Release facilities to ease the management of buildout based projects.
This distribution intends to be as small as possible by integrating a few custom release choices done by the der Freitag development team.
For that it heavily relies on a couple of well known distributions:
A few zest.releaser
plugins that:
- check that the git repository is updated update_git_branch
- update development branches after a release update_develop_branches
- check translation files are updated check_translations
Additions to plone.releaser
ability to release a distribution within the parent (buildout) project
- check to ensure the correct branch on the parent project is used check_zope_branch
- check that the distribution about to release exists check_folders
- update versions.cfg with the new released version update_versions_cfg
gather the changes on distributions (more than only collect_changelog)
push cfg files publish_cfg_files
check which distributions need a release
update batou version pins (components/plone/versions/versions.cfg)