This is an account that presents my professional work, as a professor and scientist in biophysics.
- Fourier_Transform an Interactive Notebook
- MeMoBio2015 various ideas on data-analysis presented in Les Houches School
- Cours-SciKitLearn A practical to explore SciKit-Learn and basic Data Analysis, using Penguins !
- Fourier-Transform Review Nature Reviews Methods Primers (2024) A review on the Fourier transform in analytical sciences
- Antoide de Lavoisier C.R.A.S. (2021) paper on storing the portrait of Antoide de Lavoisier in a synthetic polymer chain
- Gifa ReScience (2020) describing the renewal of the Gifa program, with the source
- Plasmodesma Magn Reson Chem (2018) on the automatic differential analysis of NMR experiments in complex samples
- PALMA Analyst (2017) an improved algorithm for DOSY signal processing
- Melting curve analysis Biophys. Chem. (2016) Duplex formation and secondary structure of γ-PNA observed by NMR and CD
- DOSY iodotriazoles Dimer Chem Scien (2016) Neutral iodotriazoles as scaffolds for stable halogen-bonded assemblies in solution
- SPIKE arxiv (2016) the NMR and FTMS processing program - the basis for many spectrometry papers.
You can also find me on Mastodon (but mostly I rambles on the current world )