Pre-processing and deployment of NVIDIA NGC (NVIDIA GPU Cloud) Clara COVID19 model.
The inference pipeline was developed by NVIDIA. It is based on a segmentation and classification model developed by NVIDIA researchers in conjunction with the NIH. From the main NGC page (linked above):
This example is a containerized AI inference application, developed for use as one of the operators in the Clara Deploy pipelines. This application uses the original image from a lung CT scan and a segmented lung image, both in NIfTI or MetaImage format, to infer the presence of COVID-19. The application is built on the Clara Deploy Python base container, which provides the interfaces with Clara Deploy SDK. Inference is performed on the NVIDIA Triton Inference Server (Triton), formerly known as TensorRT Inference Server (TRTIS).
About the NVIDIA Triton Inference Server:
NVIDIA Triton Inference Server (formerly TensorRT Inference Server) provides a cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs. The server provides an inference service via an HTTP or GRPC endpoint, allowing remote clients to request inferencing for any model being managed by the server. For edge deployments, Triton Server is also available as a shared library with an API that allows the full functionality of the server to be included directly in an application.
Regarding the AI model:
The application uses the classification_covid-19_v1 model, which was developed by NIH and NVIDIA for use in COVID-19 detection pipeline, but is yet to be published on The input tensor of this model is of size 192x192x64 with a single channel. The original image from the lung CT scan is cropped using the data in the lung segmentation image, so that only one simple inference is needed.
From the NGC pipeline overview page:
api-version: 0.4.0
name: COVID-19-pipeline
# dicom reader operator
# Input: '/input' mapped directly to the input of the pipeline, which is populated by the DICOM Adaptor.
# Output:'/output' for saving converted volume image in MHD format to file whose name
# is the same as the DICOM series instance ID.
- name: dicom-reader
description: Converts DICOM instances into MHD, one file per DICOM series.
image: clara/dicom-reader
tag: latest
- path: /input
- path: /output
# lung-segmentation operator
# Input: `/input` containing volume image data, MHD format, with a single volume.
# Output: `/output` containing segmented volume image, MHD format.
# `/publish` containing original and segmented volume images, MHD format,
# along with rendering configuration file.
- name: lung-segmentation
description: Segmentation of lung using DL trained model.
image: clara/ai-lung
tag: latest
- from: dicom-reader
path: /input
- path: /output
name: segmentation
- path: /publish
name: rendering
- name: trtis
# Triton Inference Server, aka TRTIS, required by this AI application.
tag: 19.08-py3
command: ["trtserver", "--model-store=$(NVIDIA_CLARA_SERVICE_DATA_PATH)/models"]
gpu: 1
# services::connections defines how the TRTIS service is expected to
# be accessed. Clara Platform supports network ("http") and
# volume ("file") connections.
# The name of the connection is used to populate an environment
# variable inside the operator's container during execution.
# This AI application inside the container needs to read this variable to
# know the IP and port of TRTIS in order to connect to the service.
port: 8000
# Some services need a specialized or minimal set of hardware. In this case
# NVIDIA Tensor RT Inference Server [TRTIS] requires at least one GPU to function.
# dicom writer operator
# Input1: `/input` containing a volume image file, in MHD format, name matching the DICOM series instance UID.
# Input2: `/dicom` containing original DICOM instances, i.e. dcm file.
# Output: `/output` containing the DICOM instances converted from the volume image, with updated attributes
# based on original DICOM instances.
- name: dicom-writer
description: Converts MHD into DICOM instance with attributes based on the original instances.
image: clara/dicom-writer
tag: latest
- from: lung-segmentation
name: segmentation
path: /input
- path: /dicom
- path: /output
name: dicom
# register-volume-images-for-rendering operator
# Input: Published original and segmented volume images, MHD format, along with rendering configuration file
# from the segmentation operator.
# Output: N/A. Input data will be sent to the destination, namely `renderserver` for Render Server DataSet Service.
- name: register-volume-images-for-rendering
description: Register volume images, MHD format, for rendering.
image: clara/register-results
tag: latest
command: ["python", "", "--agent", "renderserver"]
- from: lung-segmentation
name: rendering
path: /input
# register-dicom-output operator
# Input: `/input` containing DICOM instances in the named output, `dicom` from dicom-writer operator.
# Output: N/A. Input data will be sent to the destinations, namely DICOM devices, by the Clara DICOM SCU agent.
- name: register-dicom-output
description: Register converted DICOM instances with Results Service to be sent to external DICOM devices.
image: clara/register-results
tag: latest
command: ["python", "", "--agent", "ClaraSCU", "--data", "[\"MYPACS\"]"]
- from: dicom-writer
name: dicom
path: /input
# COVID-19 Classification operator
# Input: original image (DICOM series converted image) and segmented volume images, MHD format.
# Output: CSV file for classification result: other, covid-early, covid-advanced.
- name: classification-covid-19
description: Classification of COVID-19 using DL model with original and segmentation images.
image: clara/ai-covid-19
tag: latest
- from: lung-segmentation
name: segmentation
path: /label_image
- from: dicom-reader
path: /input
- path: /output
name: classification
- name: trtis
# TensorRT Inference Server, required by this AI application.
tag: 19.08-py3
command: ["trtserver", "--model-store=$(NVIDIA_CLARA_SERVICE_DATA_PATH)/models"]
gpu: 1
# services::connections defines how the TRTIS service is expected to
# be accessed. Clara Platform supports network ("http") and
# volume ("file") connections.
# The name of the connection is used to populate an environment
# variable inside the operator's container during execution.
# This AI application inside the container needs to read this variable to
# know the IP and port of TRTIS in order to connect to the service.
port: 8000
# Some services need a specialized or minimal set of hardware. In this case
# NVIDIA Tensor RT Inference Server [TRTIS] requires at least one GPU to function.
- The dicom-reader operator converts input DICOM data into volume images in MetaImage format format;
- The segmentation operator performs AI inference against the NVIDIA Triton Inference Server, formerly known as TRTIS, to generate segmentation volume images;
- The classification operator performs AI inference against the NVIDIA Triton Inference Server to infer the probability of COVID-19;
- The dicom-writer converts the segmented volume image into DICOM instances with a new series instance UID but the same study instance UID of the original DICOM;
- The register-dicom-output operator registers the DICOM instances with the Clara Deploy DICOM Adapter which in turn stores the instance on external DICOM devices per configuration;
- The register-volume-images-for-rendering operator registers original and segmented volume images with the Clara Deploy Render Server for visualization.
After making sure Clara SDK are correctly installed, download the latest version of Unfortunately for users working on a remote server, there seems no way to download it directly from terminal (e.g., wget). Using ssh -X
could work though, I've not yet tested it (I've downloaded the package locally and scp'd on the remote server).
- should I upload the under
Once all the following steps:
clara dicom start
clara render start
clara monitor start
clara console start
are executed, check everything is up and running exploiting:
helm ls --all
The output should look like the following (i.e., all the modules DEPLOYED
clara 1 Mon Jun 1 08:31:20 2020 DEPLOYED clara-0.5.0-2004.7 1.0 default
clara-console 1 Mon Jun 1 08:42:35 2020 DEPLOYED clara-ux-0.5.0-2004.7 1.0 default
clara-dicom-adapter 1 Mon Jun 1 08:34:48 2020 DEPLOYED dicom-adapter-0.5.0-2004.7 1.0 default
clara-monitor-server 1 Mon Jun 1 08:35:43 2020 DEPLOYED clara-monitor-server-0.5.0-2004.7 1.0 default
clara-render-server 1 Mon Jun 1 08:35:31 2020 DEPLOYED clara-renderer-0.5.0-2004.7 1.0 default
Similarly, running kubectl get pods
everything should be in Running
clara-clara-platformapiserver-7dc6c6699f-zqmm8 1/1 Running 0 31m
clara-console-mongodb-85f8bd5f95-bw248 1/1 Running 0 20m
clara-dicom-adapter-77677c7788-8qthr 1/1 Running 0 28m
clara-monitor-server-fluentd-elasticsearch-hcw8f 1/1 Running 0 27m
clara-monitor-server-grafana-5f874b974d-vdrst 1/1 Running 0 27m
clara-monitor-server-monitor-server-868c5fcf89-252rd 1/1 Running 0 27m
clara-render-server-clara-renderer-789fcb6cb6-rd62g 3/3 Running 0 27m
clara-resultsservice-bcd9ff49d-ckbws 1/1 Running 0 31m
clara-ui-6f89b97df8-sfjn5 1/1 Running 0 31m
clara-ux-77c9b96ccb-llnlb 2/2 Running 0 20m
clara-workflow-controller-69cbb55fc8-lrtrt 1/1 Running 0 31m
elasticsearch-master-0 1/1 Running 0 27m
elasticsearch-master-1 1/1 Running 0 27m
Pull the Clara pipeline under models/clara/pipelines/
clara pull pipeline clara_ai_covid19_pipeline
In our case, Version 0.6.0-2005.1 of 'clara_ai_covid19_pipeline'
was downloaded.
To test everything is working, cd
into models/clara/pipelines/clara_ai_covid19_pipeline
and start by unzipping the sample input data and the model(s) data found in the clara_ai_covid19_pipeline
folder running:
unzip -d input
mkdir -p ../../models
sudo unzip -d ../../models/
N.B.: NVIDIA is changing some of these names on-the-run, so on their website they are reported wrong and it could be the same happens for this README.
Then, create the pipeline and check everything went as intended by running:
clara create pipelines -p COVID-19-pipeline.yaml
clara list pipelines
The output should look like the following:
COVID-19-pipeline 84258f0413c334ab7947a598ce43fff97
Once everything is set up, we are ready to feed data to the pipeline. As Clara is conceived as modular, this feeding (as well as "catching" the output) must be performed using a DICOM Service Class User application:
You need an external DICOM Service Class User (SCU) application to send images to the Clara DICOM Adapter (acting as a DICOM SCP). Similarly, when your pipeline finishes executing, you may want to send the output to an external DICOM receiver.
Following NVIDIA's example, we make use of the DICOM Toolkit DCMTK, that can be installed by executing:
sudo apt-get install dcmtk
DCMTK's storescp
can receive both DICOM images and other DICOM composite objects, and thus can be used to "catch" the pipeline output. In our case, we use the folder output
as an end-point. Hence, after cd
ing in the main directory:
mkdir -p output
cd output
# specify the TCP/IP port number to listen on
export PORT=1004
# start the Service Class Provider (SCP)
sudo storescp -v --fork --aetitle MYPACS $PORT
Following NVIDIA's example, the Application Entity title of the DICOM receiver is, in this case, named MYPACS. Both the name and the port can be changed arbitrarily as they need to be specified manually when configuring the dicom-server-config.yaml
file. Regarding the latter, located under ~/.clara/charts/dicom-adapter/files
, it may happen it contains a configuration that regards other Clara pipelines (and is thus useless in our case)
we need to modify it so that it will contain the following blocks:
N.B.: the yaml file found in the actual Clara pipeline is populated with useless content (regarding other pipelines).
Trying to install the Clara Deploy SDK I had to:
- Install docker-composite;
- (try to) Upgrade NVIDIA's driver:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
; - First step broke nvidia-smi somehow, which is needed to carry out the installation of Clara Deploy SDK. That required a purge of old NVIDIA drivers and was ultimately solved by re-installing NVIDIA CUDA 10.2 (from NVIDIA CUDA 10.0 page, which is for some reason broken - as it installs 10.2 anyways);
Run docker pull
To launch and explore the Classification Operator docker container, run:
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash
Trying to test the model using the
at this page, the container hangs in an identical way wrt this user;
- Which version of CUDA is required?
- CUDA 10.2 will break TF 1.14/1.15 installed with pip (built over 10.0);