The 'transportverse' is a set of packages that are designed to make it easy for DfT analysts to work with tidy data for analytical projects, improving the ease of using and presenting data in a standardised DfT way.
This package is designed to make it easy to install and load multiple DfT packages in a single step.
Install the transportverse package using:
dftplotR is an R package to provide standardised charts formatting in ggplot2. It includes theme functions which meet Government Statistical Service (GSS) best practice guidance. It also includes colour palettes based on DfT corporate branding which meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards, and are distinguishable in greyscale.
gglengendcolour: A package to customise the colours of your legend text and remove the legend key from ggplot2 graphs.
dftutils: The purpose of this package is to create a package of commonly used, simple utility functions for people within DfT to make use of in analytical code. All of the functions in this code are designed to work in any project, and are general functions that would be of use to a wide range of people.
The upsanddowns package is a package of functions to assist with the writing of small sections of automated commentary inside RMarkdown documents, particularly in creating descriptions of data. All of the functions in this code are designed to work in any project, and are general functions that would be of use to a wide range of people.
SlidepackR is a DfT-created R package to build HTML slidepacks in Rmarkdown with custom DfT themes. This package builds on from the xaringan format, allowing people with little or no knowledge of CSS to produce high-quality presentations.
tableformatr: R package add-on for openxlsx, making it easy to write table-formatted data into Excel using a template file which includes titles, table headers and footnotes. This is particularly useful when you want to create an accessible table with column headers that you don't want to hard code (due to changing footnotes or name complexity) and want to set in the template instead.
jsonencryptor: is designed to encrypt JSON service account keys using the secure sodium encryption package. This makes them secure to use both locally and as part of the rsconnect Shiny hosting platform.