and are projects about building marketing mobile apps for local businesses. offers actual apps for businesses, and offers access to app builder for people, who want to start making marketing apps as a business.
Thse two websites are built with Wordpress and have similar functionality. The difference is that Finnish website is multilingual and more simple. Russian version was made later and has extended functionality and better appearance (in my opinion), so I'd rather describe Russian version.
This is the project where I sell access to mobile app builder. It is the Wordpress website with blog and e-commerce features.
In this project I used LESS preprocessor for styling, I added animations and designed front page as landing page for better user experience. I used Bootstrap-ready starter theme called "_tk",which provides scaffolding and I created visual and graphic design.
I wrote plugin to add additional post type "Tutorials" and new categories for this post type. Also I changed checkout form and made it less distructive for clients (removed extra billing and shipping fields).
I set up Woo Commerce and payment system, added subscription form, online chat and tested "Call to action" popups, so website converts and brings sales periodically.
I added plugin and theme files to this repository as well.