Frogger a classic Arcade Game clone Frogger:frog:
Project on behalf of the Grow with Google scholarship in association with online university Udacity and its nano-degree program Front-End NanoDegree.
The game starts immediately with index page opening. The main purpose of the game is to drive the charachter of the player, by moving it in the game deck and avoiding a collision with the vehicles-bugs. The speed of the bugs is increasing by time, so the passing from the street is difficult in the end of the game.
- Use the four arrow keys on keyboard to drive the character from the bottom of the game deck to the top of the game deck.
- Avoid the bugs that passing the street, if a collision happens the player loses and start from the bottom again.
- The Player wins by reaching the top of the game deck where the water place exists.
Object-oriented programming used to develop the parts of the game:
- Player can move to the four directions using keyboard arrow keys, by pressing and releasing a key, the move then is done.
- Vehicles, in this version lady bugs, is crossing the street of the game with speed that is increasing by the time.
- A collision happens when player is hit by a vehicle, but not when simple touch happens.
- A collision reseting the game.
- When player reaches the top of the game deck then a game win message is popping.
The functions are object-oriented - either class functions (like Player and Enemy) or class prototype functions such as Enemy.prototype.checkCollisions, and that the keyword 'this' is used appropriately within your class and class prototype functions to refer to the object the function is called upon. Also the file is updated with instructions on both how to 1. Run and 2. Play your arcade game.