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Fivem-antidump client side + nui

Please download the dev-antidump alongside the full-antidump-ready resource.

  • full-antidump-ready is a ready-to-use resource. You can place your code inside it, and once you're done, change the folder name to your resource name.

  • The description and instructions are inside the files, so make sure to open and read all the files in full-antidump-ready before adding your code.

  • dev-antidump is server-side only, and it can read files and ban players.

I recommend using these together.


Sometimes, the OnPlayerLoaded[QBCore] trigger or player spawn event is sent to the client side, but the scripts are not loaded by the anti-dump due to factors like the framework loading the player too quickly, high ping, or a bad connection. As a result, your scripts may not work for the player. I have fixed the issue by adding some code to client.lua and public.lua.


local WaitUntilLoaded = true

-- change the event when player loaded or player spwan like your framework. i use here QBCore
RegisterNetEvent('QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded', function()
        while WaitUntilLoaded do Wait(0) end
        -- or triggerServerEvent
        -- please don't use same event name on all your resource, use like: resource-name:client:OnPlayerLoaded
        -- if you use same event name, think about how many resource you have and how manytime it's will send the trigger

AddEventHandler('onResourceStart', function(resource)
    if resource == GetCurrentResourceName() then
            while WaitUntilLoaded do Wait(0) end

function LoadSuccess()
    WaitUntilLoaded = false

exports('LoadSuccess', LoadSuccess)

Please add the following code at the last line of your code [client.lua]

CreateThread(function() exports['your-resource-name']:LoadSuccess() end)

Note: I didn’t add this code inside the full-antidump-ready resource, so you will need to do it manually.

New Issue:

If a player's network changes (for example, from Ethernet to Wi-Fi), they will stay connected to the server, but sometimes FiveM reloads all client scripts. When this happens, the player may get banned because their ID was already registered on ResourceRequested. To fix this issue, you have two options:

  • After checking the player, unban them.
  • Change exports['dev-antidump']:BanPlayer(src, reason) to DropPlayer(src, reason) in full-antidump-ready/server.lua:69.
  • This issue only occurs when a player's network changes.
  • For my own server, I chose option 1.


A lot of people are adding multiple resources inside the full-antidump-ready config, such as config1.lua, config2.lua, client.lua, client2.lua. Many have contacted me on Discord, asking about errors caused by this.
Please do not load multiple resources in one full-antidump-ready because of the following reasons:

  • Your scripts may not work.
  • If they do work, the client may experience timeouts and disconnect.

    - Why does this happen?
    Let's say you have two config files for two resources:
  • When config1 is loaded, everything works fine.
  • However, when full-antidump loads config2, it removes config1 because config2 also contains config = {}.

You might think, I'll just remove config = {} from config2, but there's another issue:
if config1 and config2 share the same key, the values will get overwritten. For example:


config = {}

config.position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)


config.position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

In this case, the position in config1 will be replaced by the position in config2.

If your players are experiencing timeout disconnects, simply use a queue system to resolve the issue. Information about the queue system is available in server.lua in full-antidump-ready. Also, be sure to update dev-antidump for optimal performance.

Contact with me

Discord: @devxgaming



Thank you ว. สี for your donate ❤️
Thank you M. V.D for your donate ❤️


fivem antidump lua + nui 😉






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