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This project is an example docker-compose project that runs Deskpro and all required services.

The Deskpro image repository can be found at:

Full documentation on how the Deskpro image operates can be found here:

1.0. Getting started

1.1 Download the example project

Download the latest version and extract it:

curl -L -o

Or you can just clone the repos:

git clone

1.2. Basic Configuration


The simplest way to get started is to use the provided helper script to automatically generate the necessary secrets for you.

You can run the helper via docker-compose like this:

docker-compose run -it --rm init_config_files


1. Use the latest Deskpro image

Find the latest release from:

Then edit the .env file and change the image to use the latest. For example:

# Replace the XXXX.XX.X with the latest published version

2. Secrets / Passwords

You need to modify these three files to set secrets:

  • config/MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.txt - MySQL root password
    • Example: ``
  • config/DESKPRO_DB_PASS.txt - MySQL user password used by the Deskpro database user
  • config/DESKPRO_APP_KEY.txt - A random 32-character string used for cryptographic functions

1.3. Start Services

Now you can bring up MySQL and Elastic:

docker-compose --profile services up -d

It's a good idea to a wait a few seconds and then ensure MySQL is running as expected. You can test the connection like this:

docker-compose run -it --rm deskpro_bash exec mysql-primary -e "SHOW DATABASES;"

When this succeeds, you can move on.

1.4. Run the installer

You now need to run the installer that will install the database and set up default options.

First, start a command line container:

docker-compose run -it --rm deskpro_cli

Once you are in, you can run the installer:

./bin/install --url '' --adminEmail '[email protected]' --adminPassword 'password'

Note: If you already know you will be using other ports, HTTPS, or a domain name, you can set the URL accordingly. The next section of this README will go over what other configuration you need to make it work.

1.5. Start Deskpro

Finally, you can go ahead and start Deskpro itself by bringing up the other containers:

docker-compose up -d

When services have started, you can open in your browser and log in using the credentials you provided when you ran the installer.

2.0. Using a different URL

2.1. Enabling HTTPS

To enable HTTPS, you need a valid certificate.

  • Create two new directories: data/deskpro/config/certs and data/deskpro/config/private
  • Copy your SSL certificate (pem format) to: data/deskpro/config/certs/deskpro-https.crt
  • Copy your (unencrypted) key to: data/deskpro/config/private/deskpro-https.key

Then restart the Deskpro web container:

docker-compose restart deskpro_web

2.2. Using different ports

If you want to run the web server on different ports, you need to configure port mapping.

Edit the .env file and change the ports in the two variables at the top of the file.

For example, if you wish to use, then you would change HTTP_USER_SET_HTTP_PORT=8080

After you make these changes, restart the Deskpro web container:

docker-compose restart deskpro_web

2.3. Using a domain name

You don't need to do anything special to start using a domain name. You just need to make sure your server is open to the internet and that DNS resolves to the server.

2.4. Changing the helpdesk URL

Any time you want to change your helpdesk URL (e.g. to enable HTTPS, change ports, or start using a domain name), then you should also change the URL setting.

Just navigate to http://your-url/app, then go to Admin > Branding to change the URL.

3.0. Updating Deskpro

Step 1: Pull the latest image

First, find the version you want to update to:

Then you can pull that image to pre-cache it:

docker image pull deskpro/deskpro-product:2023.43.0-onprem

This step just pre-downloads the image so the following steps finish faster. This will ensure the image actually exists, and also reduces downtime for your users.

Step 2: Change the image in config

Edit the .env file and change the DESKPRO_IMAGE variable to the new image.

For example:


Step 3: Stop Deskpro services

Stop the currently-running Deskpro containers by running:

docker-compose down deskpro_web deskpro_tasks

Step 4: Optionally make a database backup

Before you run database migrations, you should make a database backup in case you need to revert to the previous version for whatever reason.

The simplest way to do this is by exporting a full dump. There is a helper service defined in docker-compose.yml that will run a mysqldump command for you:

docker-compose run -it --rm mysql_make_dump

Step 5: Restart Deskpro

When Deskpro has shut down and you have made a backup, you can restart the Deskpro containers using the new image:

docker-compose up -d

If migrations need to run, then they will run automatically (via the deskpro_tasks container). Note that the web interface won't be usable until migrations finish running.


If you've upgraded and the Deskpro web interface stays disabled, it usually means that migrations are still running. You just need to wait a few minutes for migrations to finish running in the background.

You can review the docker logs for the container if you want to get a clearer picture of what is going on:

docker-compose logs -f deskpro_tasks

From the logs, you will be able to see what is currently running (i.e. a specific migration step), or any errors or problems that might have happened during the upgrade procedure.

3.1 Manually running migrations

If you prefer to manually run migrations instead of having them run automatically, there are two steps:

1. Disable auto-migrations in config

In your docker-compose.yml file, remove the line AUTO_RUN_MIGRATIONS=true that exists under the deskpro_tasks service.

2. Manually run the migrations command

When you update the DESKPRO_IMAGE version as described above, you will then also need to manually run the migrations command.

First, start a command line container:

docker-compose run -it --rm deskpro_cli

Once you are in, you can run migrations like this:

./tools/migrations/artisan migrations:exec -vvv --run