This is a heavily modified version of Evilfactory's Traitermod. It is our attempt at creating a fun and balanced traitor mode in a multiplayer campaign for Barotrauma.
- Designed to work primarily multiplayer campaigns
- Additional/modified roles and traitor objectives
- Persistent wallets for players
- No skill penalty on respawn to minimize long term gameplay impact of traitors
: Displays a list of general commands available to all players.!helpadmin
: Displays a list of admin commands.!helptraitor
: Displays a list of traitor-specific commands.!version
: Shows the current version of Evil Factory's Traitor Mod.!point
: Displays your current points balance.!info
: Displays the welcome message.!suicide
, or!death
: Kills your character if alive and not handcuffed or knocked down.!locatesub
: Provides the distance and direction of the main submarine from the player. Only works for monster characters.!droppoints <amount>
: Drops specified points from the player's inventory.
: Toggles your traitor status on or off (if the mod allows optional traitors).!role
: Shows your special role, if any. You need to be alive to use this command.!roles
: (Admin only) Displays a list of all players with special roles.!assignrole <client> <role>
: Assigns a role to a specified player. Usage:!assignrole <client> <role>
. Requires admin permissions.!addobj <client> <objective>
: Adds an objective to a specified player who already has a role assigned. Usage:!addobj <client> <objective>
. Requires admin permissions.
: Indicates whether any traitors are still alive.!alive
: Displays a list of all players, indicating if they are dead or alive.!roundinfo
: Shows information about the current round or the last round if no round is in progress.!allpoint
: Displays the points and weight of all players.!addpoint <client>
: Adds points to a specific player or all players.!addlife <client>
: Adds lives to a specific player or all players.!void <client>
: Sends a player's character to the void.!unvoid <client>
: Removes a player's character from the void and returns them to their previous position.!revive <client>
: Revives the specified player, or the admin themselves if no player is specified.!ongoingevents
: Displays ongoing events in the current game.!triggerevent <event>
: Triggers a specified event in the game.
Configuration settings are located in traitormod/config/config.lua.
: The language of the game. Valid options: "English"config.SendWelcomeMessage
: Whether to send a welcome message to new players. Valid options: true or falseconfig.ChatMessageType
: The color of the message in chat. Valid options: ChatMessageType.Error (red), ChatMessageType.Private (green), ChatMessageType.Dead (blue), ChatMessageType.Radio (yellow)
: A list of codewords used for communication between players. Valid options: a list of stringsconfig.AmountCodeWords
: The number of codewords each player receives. Valid options: a positive integerconfig.OptionalTraitors
: Whether players can use a command to toggle their traitor status. Valid options: true or falseconfig.RagdollOnDisconnect
: Whether to leave a ragdoll of the player when they disconnect. Valid options: true or falseconfig.EnableControlHusk
: Whether to allow players to control their husked character after death. Valid options: true or falseconfig.TraitorChance
: The chance that a player is a traitor. Valid options: a decimal between 0 and 1config.OverrideRespawnSubmarine
: Whether to override the game's respawn shuttle with a submarine. Valid options: true or falseconfig.RespawnSubmarineFile
: The file path of the submarine used for respawn. Valid options: a string representing a file pathconfig.RespawnText
: The message displayed when a player respawns. Valid options: a stringconfig.RespawnTeam
: The team the player respawns on. Valid options: CharacterTeamType.Team1 or CharacterTeamType.Team2config.PermanentPoints
: Whether to store points and lives in a file. Valid options: true or falseconfig.RemotePoints
: The IP address of the remote server storing points and lives. Valid options: a string representing an IP address or nilconfig.RemoteServerAuth
: The authentication credentials for the remote server. Valid options: a table containing the authentication credentials or an empty tableconfig.PermanentStatistics
: Whether to store statistics in a file. Valid options: true or falseconfig.MaxLives
: The maximum number of lives a player can have. Valid options: a positive integerconfig.MinRoundTimeToLooseLives
: The minimum amount of time a player must be alive before losing a life. Valid options: a positive integerconfig.RespawnedPlayersDontLooseLives
: Whether players who respawn do not lose a life. Valid options: true or falseconfig.MaxExperienceFromPoints
: The maximum amount of experience a player can gain from stored points. Valid options: a positive integer or nilconfig.RemoveSkillBooks
: Whether to remove skill books from the game. Valid options: true or falseconfig.NerfSwords
: Whether to nerf swords. Valid options: true or falseconfig.EnablePointExp
: Whether to enable setting experience to point value at match start. Valid options: true or falseconfig.GlobalExperienceModifier
: The global experience modifier. Valid options: a decimal between 0 and 1config.FreeExperience
: The amount of temporary experience given every ExperienceTimer seconds. Valid options: a positive integerconfig.ExperienceTimer
: A positive integer that sets the interval in seconds at which temporary experience is given to players. Default value is 120.config.PointsGainedFromSkill
: A table that sets the amount of points given to a player for using certain skills. Valid keys are "medical", "weapons", "mechanical", "electrical", and "helm". Default values are 30, 20, 19, 19, and 9, respectively.config.PointsLostAfterNoLives
: A function that takes an integer as input and returns a float that determines the percentage of points lost after a player runs out of lives. Default function returns x * 0.75.config.AmountExperienceWithPoints
: A function that takes an integer as input and returns the amount of experience gained from the given amount of points. Default function returns 0.config.AmountWeightWithPoints
: A function that takes an integer as input and returns the weight based on the logarithm of the given amount of points. Default function returns math.log(x + 10).config.GamemodeConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the different gamemodes available in the game.config.RoleConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the different roles available in the game.config.ObjectiveConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the different objectives available in the game.config.RandomEventConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the random events that can occur during the game.config.PointShopConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the point shop in the game.config.GhostRoleConfig
: A table that sets the configuration for the ghost roles in the game.