the services
- Sidecar describes the configuration of the sidecar proxy that mediates inbound/outbound communication to the workload instance it is attached to.
- Sidecar injection is adding the configuration of additional containers to the pod template.
- DATA PLANE (set of proxies/sidecars e.g: [Envoy]) + CONTROL PLANE (it provides certs, config the proxies to route -
) - you must have to have a k8s service !!!
- CONTROL PLANE has 3 components:
1) Pilot - service discovery and traffic management with Envoy
2) Galley - config validation - only component that interact with with k8s
3) Citadel - cert management: istio has its own builtin CA
Istio routing rules provide fine-grained control over how to route traffic based on host, port, headers, uri, method, source labels and control the distribution of traffic.
Istio resources:
- VirtualService - routing rules for traffic sent to a Kubernetes service, how to route the traffic where to (which service) /foo or /bar
# list virtualservices from all namespaces
kubectl get virtualservices.networking.istio.io -A
* DestinationRule - policies that apply to traffic after it has been routed through VeirutaService. What version of service /foo v1 or v2 - what happens to traffic for a destination defined in a virtual service.
# list destinationrules from all namespaces
kubectl get destinationrules.networking.istio.io -A
* Gateway - resource describes how to route traffic from the outside world to your mesh-enabled services, typically used to expose your services to external traffic, such as incoming HTTP requests from outside the mesh. Describes the Load Balancer (ports + Server Name Indicator)
# list gateways from all namespaces
kubectl get gateways.networking.istio.io -A
Destination rules help control traffic to specific destinations, for example, by classifying service instances according to versions. Virtual services allow you to configure the routing of requests to services in an Istio service mesh. They consist of one or several routing rules evaluated in sequence. After evaluating the routing rules for the virtual service, you can apply destination rules.
# get all Istio resources
kubectl api-resources | grep -i istio
kubectl get istio-io -A
# kind: Rule
destinationrule.networking.istio.io/frontend created
gateway.networking.istio.io/frontend-gateway created
virtualservice.networking.istio.io/frontend-vs created
- Istio has its own Ingress Gateway (Gateway controller which runs a standalone envoy proxy)
- Igress (traffic into the mesh) and Egress (traffic out of the mesh)
- Istio by default has an outbound traffic policy which is "passthrough" by default
- Istio's envoy proxies generate the distributed trace SPAN for the services.
- Istion generates detail metrics telemetry for all traffic within the mesh (proxy-level, service-level)
- You should enable prometheus integration
- The envoy proxy sidecar automatically generates trace spans on behalf of the application it proxies - Distributed trace spans.
- Set defaults routes for every service
- Split large virtual services and destination rules
- Apply destionation rules to first
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