- Install Boost Library
- Install Dirent
- Complete Above steps first
- Clone the Repo in a new Folder
- Create a new Exlipse/Visual Studio Project Select this as Source and Mark Project as DLL or Shared Library
int main()
DirectoryWatcher * watcher = new DirectoryWatcher();
wathcer->Init("C://Program Files//TestFolder");
return 0;
// preferabbly to be used inside a Tick method that calls after ervery 0.2 seconds
vector<Changed_Data>* ChangedFiles;
bool hasChanged = false;
// Do something with ChanngedFiles
struct Changed_Data
typedef Meta<string> FOLDER_META;
template<typename T>
struct Meta
string Name,Path;
size_t GUID;
double Size;
// Typ
// typ =0 Folder
//typ = -1 unknow file
int Type;
// Can be anything like list of name or list of animation files or list of folder with a folder
vector<T> MetaInfo;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned version) {
ar & Name;
ar & Path;
ar & GUID;
ar & Size;
ar & Type;
ar & MetaInfo;
Eager to see what you guys will do with the Project