Money field powered by Money PHP .
This package gives much better localization support for money fields in Filament than most other packages. For example when it comes to currency symbols and decimal and thousand separators. Especially for more obscure currencies.
Example of a money field with Swedish localization. This package would give "1234,56 kr", while most other solutions probably would give you something like "SEK 1234.56" which is not the correct format for Sweden.
- PHP 8.2 or higher
- Filament 3.0 or higher
- PHP Internationalization extension (intl)
- The database column should be a integers with minor units (i.e. cents) and not a float (Floats should never be used for storing money).
composer require pelmered/filament-money-field
Set the default options for currency and locale so that you don't have to set them for every field.
Option 1 (Recommended): Put the default options in your .env file.
Option 2: Publish the config file and set the default options there.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pelmered\FilamentMoneyField\FilamentMoneyFieldServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This will auto format the input field as you type.
This is a bit experimental at the moment and is therefore disabled by default. Hopefully it will be improved in the future and enabled by default in the next major version. Please try it out and provide feedback.
MONEY_USE_INPUT_MASK=true // Defaults to false
use Pelmered\FilamentMoneyField\Infolists\Components\MoneyEntry;
MoneyEntry::make('price'); // Defaults to USD and the current Laravel locale, or what you have set in your .env/config.
// The default can be set in the Infolist class with:
public static string $defaultCurrency = 'SEK';
use Filament\Forms\Components\MoneyField;
MoneyInput::make('price'); // Defaults to USD and the current Laravel locale, or what you have set in your .env/config.
->minValue(0) // Do not allow negative values.
->maxValue(10000); // Add min and max value (in minor units, i.e. cents) to the input field. In this case no values over 100
use Pelmered\FilamentMoneyField\Tables\Columns\MoneyColumn;
MoneyColumn::make('price'); // Defaults to USD and the current Laravel locale, or what you have set in your .env/config.
Contact me or create an issue if you want something of this, or something else. I appriciate if you could tell me a bit about your use case for that feature as well.
- Improve test suite with tests for the individual components (I was struggling a bit with this. Help would be appriciated).
- Add support for dynamic currency and locale based on current user.
- Currency conversions. Set what base currency the value in the database is and then convert to the current users preferred currency on the fly. Not sure how edit/create should be handled in this case.