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@github-actions github-actions released this 01 Mar 00:04
· 149 commits to master since this release


  • Support for Python 3.12.
  • Audio track's Codec Enum now has FLAC defined.
  • The Downloader to use can now be set in the config under the downloader key.
  • New Multi-Threaded Downloader, requests, that makes HTTP(S) calls using Python-requests.
  • New Multi-Threaded Downloader, curl_impersonate, that makes HTTP(S) calls using Curl-Impersonate via Curl_CFFI.
  • HLS manifests specifying a Byte range value without starting offsets are now supported.
  • HLS segments that use EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY are now supported.
  • DASH manifests with SegmentBase or only BaseURL are now supported.
  • Subtitle tracks from DASH manifests now automatically marked as SDH if urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007 = 2.
  • The --audio-only/--subs-only/--chapters-only flags can now be used simultaneously. For example, --subs-only
    with --chapters-only will get just Subtitles and Chapters.
  • Added --video-only flag, which can also still be simultaneously used with the only "only" flags. Using all four
    of these flags will have the same effect as not using any of them.
  • Added --no-proxy flag, disabling all uses of proxies, even if --proxy is set.
  • Added --sub-format option, which sets the wanted output subtitle format, defaulting to SubRip (SRT).
  • Added Subtitle.reverse_rtl() method to use SubtitleEdit's /ReverseRtlStartEnd functionality.
  • Added Subtitle.convert() method to convert the loaded Subtitle to another format. Note that you cannot convert to
    fTTML or fVTT, but you can convert from them. SubtitleEdit will be used in precedence over pycaption if available.
    Converting to SubStationAlphav4 requires SubtitleEdit, but you may want to manually alter the Canvas resolution after
    the download.
  • Added support for SubRip (SRT) format subtitles in Subtitle.parse() via pycaption.
  • Added API Vault Client aiming for a RESTful like API.
  • Added Chapters Class to hold the new reworked Chapter objects, automatically handling stuff like order of the
    Chapters, Chapter numbers, loading from a chapter file or string, and saving to a chapter file or string.
  • Added new chapter_fallback_name config option allowing you to set a Chapter Name Template used when muxing Chapters
    into an MKV Container with MKVMerge. Do note, it defaults to no Chapter Fallback Name at all, but MKVMerge will force
    Chapter {i:02} at least for me on Windows with the program language set to English. You may want to instead use
    Chapter {j:02} which will do Chapter 01, Intro, Chapter 02 instead of Chapter 01, Intro, Chapter 03 (an Intro
    is not a Chapter of story, but it is the 2nd Chapter marker, so It's up to you how you want to interpret it).
  • Added new Track.OnSegmentDownloaded Event, called any time one of the Track's segments were downloaded.
  • Added new Subtitle.OnConverted Event, called any time that Subtitle is converted.
  • Implemented __add__ method to Tracks class, allowing you to add to the first Tracks object. For example, making
    it handy to merge HLS video tracks with DASH tracks, tracks = dash_tracks + hls_tracks.videos, or for iterating:
    for track in dash.videos + hls.videos: ....
  • Added new utility get_free_port() to get a free local port to use, though it may be taken by the time it's used.


  • Moved from my forked release of pymp4 (rlaphoenix-pymp4) back to the original pymp4 release as it is
    now up-to-date with some of my needed fixes.
  • The DASH manifest is now stored in the Track url property to be reused by DASH.download_track().
  • Encrypted DASH streams are now downloaded in full and then decrypted, instead of downloading and decrypting
    each individual segment. Unlike HLS, DASH cannot dynamically switch out the DRM/Protection information.
    This brings both CPU and Disk IOPS improvements, as well as fixing rare weird decryption anomalies like broken
    or odd timestamps, decryption failures, or broken a/v continuity.
  • When a track is being decrypted, it now displays "Decrypting" and afterward "Decrypted" in place of the download
  • When a track finishes downloaded, it now displays "Downloaded" in place of the download speed.
  • When licensing is needed and fails, the track will display "FAILED" in place of the download speed. The track
    download will cancel and all other track downloads will be skipped/cancelled; downloading will end.
  • The fancy smart quotes ( and ) are now stripped from filenames.
  • All available services are now listed if you provide an invalid service tag/alias.
  • If a WVD file fails to load and looks to be in the older unsupported v1 format, then instructions on migrating to
    v2 will be displayed.
  • If Shaka-Packager prints an error (i.e., :ERROR: log message) it will now raise a subprocess.CalledProcessError
    exception, even if the process return code is 0.
  • The Video classes' Primaries, Transfer, and Matrix classes had changes to their enum names to better represent their
    values and uses. See the changed names in the commit.
  • SubRip (SRT) Subtitles no longer have the MULTI-LANGUAGE SRT header forcefully removed. The root cause of the error
    was identified and fixed in this release.
  • Since Range.Transfer.SDR_BT_601_625 = 5 has been removed, Range.from_cicp() now internally remaps CICP transfer
    values of 5 to 6 (which is now Range.Transfer.BT_601 = 6).
  • Referer and User-Agent Header values passed to the aria2(c) downloader is now set via the dedicated --referer and
    --user-agent options respectively, instead of --header.
  • The aria2(c) -j, -x, and -s option values can now be set by the config under the aria2c key in the options'
    full names.
  • The aria2(c) -x, and -s option values now use aria2(c)'s own default values for them instead of 16. The j
    option value defaults to ThreadPoolExecutor's algorithm of min(32,(cpu_count+4)).
  • The download progress bar now states LICENSING on the speed text when licensing DRM, and LICENSED once finished.
  • The download progress bar now states CANCELLING/CANCELLED on the speed text when cancelling downloads. This is to
    make it more clear that it didn't just stop, but stopped as it was cancelled.
  • The download cancel/skip events were moved to so it can be used across the codebase easier without
    argument drilling. DL_POOL_STOP was renamed to DOWNLOAD_CANCELLED and DL_POOL_SKIP to DOWNLOAD_LICENCE_ONLY.
  • The Cookie header is now calculated for each URL passed to the aria2(c) downloader based on the URL. Instead of
    passing every single cookie, which could have two cookies with the same name aimed for different host names, we now
    pass only cookies intended for the URL.
  • The aria2(c) process no longer prints output to the terminal directly. Devine now only prints contents of the
    captured log messages to the terminal. This allows filtering out of errors and warnings that isn't a problem.
  • DASH and HLS no longer download segments silencing errors on all but the last retry as the downloader rework makes
    this unnecessary. The errors will only be printed on the final retry regardless.
  • Track.repackage() now saves as {name}_repack.{ext} instead of {name}.repack.{ext}.
  • Video.change_color_range() now saves as {name}_{limited|full}_range.{ext} instead of {name}.range{0|1}.{ext}.
  • Widevine.decrypt() now saves as {name}_decrypted.{ext} instead of {name}.decrypted.{ext}.
  • Files starting with the save path's name and using the save path's extension, but not the save path, are no longer
    deleted on download finish/stop/failure.
  • The output container format is now explicitly specified as MP4 when calling shaka-packager.
  • The default downloader is now requests instead of aria2c to reduce required external dependencies.
  • Reworked the Chapter class to only hold a timestamp and name value with an ID automatically generated as a CRC32 of
    the Chapter representation.
  • The --group option has been renamed to --tag.
  • The config file is now read from three more locations in the following order:
    1. The Devine Namespace Folder (e.g., %appdata%/Python/Python311/site-packages/devine/devine.yaml).
    2. The Parent Folder to the Devine Namespace Folder (e.g., %appdata%/Python/Python311/site-packages/devine.yaml).
    3. The AppDirs User Config Folder (e.g., %localappdata%/devine/devine.yaml).
      Location 2 allows having a config at the root of a portable folder.
  • An empty config file is no longer created when no config file is found.
  • You can now set a default cookie file for a Service, see README.
  • You can now set a default credential for a Service, see config.
  • Services are now auth-less by default and the error for not having at least a cookie or credential is removed.
    Cookies/Credentials will only be loaded if a default one for the service is available, or if you use -p/--profile
    and the profile exists.
  • Subtitles when converting to SubRip (SRT) via SubtitleEdit will now use the /ConvertColorsToDialog option.
  • HLS segments are now merged by discontinuity instead of all at once. The merged discontinuities are then finally
    merged to one file using ffmpeg. Doing the final merge by byte concatenation did not work for some playlists.
  • The Track is no longer passed through Event Callables. If you are able to set a function on an Even Callable, then
    you should have access to the track reference to call it directly if needed.
  • The Track.OnDecrypted event callable is now passed the DRM and Segment objects used to Decrypt. The segment object is
    only passed from HLS downloads.
  • The Track.OnDownloaded event callable is now called BEFORE decryption, right after downloading, not after decryption.
  • All generated Track ID values across the codebase has moved from md5 to crc32 values as code processors complain
    about its use surrounding security, and it's length is too large for our use case anyway.
  • HLS segments are now downloaded multi-threaded first and then processed in sequence thereafter.
  • HLS segments are no longer decrypted one-by-one, requiring a lot of shaka-packager processes to run and close.
    They now merged and decrypt in groups based on their EXT-X-KEY, before being merged per discontinuity.
  • The DASH and HLS downloaders now pass multiple URLs to the downloader instead of one-by-one, heavily increasing speed
    and reliability as connections are kept alive and re-used.
  • Downloaders now yield back progress information in the same convention used by rich's Progress.update() method.
    DASH and HLS now pass the yielded information to their progress callable instead of passing the progress callable to
    the downloader.
  • The aria2(c) downloader now uses the aria2(c) JSON-RPC interface to query for download progress updates instead of
    parsing the stdout data in an extremely hacky way.
  • The aria2(c) downloader now re-routes non-HTTP proxies via pproxy by a subprocess instead of the now-removed
    start_pproxy utility. This way has proven to be easier, more reliable, and prevents pproxy from messing with rich's
    terminal output in strange ways.
  • All downloader function's have an altered signature but ultimately similar. uri to urls, out (path) was removed,
    we now calculate the save path by passing an output_dir and filename. The silent, segmented, and progress
    parameters were completely removed.
  • All downloader urls can now be a string or a dictionary containing extra URL-specific options to use like
    URL-specific headers. It can also be a list of the two types of URLs to downloading multi-threaded.
  • All downloader filenames can be a static string, or a filename string template with a few variables to use. The
    template system used is f-string, e.g., "file_{i:03}{ext}" (ext starts with . if there's an extension).
  • DASH now updates the progress bar when merging segments.
  • The Widevine.decrypt() method now also searches for shaka-packager as just packager as it is the default build
    name. (#74)


  • The devine auth command and sub-commands due to lack of support, risk of data, and general quirks with it.
  • Removed profiles config, you must now specify which profile you wish to use each time with -p/--profile. If you
    use a specific profile a lot more than others, you should make it the default.
  • The saldl downloader has been removed as their binary distribution is whack and development has seemed to stall.
    It was only used as an alternative to what was at the time the only downloader, aria2(c), as it did not support any
    form of Byte Range, but saldl did, which was crucial for resuming extremely large downloads or complex playlists.
    However, now we have the requests downloader which does support the Range header.
  • The Track.needs_proxy property was removed for a few design architectural reasons.
    1. Design-wise it isn't valid to have --proxy (or via config/otherwise) set a proxy, then unpredictably have it
      bypassed or disabled. If I specify --proxy, I would expect it to use that proxy for all
      communication indefinitely, not switch in and out depending on the track or service.
    2. With reason 1, it's also a security problem. The only reason I implemented it in the first place was so I could
      download faster on my home connection. This means I would authenticate and call APIs under a proxy, then suddenly
      download manifests and segments e.t.c under my home connection. A competent service could see that as an indicator
      of bad play and flag you.
    3. Maintaining this setup across the codebase is extremely annoying, especially because of how proxies are setup/used
      by Requests in the Session. There's no way to tell a request session to temporarily disable the proxy and turn it
      back on later, without having to get the proxy from the session (in an annoying way) store it, then remove it,
      make the calls, then assuming your still in the same function you can add it back. If you're not in the same
      function, well, time for some spaghetti code.
  • The Range.Transfer.SDR_BT_601_625 = 5 key and value has been removed as I cannot find any official source to verify
    it as the correct use. However, usually a transfer value of 5 would be PAL SD material so it better matches 6,
    which is (now named) Range.Transfer.BT_601 = 6. If you have something specifying transfer=5, just remap it to 6.
  • The warning log There's no ... Audio Tracks, likely part of an invariant playlist, continuing... message has been
    removed. So long as your playlist is expecting no audio tracks, or the audio is part of the video transport, then
    this wouldn't be a problem whatsoever. Therefore, having it log this annoying warning all the time is pointless.
  • The --min-split-size argument to the aria2(c) downloader as it was only used to disable splitting on
    segmented downloads, but the newer downloader system wouldn't really need or want this to be done. If aria2 has
    decided based on its other settings to have split a segment file, then it likely would benefit from doing so.
  • The --remote-time argument from the aria2(c) downloader as it may need to do a GET and a HEAD request to
    get the remote time information, slowing the download down. We don't need this information anyway as it will likely
    be repacked with ffmpeg or multiplexed with mkvmerge, discarding/losing that information.
  • DASH and HLS's 5-attempt retry loop as the downloaders will retry for us.
  • The start_pproxy utility has been removed as all uses of it now call pproxy via subprocess instead.
  • The LANGUAGE_MUX_MAP constant and it's usage has been removed as it is no longer necessary as of MKVToolNix v54.


  • Uses of __ALL__ with Class objects have been correct to __all__ with string objects, following PEP8.
  • Fixed value of URL passed to Track.get_key_id() as it was a tuple rather than the URL string.
  • The --skip-dl flag now works again after breaking in v[1.3.0].
  • Move WVD file to correct location on new installations in the wvd add command.
  • Cookie data is now passed to downloaders and use URLs based on the URI it will be used for, just like a browser.
  • Failure to get FPS in DASH when SegmentBase isn't used.
  • An error message is now returned if a WVD file fails to load instead of raising an exception.
  • Track language information within M3U playlists are now validated with langcodes before use. Some manifests use the
    property for arbitrary data that their apps/players use for their own purposes.
  • Attempt to fix non-UTF-8 and mixed-encoding Subtitle downloads by automatically converting to UTF-8. (#43)
    Decoding is attempted in the following order: UTF-8, CP-1252, then finally chardet detection. If it's neither UTF-8
    nor CP-1252 and chardet could not detect the encoding, then it is left as-is. Conversion is done per-segment if the
    Subtitle is segmented, unless it's the fVTT or fTTML formats which are binary.
  • Chapter Character Encoding is now explicitly set to UTF-8 when muxing to an MKV container as Windows seems to default
    to latin1 or something, breaking Chapter names with any sort of special character within.
  • Subtitle passed through SubtitleEdit now explicitly use UTF-8 character encoding as it usually defaulted to UTF-8
    with Byte Order Marks (aka UTF-8-SIG/UTF-8-BOM).
  • Subtitles passed through SubtitleEdit now use the same output format as the subtitle being processed instead of SRT.
  • Fixed rare infinite loop when the Server hosting the init/header data/segment file responds with a Content-Length
    header with a value of 0 or smaller.
  • Removed empty caption lists/languages when parsing Subtitles with Subtitle.parse(). This stopped conversions to SRT
    containing the MULTI-LANGUAGE SRT header when there was multiple caption lists, even though only one of them
    actually contained captions.
  • Text-based Subtitle formats now try to automatically convert to UTF-8 when run through Subtitle.parse().
  • Text-based Subtitle formats now have ‎ and ‏ HTML entities unescaped post-download as some rendering
    libraries seems to not decode them for us. SubtitleEdit also has problems with /ReverseRtlStartEnd unless it's
    already decoded.
  • Fixed two concatenation errors surrounding DASH's BaseURL, sourceURL, and media values that start with or use ../.
  • Fixed the number values in the Newly added to x/y Vaults log, which now states Cached n Key(s) to x/y Vaults.
  • File write handler now flushes after appending a new segment to the final save path or checkpoint file, reducing
    memory usage by quite a bit in some scenarios.

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