Single-page application for the Workshop Guida pratica agli Hooks di React
git clone
cd react-hooks-workshop/client
npm i
npm run start
NB: During the workshop a demo server will be available at the IP address hard-coded in the library client, if you are reading from the future replace that string to http://localhost:8080/ and follow the setup server step
To follow along with the exercises checkout the different branches and complete the tasks of the latest commit described in the comments
git checkout part-1-usestate
git checkout part-2-useeffect
git checkout part-3-useeffect-cleanup
git checkout part-4-usecontext
git checkout part-5-final-extra
Running a local server (optional for the Workshop)
cd react-hooks-workshop/server
npm i
npm run dev
Configure the API URL to localhost in ./client/src/library_client/LibraryClient.js
const API_URL = "http://localhost:8080/";
We recorded a webinar where we give an Introduction to React Hooks and delve into the difference between using class-based and functional components