Google Books API Exploration
This project explores the Google Books API.
- Authentication with Firebase Authentication (Email + at least one social), design of the required screens is up to you.
- Show a list of books gotten from the Google Books API
- Allow the user to search for books
- Replicate the design given for the page listing the books.
- Add a detail page showing the details of the selected book, the design is up to you.
- Allow the user to add and remove a book from his favorites by saving it on a Firebase Firestore Database.
- BONUS: implement a Firebase Cloud Function doing something you feel worthwhile for the app.
- BONUS: handle App responsiveness on the Desktop/Web.
The project was implemented with custom architecture similar to MVVM where
- ViewModels are known as notifiers
- Class Dependencies are managed using the Riverpod Providers
- There are usage of special providers such as StreamProvider, StateProviders that comes with riverpod
- It uses the classic repository approach
- Services for performing network requests, contextless navigation etc are grouped as well
- The project depends on an API Key (for calling the books api) which I gitignored so kindly generate an APIKey and place an apiKey constant in lib/src/services/base/api_credentials.dart
- Google Signin will also not work until you add a valid SHA 1 key.
run with PORT 5000 for Google Signin to Work i.e flutter run -d chrome --web-port=5000