Simulation of toy robot moving on a square tabletop
A robot is placed on a 5x5 tabletop. Instructions are issued to the robot via user input or via a text input file
This is a Python implementation of my initial Java based Robot Simulator
I chose Python to get some experience with a dynamic language. For now this version only has an interactive mode.
Initially developed on
- Windows 10
- Python 3.5.1 (Only tested on this version)
- Python 3.5.1 or greater
- Windows 10
- Ubuntu 16.04
Load command prompt/shell and change to working directory of robotsim class files
To run application on Linux:
$ python3
To run application on Windows (Python 3 location must be on PATH variable):
$ python
Note: Commands for interactive and input file are identical
Purpose: Places robot on tabletop. Only valid if robot is not on board already, will be discard otherwise.
X = X coordinate on tabletop to place robot. Valid inputs: 0-4 Y = Y coordinate on tabletop to place robot. Valid inputs: 0-4 DIRECTION = Direction for robot to face. Valid inputs are NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST
Purpose: Move robot one unit forward in the direction it is currently facing.
Only valid if movement does not take robot off the tabletop edge.
Purpose: Rotate the robot 90 degrees to the left
example Robot is facing north, LEFT is issued, robot is now facing WEST
Purpose: Rotate the robot 90 degrees to the right
example Robot is facing north, RIGHT is issued, robot is now facing EAST
Purpose: Reports the location of the robot and direction the robot is facing
Purpose: Exit the game
Browse to source root
Run the following to execute tests (Linux)
$ python3 -m unittest Tests/*.py
Code is comprised of four main source files
Runs the simulator
Class does the following:
Takes and checks command line arguments passed to the program
Initializes robot and table
Runs in interactive loop, takes commands from command line
Takes each command sequentially and processes them
Class representation of a robot
Does the following:
Takes a command and validates it against a given table
Executes a command against a given table
Class representation of Table Top
Does the following:
Initializes a table top with specific X and Y upper bounds
Direction class, uses hashtable internally to represent directions
This class was implemented to provide a way to arithmetically (via hashtable index) achieve rotation instructions
Does the following:
Returns string representation of direction based on hashtable index.
Class representation of a command, all command objects game are derived off this abstract class
Does the following:
Takes a command string, parses string, if valid populates command instance fields
Factory class that produces command objects
Does the following:
Produces objects based on Command class. This is based on user input command from console.
- Increase test coverage
- Test on more version of Python 3
- Add another method of inputting commands other than interactive
This project is licensed under the MIT License