- Open Source Computer Vision based personal project to detect Human Faces and different objects coming in front of the webcam for a specific time frame.
- Programming Language: Python
- Libraries: OpenCV, Bokeh, Pandas
- For Human Face detection I've used HaarCascade Classifier XML file created by OpenCV.
Before you execute the project, please cover your webcam and remove the cover once your webcam starts and you can see some video recording windows on your desktop.
You will see four different windows on your screen.
Color Frame: Which detects the different objects
Current Frame: Which detects the human face
Delta Frame*: Which compares the current situation the with the initial situation
Threshold frame* - for identification of an object
*not important for end-user
Try Like this...
At any moment if you want to stop, please press
A motion graph will be generated and automatically your default browser will pop-up where you can see it like this...
How to run on your machine!! (Don't worry if you don't have Python installed, I've already taken care of it!)
- Please download or clone this repo from here.
- Extract the folder and reach to the root of the project, by using the command line.
- Write command
venv/bin/python plotting.py
- Virtual Environment for Windows user will be available soon.