This guide will help you to publish a custom version of Argo Workflows with optimal dependencies. This guide will cater specific to the devtron-labs project use case.
- Clone the Argo Workflows repository
git clone
cd argo-workflows
- Add remote to the official Argo Workflows repository
git remote add upstream
git remote update
- Export the version of Argo Workflows you want to publish
export Tag=v3.5.10
export TagHash=$(git ls-remote upstream $Tag | cut -f1)
- Validate the version and commit hash
echo $Tag
echo $TagHash
- Create a new branch for the custom version
git checkout -b release-$Tag $TagHash
- Get the prerequisites for the custom version from main branch and commit them
git checkout main ./go.mod ./go.sum ./Makefile ./.gitignore ./.gitattributes ./
git commit -am "initial commit"
- Setup commit changes for the custom version by make command
make tag=$Tag
- Commit and push the changes to the custom version branch
git commit -am "release: $Tag"
git push --set-upstream origin release-$Tag
- Finally, create a git tag for the custom version
make git-tagging
Now, create a new release in the GitHub repository with the selected version tag
All set! You have successfully published a custom version of Argo Workflows