Export and import content, members, relations, translations, localroles and much more.
Export and import all kinds of data from and to Plone sites using a intermediate json-format. The main use-case is migrations since it enables you to for example migrate from Plone 4 with Archetypes and Python 2 to Plone 6 with Dexterity and Python 3 in one step. Most features use plone.restapi to serialize and deserialize data.
- Features
- Usage
- Use-cases
- Details
- Notes on speed and large migrations
- Customize export and import
- FAQ, Tips and Tricks
- Using global_obj_hook during export
- Using dict-hooks during export
- Export/Import placeful workflow policy
- Using dict-hooks during import
- Change workflow
- Export/Import Annotations
- Export/Import Marker Interfaces
- Skip versioning during import
- Dealing with validation errors
- Handle LinguaPlone content
- Alternative ways to handle items without parent
- Export/Import Zope Users
- Export/Import properties, registry-settings and installed addons
- Migrate PloneFormGen to Easyform
- Export and import collective.cover content
- Fixing invalid collection queries
- Migrate to Volto
- Written by
- Installation
- Contribute
- Export & Import content
- Export & Import members and groups with their roles
- Export & Import relations
- Export & Import translations
- Export & Import local roles
- Export & Import order (position in parent)
- Export & Import discussions/comments
- Export & Import versioned content
- Export & Import redirects
Export supports:
- Plone 4, 5 and 6
- Archetypes and Dexterity
- Python 2 and 3
- plone.app.multilingual, Products.LinguaPlone, raptus.multilanguagefields
Import supports:
- Plone 5.2+, Dexterity, Python 2 and 3, plone.app.multilingual
Use the form with the URL /@@export_content
, and select what you want to export:
You can export one or more types and a whole site or only a specific path in a site. Since items are exported ordered by path importing them will create the same structure as you had originally.
The downloaded json-file will have the name of the path you exported from, e.g. Plone.json
The exports for members, relations, localroles and relations are linked to in this form but can also be called individually: /@@export_members
, /@@export_relations
, /@@export_localroles
, /@@export_translations
, /@@export_ordering
, /@@export_discussion
Use the form with the URL /@@import_content
, and upload a json-file that you want to import:
The imports for members, relations, localroles and relations are linked to in this form but can also be called individually: /@@import_members
, /@@import_relations
, /@@import_localroles
, /@@import_translations
, /@@import_ordering
, /@@import_discussion
As a last step in a migration there is another view @@reset_dates
that resets the modified date on imported content to the date initially contained in the imported json-file. This is necessary since varous changes during a migration will likely result in a updated modified-date. During import the original is stored as obj.modification_date_migrated
on each new object and this view sets this date.
When a in-place-migration is not required you can choose this addon to migrate the most important parts of your site to json and then import it into a new Plone instance of your targeted version:
- Export content from a Plone site (it supports Plone 4 and 5, Archetypes and Dexterity, Python 2 and 3).
- Import the exported content into a new site (Plone 5.2+, Dexterity, Python 3)
- Export and import relations, users and groups with their roles, translations, local roles, ordering, dedault-pages, comments, portlets and redirects.
How to migrate additional features like Annotations or Marker Interfaces is discussed in the FAQ section.
You can use this addon to
- Archive your content as json
- Export data to prepare a migration to another system
- Combine content from mutiple plone-sites into one.
- Import a plone-site as a subsite into another.
- Import content from other systems as long as it fits the required format.
- Update or replace existing data
- ...
Exporting content is basically a wrapper for the serializers of plone.restapi:
from plone.restapi.interfaces import ISerializeToJson
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
serializer = getMultiAdapter((obj, request), ISerializeToJson)
data = serializer(include_items=False)
Importing content is a elaborate wrapper for the deserializers of plone.restapi:
from plone.restapi.interfaces import IDeserializeFromJson
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
container.invokeFactory(item['@type'], item['id'])
deserializer = getMultiAdapter((new, self.request), IDeserializeFromJson)
new = deserializer(validate_all=False, data=item)
A main use-case of this package is migration from one Plone-Version to another.
Exporting Archetypes content and importing that as Dexterity content works fine but due to changes in field-names some settings would get lost.
For example the setting to exclude content from the navigation was renamed from excludeFromNav
to exclude_from_nav
To fix this you can check the checkbox "Modify exported data for migrations". This will modify the data during export:
- Drop unused data (e.g. next_item and components)
- Remove all relationfields
- Change some fieldnames that changed between AT and DX
- Update view names on Folders and Collection thet changed since Plone 4.
- Export ATTopic and their criteria to Collections with querystrings.
- Update Collection-criteria.
- Links and images in Richtext-Fields of content and portlets have changes since Plone 4.
the view
allows you to fix these.
You can choose between four options how to deal with content that already exists:
- Skip: Don't import at all
- Replace: Delete item and create new
- Update: Reuse and only overwrite imported data
- Ignore: Create with a new id
Imported content is initially created with invokeFactory
using portal_type and id of the exported item before deserialing the rest of the data.
You can set additional values by specifying a dict factory_kwargs
that will be passed to the facory.
Like this you can set values on the imported object that are expected to be there by subscribers to IObjectAddedEvent.
Exporting versions of Archetypes content will not work because of a bug in plone.restapi (plone/plone.restapi#1335). For export to work you need to use a version between 7.7.0 and 8.0.0 (if released) or a source-checkout of the branch 7.x.x.
Exporting and importing large amounts of content can take a while. Export is pretty fast but import is constrained by some features of Plone, most importantly versioning:
- Importing 5000 Folders takes ~5 minutes
- Importing 5000 Documents takes >25 minutes because of versioning.
- Importing 5000 Documents without versioning takes ~7 minutes.
During import you can commit every x number of items which will free up memory and disk-space in your TMPDIR (where blobs are added before each commit).
When exporting large numbers of blobs (binary files and images) you will get huge json-files and may run out of memory. You have various options to deal with this. The best way depends on how you are going to import the blobs:
- Export as download urls: small download, but
cannot import the blobs, so you will need an own import script to download them. - Export as base-64 encoded strings: large download, but
can handle the import. - Export as blob paths: small download and
can handle the import, but you need to copyvar/blobstorage
to the Plone Site where you do the import or set the environment variableCOLLECTIVE_EXPORTIMPORT_BLOB_HOME
to the old blobstorage path:export COLLECTIVE_EXPORTIMPORT_BLOB_HOME=/path-to-old-instance/var/blobstorage
This addon is designed to be adapted to your requirements and has multiple hooks to make that easy.
To make that easier here are packages you can reuse to override and extend the export and import. Use these templates and adapt them to your own projects:
Many examples for customizing the export and import are collected in the chapter "FAQ, Tips and Tricks" below.
As a rule of thumb you should make changes to the data during import unless you need access to the original object for the required changes. One reason is that this way the serialized content in the json-file more closely represents the original data. Another reason is that it allows you to fix issues during the process you are currently developing (i.e. without having to redo the export).
from collective.exportimport.export_content import ExportContent
class CustomExportContent(ExportContent):
'Document': {'review_state': ['published', 'pending']},
def update(self):
"""Use this to override stuff before the export starts
(e.g. force a specific language in the request)."""
def start(self):
"""Hook to do something before export."""
def finish(self):
"""Hook to do something after export."""
def global_obj_hook(self, obj):
"""Inspect the content item before serialisation data.
Bad: Changing the content-item is a horrible idea.
Good: Return None if you want to skip this particular object.
return obj
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
"""Use this to modify or skip the serialized data.
Return None if you want to skip this particular object.
return item
def dict_hook_document(self, item, obj):
"""Use this to modify or skip the serialized data by type.
Return the modified dict (item) or None if you want to skip this particular object.
return item
Register it with your own browserlayer to override the default:
from collective.exportimport.import_content import ImportContent
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
CONTAINER = {'Event': '/imported-events'}
# These fields will be ignored
DROP_FIELDS = ['relatedItems']
# Items with these uid will be ignored
DROP_UIDS = ['04d1477583c74552a7fcd81a9085c620']
# These paths will be ignored
DROP_PATHS = ['/Plone/doormat/', '/Plone/import_files/']
# Default values for some fields
DEFAULTS = {'which_price': 'normal'}
def start(self):
"""Hook to do something before importing one file."""
def finish(self):
"""Hook to do something after importing one file."""
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
if isinstance(item.get('description', None), dict):
item['description'] = item['description']['data']
if isinstance(item.get('rights', None), dict):
item['rights'] = item['rights']['data']
return item
def dict_hook_customtype(self, item):
# change the type
item['@type'] = 'anothertype'
# drop a field
item.pop('experiences', None)
return item
def handle_file_container(self, item):
"""Use this to specify the container in which to create the item in.
Return the container for this particular object.
return return self.portal['imported_files']
Register it:
Run all exports and save all data in var/instance/
from plone import api
from Products.Five import BrowserView
class ExportAll(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
export_content = api.content.get_view("export_content", self.context, self.request)
self.request.form["form.submitted"] = True
portal_type=["Folder", "Document", "News Item", "File", "Image"], # only export these
include_blobs=2, # Export files and images as blob paths
other_exports = [
for name in other_exports:
view = api.content.get_view(name, portal, request)
# This saves each export in var/instance/export_xxx.json
# Important! Redirect to prevent infinite export loop :)
return self.request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url())
Run all imports using the data exported in the example above:
from collective.exportimport.fix_html import fix_html_in_content_fields
from collective.exportimport.fix_html import fix_html_in_portlets
from pathlib import Path
from plone import api
from Products.Five import BrowserView
class ImportAll(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
portal = api.portal.get()
# Import content
view = api.content.get_view("import_content", portal, request)
request.form["form.submitted"] = True
request.form["commit"] = 500
view(server_file="Plone.json", return_json=True)
# Run all other imports
other_imports = [
cfg = getConfiguration()
directory = Path(cfg.clienthome) / "import"
for name in other_imports:
view = api.content.get_view(f"import_{name}", portal, request)
path = Path(directory) / f"export_{name}.json"
results = view(jsonfile=path.read_text(), return_json=True)
# Run cleanup steps
results = fix_html_in_content_fields()
logger.info("Fixed html for %s content items", results)
results = fix_html_in_portlets()
logger.info("Fixed html for %s portlets", results)
reset_dates = api.content.get_view("reset_dates", portal, request)
The views @@export_all
and @@import_all
are also contained in the helper-packages https://github.com/starzel/contentexport and https://github.com/starzel/contentimport
This section covers frequent use-cases and examples for features that are not required for all migrations.
Using global_obj_hook
during export to inspect content and decide to skip it.
def global_obj_hook(self, obj):
# Drop subtopics
if obj.portal_type == "Topic" and obj.__parent__.portal_type == "Topic":
# Drop files and images from PFG formfolders
if obj.__parent__.portal_type == "FormFolder":
return obj
Use global_dict_hook
during export to inspect content and modify the serialized json.
You can also use dict_hook_<somecontenttype>
to better structure your code for readability.
Sometimes you need to handle data that you add in global_dict_hook
during export in corresponding code in global_object_hook
during import.
The following example about placeful workflow policy is a perfect example for that pattern:
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
if obj.isPrincipiaFolderish and ".wf_policy_config" in obj.keys():
wf_policy = obj[".wf_policy_config"]
item["exportimport.workflow_policy"] = {
"workflow_policy_below": wf_policy.workflow_policy_below,
"workflow_policy_in": wf_policy.workflow_policy_in,
return item
def global_obj_hook(self, obj, item):
wf_policy = item.get("exportimport.workflow_policy")
if wf_policy:
wf_policy_config = obj[".wf_policy_config"]
wf_policy_config.setPolicyIn(wf_policy["workflow_policy_in"], update_security=True)
wf_policy_config.setPolicyBelow(wf_policy["workflow_policy_below"], update_security=True)
A lot of fixes can be done during import using the global_dict_hook
or dict_hook_<contenttype>
Here we prevent the expire-date to be before the effective date since that would lead to validation-errors during deserializing:
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
effective = item.get('effective', None)
expires = item.get('expires', None)
if effective and expires and expires <= effective:
return item
Here we drop empty lines from the creators:
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
item["creators"] = [i for i in item.get("creators", []) if i]
return item
This example migrates a PloneHelpCenter to a simple folder/document structure during import. There are a couple more types to handle (as folder or document) but you get the idea, don't you?
def dict_hook_helpcenter(self, item):
item["@type"] = "Folder"
item["layout"] = "listing_view"
return item
def dict_hook_helpcenterglossary(self, item):
item["@type"] = "Folder"
item["layout"] = "listing_view"
return item
def dict_hook_helpcenterinstructionalvideo(self, item):
item["@type"] = "File"
if item.get("video_file"):
item["file"] = item["video_file"]
return item
def dict_hook_helpcenterlink(self, item):
item["@type"] = "Link"
item["remoteUrl"] = item.get("url", None)
return item
def dict_hook_helpcenterreferencemanualpage(self, item):
item["@type"] = "Document"
return item
If you change types during import you need to take care of other cases where types are referenced.Examples are collection-queries (see "Fixing invalid collection queries" below) or constrains (see here):
"Topic": "Collection",
"FormFolder": "EasyForm",
"HelpCenter": "Folder",
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
if item.get("exportimport.constrains"):
types_fixed = []
for portal_type in item["exportimport.constrains"]["locally_allowed_types"]:
if portal_type in PORTAL_TYPE_MAPPING:
elif portal_type in ALLOWED_TYPES:
item["exportimport.constrains"]["locally_allowed_types"] = list(set(types_fixed))
types_fixed = []
for portal_type in item["exportimport.constrains"]["immediately_addable_types"]:
if portal_type in PORTAL_TYPE_MAPPING:
elif portal_type in ALLOWED_TYPES:
item["exportimport.constrains"]["immediately_addable_types"] = list(set(types_fixed))
return item
"internal": "published",
"internally_published": "published",
"obsolete": "private",
"hidden": "private",
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
if item.get("review_state") in REVIEW_STATE_MAPPING:
item["review_state"] = REVIEW_STATE_MAPPING[item["review_state"]]
return item
Some core-features of Plone (e.g. comments) use annotations to store data. The core features are already covered but your custom code or community addons may use annotations as well. Here is how you can migrate them.
Export: Only export those Annotations that your really need.
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
ANNOTATIONS_KEY = 'exportimport.annotations'
class CustomExportContent(ExportContent):
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
item = self.export_annotations(item, obj)
return item
def export_annotations(self, item, obj):
results = {}
annotations = IAnnotations(obj)
data = annotations.get(key)
if data:
results[key] = IJsonCompatible(data, None)
if results:
item[ANNOTATIONS_KEY] = results
return item
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
ANNOTATIONS_KEY = "exportimport.annotations"
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
def global_obj_hook(self, obj, item):
item = self.import_annotations(obj, item)
return item
def import_annotations(self, obj, item):
annotations = IAnnotations(obj)
for key in item.get(ANNOTATIONS_KEY, []):
annotations[key] = item[ANNOTATIONS_KEY][key]
return item
Some features also store data in annotations on the portal, e.g. plone.contentrules.localassignments, plone.portlets.categoryblackliststatus, plone.portlets.contextassignments, syndication_settings. Depending on your requirements you may want to export and import those as well.
Export: You may only want to export the marker-interfaces you need. It is a good idea to inspect a list of all used marker interfaces in a portal before deciding what to migrate.
from zope.interface import directlyProvidedBy
MARKER_INTERFACES_KEY = "exportimport.marker_interfaces"
class CustomExportContent(ExportContent)
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
item = self.export_marker_interfaces(item, obj)
return item
def export_marker_interfaces(self, item, obj):
interfaces = [i.__identifier__ for i in directlyProvidedBy(obj)]
interfaces = [i for i in interfaces if i in MARKER_INTERFACES_TO_EXPORT]
if interfaces:
item[MARKER_INTERFACES_KEY] = interfaces
return item
from plone.dexterity.utils import resolveDottedName
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
MARKER_INTERFACES_KEY = "exportimport.marker_interfaces"
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
def global_obj_hook_before_deserializing(self, obj, item):
"""Apply marker interfaces before deserializing."""
for iface_name in item.pop(MARKER_INTERFACES_KEY, []):
iface = resolveDottedName(iface_name)
if not iface.providedBy(obj):
alsoProvides(obj, iface)
logger.info("Applied marker interface %s to %s", iface_name, obj.absolute_url())
except ModuleNotFoundError:
return obj, item
The event-handlers of versioning can seriously slow down your imports. It is a good idea to skip it before the import:
"News Item",
def start(self):
self.items_without_parent = []
portal_types = api.portal.get_tool("portal_types")
for portal_type in VERSIONED_TYPES:
fti = portal_types.get(portal_type)
behaviors = list(fti.behaviors)
if 'plone.versioning' in behaviors:
logger.info(f"Disable versioning for {portal_type}")
fti.behaviors = behaviors
Re-enable versioning and create initial versions after all imports and fixes are done, e.g in the view @@import_all
from Products.CMFEditions.interfaces.IModifier import FileTooLargeToVersionError
"News Item",
class ImportAll(BrowserView):
# re-enable versioning
portal_types = api.portal.get_tool("portal_types")
for portal_type in VERSIONED_TYPES:
fti = portal_types.get(portal_type)
behaviors = list(fti.behaviors)
if "plone.versioning" not in behaviors:
logger.info(f"Enable versioning for {portal_type}")
if "plone.locking" not in behaviors:
logger.info(f"Enable locking for {portal_type}")
fti.behaviors = behaviors
transaction.get().note("Re-enabled versioning")
# create initial version for all versioned types
logger.info("Creating initial versions")
portal_repository = api.portal.get_tool("portal_repository")
brains = api.content.find(portal_type=VERSIONED_TYPES)
total = len(brains)
for index, brain in enumerate(brains):
obj = brain.getObject()
portal_repository.save(obj=obj, comment="Imported Version")
except FileTooLargeToVersionError:
if not index % 1000:
msg = f"Created versions for {index} of {total} items."
msg = "Created initial versions"
Sometimes you get validation-errors during import because the data cannot be validated. That can happen when options in a field are generated from content in the site. In these cases you cannot be sure that all options already exist in the portal while importing the content.
It may also happen, when you have validators that rely on content or configuration that does not exist on import.
For relationfields this is not necessary since relations are imported after content anyway!
There are two ways to handle these issues:
- Use a simple setter bypassing the validation used by the restapi
- Defer the import until all other imports were run
You need to specify which content-types and fields you want to handle that way.
It is put in a key, that the normal import will ignore and set using setattr()
before deserializing the rest of the data.
"ALL": ["some_shared_field"],
"CollaborationFolder": ["allowedPartnerDocTypes"],
"DocType": ["automaticTransferTargets"],
"DPDocument": ["scenarios"],
"DPEvent" : ["Status"],
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
simple = {}
for fieldname in SIMPLE_SETTER_FIELDS.get("ALL", []):
if fieldname in item:
value = item.pop(fieldname)
if value:
simple[fieldname] = value
for fieldname in SIMPLE_SETTER_FIELDS.get(item["@type"], []):
if fieldname in item:
value = item.pop(fieldname)
if value:
simple[fieldname] = value
if simple:
item["exportimport.simplesetter"] = simple
def global_obj_hook_before_deserializing(self, obj, item):
"""Hook to modify the created obj before deserializing the data.
# import simplesetter data before the rest
for fieldname, value in item.get("exportimport.simplesetter", {}).items():
setattr(obj, fieldname, value)
Using global_obj_hook_before_deserializing
makes sure that data is there when the event-handlers are run after import.
You can also wait until all content is imported before setting the values on these fields. Again you need to find out which fields for which types you want to handle that way.
Here the data is stored in an annotation on the imported object from which it is later read.
This example also supports setting some data with setattr
without validating it:
from plone.restapi.interfaces import IDeserializeFromJson
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
DEFERRED_KEY = "exportimport.deferred"
"talk": ["somefield"],
"speaker": [
SIMPLE_SETTER_FIELDS = {"custom_type": ["another_field"]}
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
# Move deferred values to a different key to not deserialize.
# This could also be done during export.
item[DEFERRED_KEY] = {}
for fieldname in DEFERRED_FIELD_MAPPING.get(item["@type"], []):
if item.get(fieldname):
item[DEFERRED_KEY][fieldname] = item.pop(fieldname)
return item
def global_obj_hook(self, obj, item):
# Store deferred data in an annotation.
deferred = item.get(DEFERRED_KEY, {})
if deferred:
annotations = IAnnotations(obj)
annotations[DEFERRED_KEY] = {}
for key, value in deferred.items():
annotations[DEFERRED_KEY][key] = value
You then need a new step in the migration to move the deferred values from the annotation to the field:
class ImportDeferred(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
# This example reuses the form export_other.pt from collective.exportimport
self.title = "Import deferred data"
if not self.request.form.get("form.submitted", False):
return self.index()
portal = api.portal.get()
self.results = []
for brain in api.content.find(DEFERRED_FIELD_MAPPING.keys()):
obj = brain.getObject()
api.portal.show_message(f"Imported deferred data for {len(self.results)} items!", self.request)
def import_deferred(self, obj):
annotations = IAnnotations(obj, {})
deferred = annotations.get(DEFERRED_KEY, None)
if not deferred:
# Shortcut for simple fields (e.g. storing strings, uuids etc.)
for fieldname in SIMPLE_SETTER_FIELDS.get(obj.portal_type, []):
value = deferred.pop(fieldname, None)
if value:
setattr(obj, fieldname, value)
if not deferred:
# This approach validates the values and converts more complex data
deserializer = getMultiAdapter((obj, self.request), IDeserializeFromJson)
obj = deserializer(validate_all=False, data=deferred)
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Error while importing deferred data for %s", obj.absolute_url(), exc_info=True)
logger.info("Data: %s", deferred)
# cleanup
del annotations[DEFERRED_KEY]
This additional view obviously needs to be registered:
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
# Find language of the nearest parent with a language
# Usefull for LinguaPlone sites where some content is languageindependent
parent = obj.__parent__
for ancestor in parent.aq_chain:
if IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(ancestor):
# keep language for root content
nearest_ancestor_lang = item["language"]
if getattr(ancestor, "getLanguage", None) and ancestor.getLanguage():
nearest_ancestor_lang = ancestor.getLanguage()
item["parent"]["language"] = nearest_ancestor_lang
# This forces "wrong" languages to the nearest parents language
if "language" in item and item["language"] != nearest_ancestor_lang:
logger.info(u"Forcing %s (was %s) for %s %s ", nearest_ancestor_lang, item["language"], item["@type"], item["@id"])
item["language"] = nearest_ancestor_lang
# set missing language
if not item.get("language"):
item["language"] = nearest_ancestor_lang
# add info on translations to help find the right container
# usually this idone by export_translations
# but when migrating from LP to pam you sometimes want to check the
# tranlation info during import
if getattr(obj.aq_base, "getTranslations", None) is not None:
translations = obj.getTranslations()
if translations:
item["translation"] = {}
for lang in translations:
uuid = IUUID(translations[lang][0], None)
if uuid == item["UID"]:
translation = translations[lang][0]
if not lang:
lang = "no_language"
item["translation"][lang] = translation.absolute_url()
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
# Adapt this to your site
languages = ["en", "fr", "de"]
default_language = "en"
portal_id = "Plone"
# No language => lang of parent or default
if item.get("language") not in languages:
if item["parent"].get("language"):
item["language"] = item["parent"]["language"]
item["language"] = default_language
lang = item["language"]
if item["parent"].get("language") != item["language"]:
logger.debug(f"Inconsistent lang: item is {lang}, parent is {item['parent'].get('language')} for {item['@id']}")
# Move item to the correct language-root-folder
# This is only relevant for items in the site-root.
# Most items containers are usually looked up by the uuid of the old parent
url = item["@id"]
parent_url = item["parent"]["@id"]
url = url.replace(f"/{portal_id}/", f"/{portal_id}/{lang}/", 1)
parent_url = parent_url.replace(f"/{portal_id}", f"/{portal_id}/{lang}", 1)
item["@id"] = url
item["parent"]["@id"] = parent_url
return item
Often it is better to export and log items for which no container could be found instead of re-creating the original structure.
def update(self):
self.items_without_parent = []
def create_container(self, item):
# Override create_container to never create parents
def finish(self):
# export content without parents
if self.items_without_parent:
data = json.dumps(self.items_without_parent, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
number = len(self.items_without_parent)
cfg = getConfiguration()
filename = 'content_without_parent.json'
filepath = os.path.join(cfg.clienthome, filename)
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
msg = u"Saved {} items without parent to {}".format(number, filepath)
api.portal.show_message(msg, self.request)
By default only users and groups stores in Plone are exported/imported. You can export/import Zope user like this.
from collective.exportimport.export_other import BaseExport
from plone import api
import six
class ExportZopeUsers(BaseExport):
AUTO_ROLES = ["Authenticated"]
def __call__(self, download_to_server=False):
self.title = "Export Zope users"
self.download_to_server = download_to_server
portal = api.portal.get()
app = portal.__parent__
self.acl = app.acl_users
self.pms = api.portal.get_tool("portal_membership")
data = self.all_zope_users()
def all_zope_users(self):
results = []
for user in self.acl.searchUsers():
data = self._getUserData(user["userid"])
data['title'] = user['title']
return results
def _getUserData(self, userId):
member = self.pms.getMemberById(userId)
roles = [
for role in member.getRoles()
if role not in self.AUTO_ROLES
# userid, password, roles
props = {
"username": userId,
"password": json_compatible(self._getUserPassword(userId)),
"roles": json_compatible(roles),
return props
def _getUserPassword(self, userId):
users = self.acl.users
passwords = users._user_passwords
password = passwords.get(userId, "")
return password
class ImportZopeUsers(BrowserView):
def __call__(self, jsonfile=None, return_json=False):
if jsonfile:
self.portal = api.portal.get()
status = "success"
if isinstance(jsonfile, str):
return_json = True
data = json.loads(jsonfile)
elif isinstance(jsonfile, FileUpload):
data = json.loads(jsonfile.read())
raise ("Data is neither text nor upload.")
except Exception as e:
status = "error"
u"Failure while uploading: {}".format(e),
members = self.import_members(data)
msg = u"Imported {} members".format(members)
api.portal.show_message(msg, self.request)
if return_json:
msg = {"state": status, "msg": msg}
return json.dumps(msg)
return self.index()
def import_members(self, data):
app = self.portal.__parent__
acl = app.acl_users
counter = 0
for item in data:
username = item["username"]
password = item.pop("password")
roles = item.pop("roles", [])
if not username or not password or not roles:
title = item.pop("title", None)
acl.users.addUser(username, title, password)
for role in roles:
acl.roles.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, username)
counter += 1
return counter
When you migrate multiple similar sites that are configured manually it can be useful to export and import configuration that was set by hand.
This custom export exports and imports some selected settings and addons from a Plone 4.3 site.
from collective.exportimport.export_other import BaseExport
from logging import getLogger
from plone import api
from plone.restapi.serializer.converters import json_compatible
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class ExportSettings(BaseExport):
"""Export various settings for haiku sites
def __call__(self, download_to_server=False):
self.title = "Export installed addons various settings"
self.download_to_server = download_to_server
if not self.request.form.get("form.submitted", False):
return self.index()
data = self.export_settings()
def export_settings(self):
results = {}
addons = []
qi = api.portal.get_tool("portal_quickinstaller")
for product in qi.listInstalledProducts():
if product["id"].startswith("myproject."):
results["addons"] = addons
portal = api.portal.get()
registry = {}
registry["plone.email_from_name"] = portal.getProperty('email_from_name', '')
registry["plone.email_from_address"] = portal.getProperty('email_from_address', '')
registry["plone.smtp_host"] = getattr(portal.MailHost, 'smtp_host', '')
registry["plone.smtp_port"] = int(getattr(portal.MailHost, 'smtp_port', 25))
registry["plone.smtp_userid"] = portal.MailHost.get('smtp_user_id')
registry["plone.smtp_pass"] = portal.MailHost.get('smtp_pass')
registry["plone.site_title"] = portal.title
portal_properties = api.portal.get_tool("portal_properties")
iprops = portal_properties.imaging_properties
registry["plone.allowed_sizes"] = iprops.getProperty('allowed_sizes')
registry["plone.quality"] = iprops.getProperty('quality')
site_props = portal_properties.site_properties
if site_props.hasProperty("webstats_js"):
registry["plone.webstats_js"] = site_props.webstats_js
results["registry"] = json_compatible(registry)
return results
The import installs the addons and load the settings in the registry. Since Plone 5 portal_properties is no longer used.
from logging import getLogger
from plone import api
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import get_installer
from Products.Five import BrowserView
from zope.component import getUtility
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
import json
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class ImportSettings(BrowserView):
"""Import various settings"""
def __call__(self, jsonfile=None, return_json=False):
if jsonfile:
self.portal = api.portal.get()
status = "success"
if isinstance(jsonfile, str):
return_json = True
data = json.loads(jsonfile)
elif isinstance(jsonfile, FileUpload):
data = json.loads(jsonfile.read())
raise ("Data is neither text nor upload.")
except Exception as e:
status = "error"
"Failure while uploading: {}".format(e),
msg = "Imported addons and settings"
api.portal.show_message(msg, self.request)
if return_json:
msg = {"state": status, "msg": msg}
return json.dumps(msg)
return self.index()
def import_settings(self, data):
installer = get_installer(self.context)
for addon in data["addons"]:
if not installer.is_product_installed(addon) and installer.is_product_installable(addon):
logger.info(f"Installed addon {addon}")
registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
for key, value in data["registry"].items():
registry[key] = value
logger.info(f"Imported record {key}: {value}")
The pull-request collective#130 has views @@export_registry
and @@import_registry
These views export and import registry records that do not use the default-setting specified in the schema for that registry record.
The export alone could also be usefull to figure out which settings were modified for a site.
That code will probably not be merged but you can use it in your own projects.
To be able to export PFG as easyform you should use the branch migration_features_1.x
of collective.easyform
in your old site.
Easyform does not need to be installed, we only need the methods fields_model
and actions_model
def dict_hook_formfolder(self, item, obj):
item["@type"] = "EasyForm"
item["is_folderish"] = False
from collective.easyform.migration.fields import fields_model
from collective.easyform.migration.actions import actions_model
# this does most of the heavy lifting...
item["fields_model"] = fields_model(obj)
item["actions_model"] = actions_model(obj)
# handle thankspage
pfg_thankspage = obj.get(obj.getThanksPage(), None)
if pfg_thankspage:
item["thankstitle"] = pfg_thankspage.title
item["thanksdescription"] = pfg_thankspage.Description()
item["showAll"] = pfg_thankspage.showAll
item["showFields"] = pfg_thankspage.showFields
item["includeEmpties"] = pfg_thankspage.includeEmpties
item["thanksPrologue"] = json_compatible(pfg_thankspage.thanksPrologue.raw)
item["thanksEpilogue"] = json_compatible(pfg_thankspage.thanksEpilogue.raw)
# optional
item["exportimport._inputStorage"] = self.export_saved_data(obj)
# Drop some PFG fields no longer needed
obsolete_fields = [
for key in obsolete_fields:
item.pop(key, None)
# optional: disable tabs for imported forms
item["form_tabbing"] = False
# fix some custom validators
replace_mapping = {
"request.form['": "request.form['form.widgets.",
"request.form.get('": "request.form.get('form.widgets.",
"member and member.id or ''": "member and member.getProperty('id', '') or ''",
# fix overrides in actions and fields to use form.widgets.xyz instead of xyz
for schema in ["actions_model", "fields_model"]:
for old, new in replace_mapping.items():
if old in item[schema]:
item[schema] = item[schema].replace(old, new)
# add your own fields if you have these issues...
for fieldname in [
if "request/form/{}".format(fieldname) in item[schema]:
item[schema] = item[schema].replace("request/form/{}".format(fieldname), "python: request.form.get('form.widgets.{}')".format(fieldname))
return item
def export_saved_data(self, obj):
actions = {}
for data_adapter in obj.objectValues("FormSaveDataAdapter"):
data_adapter_name = data_adapter.getId()
actions[data_adapter_name] = {}
cols = data_adapter.getColumnNames()
column_count_mismatch = False
for idx, row in enumerate(data_adapter.getSavedFormInput()):
if len(row) != len(cols):
column_count_mismatch = True
logger.debug("Column count mismatch at row %s", idx)
data = {}
for key, value in zip(cols, row):
data[key] = json_compatible(value)
id_ = int(time() * 1000)
while id_ in actions[data_adapter_name]: # avoid collisions during export
id_ += 1
data["id"] = id_
actions[data_adapter_name][id_] = data
if column_count_mismatch:
"Number of columns does not match for all rows. Some data were skipped in "
"data adapter %s/%s",
return actions
Import exported PloneFormGen data into Easyform:
def obj_hook_easyform(self, obj, item):
if not item.get("exportimport._inputStorage"):
from collective.easyform.actions import SavedDataBTree
from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
if not hasattr(obj, '_inputStorage'):
obj._inputStorage = PersistentMapping()
for name, data in item["exportimport._inputStorage"].items():
obj._inputStorage[name] = SavedDataBTree()
for key, row in data.items():
obj._inputStorage[name][int(key)] = row
from collective.exportimport.serializer import get_dx_blob_path
from plone.app.textfield.value import RichTextValue
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedBlobImage
from plone.restapi.interfaces import IJsonCompatible
from z3c.relationfield import RelationValue
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
item = self.handle_cover(item, obj)
return item
def handle_cover(self, item, obj):
if ICover.providedBy(obj):
item['tiles'] = {}
annotations = IAnnotations(obj)
for tile in obj.get_tiles():
annotation_key = 'plone.tiles.data.{}'.format(tile['id'])
annotation = annotations.get(annotation_key, None)
if annotation is None:
tile_data = self.serialize_tile(annotation)
tile_data['type'] = tile['type']
item['tiles'][tile['id']] = tile_data
return item
def serialize_tile(self, annotation):
data = {}
for key, value in annotation.items():
if isinstance(value, RichTextValue):
value = value.raw
elif isinstance(value, RelationValue):
value = value.to_object.UID()
elif isinstance(value, NamedBlobImage):
blobfilepath = get_dx_blob_path(value)
if not blobfilepath:
value = {
"filename": value.filename,
"content-type": value.contentType,
"size": value.getSize(),
"blob_path": blobfilepath,
data[key] = IJsonCompatible(value, None)
return data
from collections import defaultdict
from collective.exportimport.import_content import get_absolute_blob_path
from plone.app.textfield.interfaces import IRichText
from plone.app.textfield.interfaces import IRichTextValue
from plone.namedfile.file import NamedBlobImage
from plone.namedfile.interfaces import INamedBlobImageField
from plone.tiles.interfaces import ITileType
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
from zope.component import getUtilitiesFor
from zope.schema import getFieldsInOrder
def global_obj_hook(self, obj, item):
if item["@type"] in COVER_CONTENT and "tiles" in item:
item = self.import_tiles(obj, item)
def import_tiles(self, obj, item):
RICHTEXT_TILES = defaultdict(list)
IMAGE_TILES = defaultdict(list)
for tile_name, tile_type in getUtilitiesFor(ITileType):
for fieldname, field in getFieldsInOrder(tile_type.schema):
if IRichText.providedBy(field):
if INamedBlobImageField.providedBy(field):
annotations = IAnnotations(obj)
prefix = "plone.tiles.data."
for uid, tile in item["tiles"].items():
# TODO: Maybe create all tiles that do not need to be defferred?
key = prefix + uid
tile_name = tile.pop("type", None)
# first set raw data
annotations[key] = item["tiles"][uid]
for fieldname in RICHTEXT_TILES.get(tile_name, []):
raw = annotations[key][fieldname]
if raw is not None and not IRichTextValue.providedBy(raw):
annotations[key][fieldname] = RichTextValue(raw, "text/html", "text/x-html-safe")
for fieldname in IMAGE_TILES.get(tile_name, []):
data = annotations[key][fieldname]
if data is not None:
blob_path = data.get("blob_path")
if not blob_path:
abs_blob_path = get_absolute_blob_path(obj, blob_path)
if not abs_blob_path:
logger.info("Blob path %s for tile %s of %s %s does not exist!", blob_path, tile, obj.portal_type, obj.absolute_url())
# Determine the class to use: file or image.
filename = data["filename"]
content_type = data["content-type"]
# Write the field.
with open(abs_blob_path, "rb") as myfile:
blobdata = myfile.read()
image = NamedBlobImage(
annotations[key][fieldname] = image
return item
Some queries changes between Plone 4 and 5. This fixes the issues.
The actual migration of topics to collections in collective.exportimport.serializer.SerializeTopicToJson
does not (yet) take care of that.
class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):
def global_dict_hook(self, item):
if item["@type"] in ["Collection", "Topic"]:
item = self.fix_query(item)
def fix_query(self, item):
item["@type"] = "Collection"
query = item.pop("query", [])
if not query:
logger.info("Drop item without query: %s", item["@id"])
fixed_query = []
indexes_to_fix = [
operator_mapping = {
# old -> new
for crit in query:
if crit["i"] == "portal_type" and len(crit["v"]) > 30:
# Criterion is all types
if crit["o"].endswith("relativePath") and crit["v"] == "..":
# relativePath no longer accepts ..
crit["v"] = "..::1"
if crit["i"] in indexes_to_fix:
for old_operator, new_operator in operator_mapping.items():
if crit["o"] == old_operator:
crit["o"] = new_operator
if crit["i"] == "portal_type":
# Some types may have changed their names
fixed_types = []
for portal_type in crit["v"]:
fixed_type = PORTAL_TYPE_MAPPING.get(portal_type, portal_type)
crit["v"] = list(set(fixed_types))
if crit["i"] == "review_state":
# Review states may have changed their names
fixed_states = []
for review_state in crit["v"]:
fixed_state = REVIEW_STATE_MAPPING.get(review_state, review_state)
crit["v"] = list(set(fixed_states))
if crit["o"] == "plone.app.querystring.operation.string.currentUser":
crit["v"] = ""
item["query"] = fixed_query
if not item["query"]:
logger.info("Drop collection without query: %s", item["@id"])
return item
This section is not complete yet!
For inspiration for more steps see the view @@migrate_to_volto
in plone.volto
Default pages
Volto has no concept of default pages. For folders with default pages instead export the default page.
from collective.exportimport.export_content import fix_portal_type
from plone.restapi.interfaces import ISerializeToJson
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
"News Item",
def update(self):
self.transformed_default_pages = []
def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
# this item is already exported to replace its container in dict_hook_folder
if item["UID"] in self.transformed_default_pages:
return item
def dict_hook_folder(self, item, obj):
# handle default pages
default_page = obj.getDefaultPage()
if not default_page:
# has no default-page, we keep it as a folder
return item
dp_obj = obj.get(default_page)
dp_obj = self.global_obj_hook(dp_obj)
if not dp_obj:
if dp_obj.portal_type not in FOLDERISH_TYPES:
# keep the old Folder for non-folderish content (Link)
return item
self.safe_portal_type = fix_portal_type(dp_obj.portal_type)
serializer = getMultiAdapter((dp_obj, self.request), ISerializeToJson)
dp_item = serializer(include_items=False)
dp_item = self.fix_url(dp_item, dp_obj)
dp_item = self.export_constraints(dp_item, dp_obj)
dp_item = self.export_workflow_history(dp_item, dp_obj)
if self.migration:
dp_item = self.update_data_for_migration(dp_item, dp_obj)
dp_item = self.global_dict_hook(dp_item, dp_obj)
if not dp_item:
logger.info(u"Skipping %s", dp_obj.absolute_url())
return obj
dp_item = self.custom_dict_hook(dp_item, dp_obj)
if dp_item["@type"] != "Document":
logger.info(u"Default page is type %s for %s: %s", dp_item["@type"], item["@id"], dp_obj.absolute_url())
dp_item["parent"] = item["parent"]
dp_item["@id"] = item["@id"]
dp_item["id"] = item["id"]
dp_item["is_folderish"] = True
# prevent importing the default page obj again
return dp_item

Install collective.exportimport by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.exportimport
and then running bin/buildout
You don't need to activate the add-on in the Site Setup Add-ons control panel to be able to use the forms @@export_content and @@import_content in your site.
You do need to add it to your buildout configuration and run buildout to make these features available at all. See https://docs.plone.org/manage/installing/installing_addons.html for details.
- Issue Tracker: https://github.com/collective/collective.exportimport/issues
- Source Code: https://github.com/collective/collective.exportimport
If you are having issues, please let us know.
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.