Android version for DaFileShare.
Other apps share files to DaShare
, DaShare creates a temporary sharing service for that file and generates a QR code and URL, and other devices download the file by scanning the QR code or the URL in a browser.
DaFileShare is the macos version.
If you think the app is somewhat useful, consider buying me a cup of coffee to keep me recharged.
其他 App 通过分享文件到 DaShare,DaShare 为该文件创建临时的分享服务并生成二维码和url,其他设备通过扫描二维码或者使用 url 在浏览器中进行下载。
DaFileShare 是对应的 macos 版本。
如果你觉得这个 App 有点用处,可以考虑捐助一下让我保持动力。