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Rough script to load Objective-C header data into Ghidra.

The Objective-C headers are parsed using the clang python bindings and relevant data is inserted into the Ghidra database.

Currently supports the following data:

  • Identified interfaces are defined as structs, with their fields set accordingly (names and types).
  • Instance method parameters (names and types) are set as well. __thiscall convention will be set.

The loading process happens in 3 stages:

  1. Parse stage: Code is parsed and any type references are resolved. If a type isn't resolvable then it is marked as a "dependency". This helps resolve references to types that haven't been parsed yet.
  2. Dependency resolution stage: After all headers are parsed then dependency are resolved. Any dependencies which are still unresolvable are represented as empty structs.
  3. Data pushing stage: Complete data is pushed to the Ghidra database. This data will be placed in a predefined category for easy management.

The parsed data is pushed over a bridge implemented with ghidra-bridge so it may be run in any Python 3 interpreter, however requires the Python 2 server be running within Ghidra.

NOTE: For best results make sure to load Objective-C data types into the code browser before running this script. The IDAObjcTypes is highly recommended.


  • pip install -r requirements.txt or pipenv install -r requirements.txt

  • Headers may be generated using classdump-dyld, for example:

    classdump-dyld -b -h -o output_directory binary_name
   ________    _     __                     
  / ____/ /_  (_)___/ /________ _
 / / __/ __ \/ / __  / ___/ __ `/
/ /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /  / /_/ /
\____/_/_/_/_/\__,_/_/   \__,_/____
      / __ \/ /_    (_)     / ____/
     / / / / __ \  / /_____/ /
    / /_/ / /_/ / / /_____/ /___
    \____/_.___/_/ /      \____/ __
           / //___/_  ____ _____/ /__  _____
          / /  / __ \/ __ `/ __  / _ \/ ___/
         / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /

usage: [-h] [--disable-packing] headers_path

Load Objective-C header data into Ghidra

positional arguments:
  headers               Path to header files (globs supported)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable-packing     Disable struct packing (Default: Enabled)
  -v, --verbose         Set logging verbosity (Default: Least verbosity)
  --no-prog             Disable progress bars (Default: Enabled)
  --skip-vars           Enable skipping of instance variable parsing (Default: Disabled)
  --skip-methods        Enable skipping of class method parsing (Default: Disabled)
  -c BASE_CATEGORY, --base-category BASE_CATEGORY
                        Base category path for all loaded types (Default: objc_loader)
  --no-isa              Disable adding of the isa field to parsed structs (Default: Enabled)

Known Issues

  • Protocol definitions in data type literals are ignored (e.g. NSObject<NSCoding, UITableViewDelegate> will resolve simply to NSObject).
  • Properties are ignored.


Rough script to load Objective C header data into Ghidra






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