This repo contain code for bitbucket PR reminder bot implemented using Flock incoming webhook API rewritten using supabase.
- Docker
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase account
- Bitbucket account
- Flock account
- Create Supabase account here
- Install Supabase CLI here
- Create Bitbucket app password, using guide here
- Create Flock incoming webhook, using guide here
- Please note all password, secret and webhook id as you need that for configuration
# clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd pr-reminder-supabase
# copy .env, please modify according to your config
$ cp ./supabase/.env.example ./supabase/.env.local
# make sure you already have supabase account and supabase cli installed
$ supabase login
$ supabase start
# for development of pr-reminder
$ supabase functions serve pr-reminder --env-file ./supabase/.env.local
# for development of pr-reminder-summary
$ supabase functions serve pr-reminder-summary --env-file ./supabase/.env.local
# for connect to local db
$ psql 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres'
# for local supabase studio
$ open http://localhost:54323
# create migration for production
# after you add/modify table in local database
$ supabase db diff migration_name -f file_name
# running migration on production, before deployment
$ supabase db push -p remote_db_password
# for deployment
$ cp ./supabase/.env.example ./supabase/.env
$ supabase secrets set --env-file ./supabase/.env
$ supabase functions deploy pr-reminder
$ supabase functions deploy pr-reminder-summary
You need to fill several configurations within configs
table in database.
bitbucket_repository : you can get it from url, format is organization/repo (ex: mid-kelola-indonesia/talenta-core)
bitbucket_username : self-explanatory
bitbucket_password : self-explanatory
flock_channel : (not supported anymore) from webhook, insert only channel id
flock_review_channel : (not supported anymore) from webhook, insert only channel id
gchat_channel : from webhook, insert only channel id
gchat_review_channel : (unsupported) from webhook, insert only channel id
pr_authors : use comma separated values (ex: Author 1,Author 2,Author 3), name must be same with the one from bitbucket
active : true/false, to enable/disable reminder for specific config
To schedule a cron job for pr reminder & pr reminder summary, you need to activate two extension in Supabase Studio --> Database --> Extensions.
This is an example script for pr reminder
'pr-reminder', -- name of the cron job
'* * * * *', -- every minute
select status, content
'', -- url to call edge function
ARRAY[http_header('Authorization','Bearer foobarbazabcxyz123')], -- change with service_url key
'{ "name": "test"}'
This is an example script for pr reminder summary
'pr-reminder-summary-morning', -- name of the cron job
'0 2 * * *', -- every 9:00 clock (2:00 UTC)
select status, content
'', -- url to call edge function
ARRAY[http_header('Authorization','Bearer foobarbazabcxyz123')], -- change with service_url key
'{ "name": "test"}'