A python script to automate the process of pentesting a WPA/WPA2/WPS network. Very quickly made. The focus is not to beat or re-write existing tools or scripts, but to leverage them to provide functionality and simplicity to the end user while performing existing attacks using widely recognised tools like aircrack-ng or reaver.
A chipset/wifi-card that supports monitor-mode/packet-injection and some distro of linux that uses the apt package manager (kali/ubuntu/debian). Dependancies will resolve automatically, and there is an option if additional repositories are needed.
sudo python3 airscript-ng.py
sudo chmod +x airscript-ng.py no-color-airscript-ng.py
sudo su
or, if you want it without colours:
sudo su
The rest is self explainatory once run. Anyone can use this script to pentest a wireless network, it really is that simple.
Please note, the code is neither efficient or very advanced. This likely won't affect usage and while efficiency is very important, functionality is a must. As long as it runs with as little bugs as possible, I am satisfied for the time being.
- Make a basic python script
- Make and integrate similar script for reaver/other-tools [Reaver/Pixie Dust added 11/06/17]
- Add option to resolve dependencies [Added 17/06/17]
- Add option to create captive portal/Evil-twin AP [Added 24/08/2017]
- Add option to crack existing .cap files using hashcat/GPU/CPU/Aircrack [Added 24/08/2017]
- Improve menu layout [COMING SOON]
- Add support for GENPMK/CoWPAtty [COMING SOON]
- Make and integrate my own tools [VERY UNLIKELY]
- (Ultimate Goal) Design and build a Gtk/Qt or any type of GUI [HELP REQUIRED, AS LIMITED KNOWLEDGE]