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- Removed f-strings from logger's info and warning
- Use sys.last_exc for python 3.12+
- Added some examples in the doc of saveframe function and the script
  • Loading branch information
Sachin Saharan committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 4d52269 commit 82ed389
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Showing 4 changed files with 315 additions and 320 deletions.
44 changes: 38 additions & 6 deletions bin/saveframe
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,11 +55,43 @@ NOTE:
Example Usage:
$ saveframe <script_or_command_to_run>
Let's say your script / command is raising an error with the following traceback:
File "dir/", line 6, in init_func1
File "dir/", line 14, in func1
File "dir/", line 9, in func2
File "dir/pkg1/", line 10, in func2
File "dir/pkg1/pkg2/", line 6, in func3
raise ValueError("Error is raised")
ValueError: Error is raised
=> To save the last frame (the error frame) in file '/path/to/file', use:
$ saveframe --filename=/path/to/file <script_or_command_to_run>
$ saveframe --frames=frames_to_save <script_or_command_to_run>
$ saveframe --variables=local_variables_to_include <script_or_command_to_run>
$ saveframe --exclude_variables=local_variables_to_exclude <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To save a specific frame like `File "dir/", line 9, in func2`, use:
$ saveframe --filename=/path/to/file <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To save the last 3 frames from the bottom, use:
$ saveframe --frames=3 <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To save all the frames from '' and '' files, use:
$ saveframe --filename=/path/to/file, <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To save a range of frames from '' to '', use:
$ saveframe <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To save a range of frames from '' till the last frame, use:
$ saveframe <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To only save local variables 'var1' and 'var2' from the frames, use:
$ saveframe --frames=frames_to_save --variables=var1,var2 <script_or_command_to_run>
=> To exclude local variables 'var1' and 'var2' from the frames, use:
$ saveframe --frames=frames_to_save --exclude_variables=var1,var2 <script_or_command_to_run>
For interactive use cases, checkout pyflyby.saveframe function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,11 +280,11 @@ def main():
# KeyboardInterrupt rather than BaseException, since we don't want to
# catch SystemExit.
try:"Executing the program: {command_string!a}")"Executing the program: %a", command_string)
except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as err:
f"Saving frames and metadata info for the exception: {err!a}")
"Saving frames and metadata info for the exception: %a", err)
# Save the frames and metadata info to the file.
filename=filename, frames=frames, variables=variables,
Expand Down
126 changes: 83 additions & 43 deletions lib/python/pyflyby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def _get_exception_info(exception_obj):
type(exception_obj), exception_obj, exception_obj.__traceback__))
except Exception as err:
f"Error while formatting the traceback. Error: {err!a}")
"Error while formatting the traceback. Error: %a", err)
tb = "Traceback couldn't be formatted"
exception_info = ExceptionInfo(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ def _get_frame_local_variables_data(frame, variables, exclude_variables):
all_local_variables[variable], protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
except Exception as err:
f"Cannot pickle variable: {variable!a} for frame: "
f"{_get_frame_repr(frame)}. Error: {err!a}. Skipping this "
f"variable and continuing.")
"Cannot pickle variable: %a for frame: %s. Error: %a. Skipping "
"this variable and continuing.",
variable, _get_frame_repr(frame), err)
local_variables_to_save[variable] = pickled_value
return local_variables_to_save
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,13 +280,13 @@ def _get_frame_module_name(frame):
frame_module = inspect.getmodule(frame)
if frame_module is not None:
return frame_module.__name__"No module found for the frame: "
"No module found for the frame: %s", _get_frame_repr(frame))
return "Module name not found"
except Exception as err:
f"Module name couldn't be found for the frame: "
f"{_get_frame_repr(frame)}. Error: {err!a}")
"Module name couldn't be found for the frame: %s. Error: %a",
_get_frame_repr(frame), err)
return "Module name not found"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ def _get_frame_metadata(frame_idx, frame_obj):
frame_function_object, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
except Exception as err:
f"Cannot pickle the function object for the frame: "
f"{_get_frame_repr(frame_obj)}. Error: {err!a}")
"Cannot pickle the function object for the frame: %s. Error: %a",
_get_frame_repr(frame_obj), err)
pickled_function = "Function object not pickleable"
# Object that stores all the frame's metadata.
frame_metadata = FrameMetadata(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ def _get_frames_to_save(frames, all_frames):
elif frame_type == FrameFormat.NUM:
if len(all_frames) < frames:
f"Number of frames to dump are {frames}, but there are only "
f"{len(all_frames)} frames in the error stack. So dumping "
f"all the frames.")
"Number of frames to dump are %s, but there are only %s frames "
"in the error stack. So dumping all the frames.",
frames, len(all_frames))
frames = len(all_frames)
return [(idx+1, all_frames[idx]) for idx in range(frames)]
elif frame_type == FrameFormat.LIST:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,19 +538,20 @@ def _save_frames_and_exception_info_to_file(
all_frames = _get_all_frames_from_exception_obj(exception_obj)
# Take out the frame objects we want to save as per 'frames'.
frames_to_save = _get_frames_to_save(frames, all_frames)"Number of frames that'll be saved: {len(frames_to_save)}")
"Number of frames that'll be saved: %s", len(frames_to_save))

for frame_idx, frame_obj in frames_to_save:
f"Getting required info for the frame: {_get_frame_repr(frame_obj)}")
"Getting required info for the frame: %s", _get_frame_repr(frame_obj))
frames_and_exception_info[frame_idx] = _get_frame_metadata(
frame_idx, frame_obj).__dict__
frames_and_exception_info[frame_idx]['variables'] = (
_get_frame_local_variables_data(frame_obj, variables, exclude_variables))"Getting exception metadata info.")
frames_and_exception_info.update(_get_exception_info(exception_obj).__dict__)"Saving the complete data in the file: {filename!a}")"Saving the complete data in the file: %a", filename)
with _open_file(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(frames_and_exception_info, f, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL)"Done!!")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,10 +595,11 @@ def _validate_filename(filename, utility):
if filename is None:
filename = os.path.abspath(DEFAULT_FILENAME)
f"Filename is not passed explicitly using the "
f"{'`filename` parameter' if utility == 'function' else '--filename argument'}. "
f"The frame info will be saved in the file: {filename!a}.")"Validating filename: {filename!a}")
"Filename is not passed explicitly using the %s. The frame info will "
"be saved in the file: %a.",
'`filename` parameter' if utility == 'function' else '--filename argument',
filename)"Validating filename: %a", filename)
# Resolve any symlinks.
filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
if os.path.islink(filename):
Expand All @@ -607,13 +609,11 @@ def _validate_filename(filename, utility):
f"pass a different filename.")
if os.path.exists(filename):
f"File {filename!a} already exists. This run will "
f"overwrite the file.")
"File %a already exists. This run will overwrite the file.", filename)
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
# Check if the parent directory and the ancestors are world traversable.
# Log a warning if not. Raise an error if the parent or any ancestor
# directory doesn't exist.
is_parent_and_ancestors_world_traversable = True
is_parent_and_ancestors_world_traversable = (
Expand All @@ -624,15 +624,15 @@ def _validate_filename(filename, utility):
f"{filename!a}. Error: {err!a}")
raise type(err)(msg) from None
except OSError as err:
is_parent_and_ancestors_world_traversable = False
f"Error while trying to determine if the parent directory: "
f"{parent_dir!a} and the ancestors are world traversable. "
f"Error: {err!a}")
"Error while trying to determine if the parent directory: %a and "
"the ancestors are world traversable. Error: %a", parent_dir, err)
if not is_parent_and_ancestors_world_traversable:
f"The parent directory {parent_dir!a} or an ancestor is not world "
f"traversable (i.e., the execute bit of one of the ancestors is 0). "
f"The filename {filename!a} might not be accessible by others.")
"The parent directory %a or an ancestor is not world traversable "
"(i.e., the execute bit of one of the ancestors is 0). The filename "
"%a might not be accessible by others.", parent_dir, filename)
return filename

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,11 +674,11 @@ def _validate_frames(frames, utility):
if frames is None:
f"{'`frames` parameter' if utility == 'function' else '--frames argument'} "
f"is not passed explicitly. The first frame from the bottom will be "
f"saved by default.")
"%s is not passed explicitly. The first frame from the bottom will be "
"saved by default.",
'`frames` parameter' if utility == 'function' else '--frames argument')
return None, None"Validating frames: {frames!a}")"Validating frames: %a", frames)
# Handle frames as an integer.
return int(frames), FrameFormat.NUM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ def _validate_variables(variables, utility):
if variables is None:
return"Validating variables: {variables!a}")"Validating variables: %a", variables)
if isinstance(variables, str) and ',' in variables and utility == 'function':
raise ValueError(
f"Error while validating variables: {variables!a}. If you want to "
Expand All @@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ def _validate_variables(variables, utility):
if not _is_variable_name_valid(variable)]
if invalid_variable_names:
f"Invalid variable names: {invalid_variable_names}. Skipping these "
f"variables and continuing.")
"Invalid variable names: %s. Skipping these variables and continuing.",
# Filter out invalid variables.
all_variables = tuple(variable for variable in all_variables
if variable not in invalid_variable_names)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -839,10 +839,11 @@ def _validate_saveframe_arguments(
exclude_variables = _validate_variables(exclude_variables, utility)
if not (variables or exclude_variables):
f"Neither {'`variables`' if utility == 'function' else '--variables'} "
f"nor {'`exclude_variables`' if utility == 'function' else '--exclude_variables'} "
f"{'parameter' if utility == 'function' else 'argument'} is passed. "
f"All the local variables from the frames will be saved.")
"Neither %s nor %s %s is passed. All the local variables from the "
"frames will be saved.",
'`variables`' if utility == 'function' else '--variables',
'`exclude_variables`' if utility == 'function' else '--exclude_variables',
'parameter' if utility == 'function' else 'argument')

return filename, frames, variables, exclude_variables

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -928,6 +929,44 @@ def saveframe(filename=None, frames=None, variables=None, exclude_variables=None
>> ipdb> saveframe(filename=/path/to/file, frames=frames_to_save,
.. variables=local_variables_to_include, exclude_variables=local_variables_to_exclude)
# Let's say your code is raising an error with the following traceback:
File "dir/", line 6, in init_func1
File "dir/", line 14, in func1
File "dir/", line 9, in func2
File "dir/pkg1/", line 10, in func2
File "dir/pkg1/pkg2/", line 6, in func3
raise ValueError("Error is raised")
ValueError: Error is raised
# To save the last frame (the error frame) in file '/path/to/file', use:
>> saveframe(filename='/path/to/file')
# To save a specific frame like `File "dir/", line 9, in func2`, use:
>> saveframe(filename='/path/to/file', frames='')
# To save the last 3 frames from the bottom, use:
>> saveframe(frames=3)
# To save all the frames from '' and '' files, use:
>> saveframe(filename='/path/to/file', frames=['', ''])
# To save a range of frames from '' to '', use:
>> saveframe(frames='')
# To save a range of frames from '' till the last frame, use:
>> saveframe(frames='')
# To only save local variables 'var1' and 'var2' from the frames, use:
>> saveframe(frames=<frames_to_save>, variables=['var1', 'var2'])
# To exclude local variables 'var1' and 'var2' from the frames, use:
>> saveframe(frames=<frames_to_save>, exclude_variables=['var1', 'var2'])
For non-interactive use cases (e.g., a failing script or command), checkout
`pyflyby/bin/saveframe` script.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,13 +1044,14 @@ def saveframe(filename=None, frames=None, variables=None, exclude_variables=None
The file path in which the frame info is saved.
if not hasattr(sys, 'last_value'):
if not ((sys.version_info < (3, 12) and hasattr(sys, 'last_value')) or
(sys.version_info >= (3, 12) and hasattr(sys, 'last_exc'))):
raise RuntimeError(
"No exception is raised currently for which to save the frames. "
"Make sure that an uncaught exception is raised before calling the "
"`saveframe` function.")
# Get the latest exception raised.
exception_obj = sys.last_value
exception_obj = sys.last_value if sys.version_info < (3, 12) else sys.last_exc

if frames is None:
# Get the instance of the interactive session the user is currently in.
Expand All @@ -1027,7 +1067,7 @@ def saveframe(filename=None, frames=None, variables=None, exclude_variables=None
filename, frames, variables, exclude_variables = _validate_saveframe_arguments(
filename, frames, variables, exclude_variables)
f"Saving frames and metadata for the exception: '{exception_obj!a}")
"Saving frames and metadata for the exception: %a", exception_obj)
filename=filename, frames=frames, variables=variables,
exclude_variables=exclude_variables, exception_obj=exception_obj)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ def make_distribution(self):
Expand Down

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