Diceware is a password generator that uses a word dictionary to create solid passphrases. This dictionary contains a total amount of 7776 (6^5 = 7776) words. For each word we generate 5 cryptographic pseudo-random numbers (CSPRN) between 1 and 6. These numbers represent the dots on a regular cubic dice. If we concatinate the numbers, we get a key that corresponds with a random word in the dictionary. For example: 1 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 6 -> 14526 -> baker. For a theoretically safe passphrase we need a minimum of 5 dice rolls.
This python implementation of diceware uses secrets.SystemRandom to generate cryptosafe numbers. So the certainty of your randomness heavily depends on your source of random.
$ python run.py
____ _
/ __ \(_)_______ _ ______ _________
/ / / / / ___/ _ \ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ _ \
/ /_/ / / /__/ __/ |/ |/ / /_/ / / / __/
/_____/_/\___/\___/|__/|__/\__,_/_/ \___/
Started generating at: 2018-04-09 20:59:01.305850
Finished generating at: 2018-04-09 20:59:01.306351
Elapsed generation time: 0.001173s
Passphrase: Aussiedeckkaternboottebasakelei
The passphrase is copied to your clipboard, press CTRL + V to paste
With the --help command you can see every optional argument that can be provided to generate different outcomes.
$ python diceware.py --help
Diceware passphrase generator
--help shows argument list and exits
--version shows application version and exits
-h hashes the generated passphrase with bcrypt
-s seperates the words with dashes (-)
-u capitalizes the passphrase
-n INT amount of dice rolls (words)
-l [NL, EN] dictionary language
-log log the passphrase to a log file