Tool to chase those pesky redirects so I dont have to. Mostly to see where spam redirects go 😛
The app is dockerized so all you need is docker installed. To run the app, run the following docker-compose command:
docker-compose up --build
This will stand up an NGINX frontend (listening on port 8080) which forwards requests to the uWSGI backend which is running the Flask app (listening on port 5000)
To use, simply make a POST request to the root index, /
. See sample request and response below:
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 41
"url": ""
"OriginalURL": "",
"Redirect": true,
"RedirectLocation": "",
"Status": 301
"OriginalURL": "",
"Redirect": false,
"Status": 200
Feel free to parse the JSON output w/ something like jq