Rangam Resbuilder is a powerful AI integrated Resume builder that allows you to create a professional resume, with the power of AI.
The AI will suggest you the best suitable Skills, Professional summary, and Descriptions for Professional Experience
It will provide you not only the best suggestions, but suggestions, that are based on your goal( eg: Fresher,Experienced professional, etc)
Official site: https://rangam-res-builder.vercel.app
Step1 Clone the repository by entering command in your code editor - git clone https://github.com/devMukulSingh/rangamResBuilder.git
Step2 Install the dependencies by entering npm install
Step3 Create a .env file in your root directory, and provide the environment variables, for ChatGPT api key and Database key, as ilustrated in the .env.example file
Step4 Run the development server: npm run dev
yarn dev
pnpm dev
bun dev
Step5 Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.