Easily add a Blog with Articles and Categories in Nova using repeaters blocks for content. See documentation for Repeater Blocks for details.
composer require dewsign/nova-blog
Run the migrations
php artisan migrate
Load the tool in your NovaServiceProvider.php
public function tools()
return [
new \Dewsign\NovaBlog\Nova\NovaBlogTool,
The packages doesn't come with any pre-made templates. Simply replace the published views.
Add additional repeater blocks by adding it to the nova blog config
'repeaters' => [
Or remove all standard repeaters and use your own selection.
'replaceRepeaters' => true,
If you want more control, you can specify which Nova Resources and Models to use. Because of the way nova reads the model from a static variable you must provide your own custom resource if you want to use a custom model.
'models' => [
'article' => 'App\Article',
'resources' => [
'article' => 'App\Nova\Article',
'group' => 'Blog',
You can customise the nova resource group.
Blog, category and article routing is all included under the /blog
The package comes with pre-made factories and seeders. Should you wish to include them in your application simply call the seeder or use the factory provided.
// database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php
public function run()
A BlogPolicy is included, but not loaded by default, for Brandenburg / Nova Tool. Simply load the AuthServiceProvider from this package.
// config/app.php
'providers' => [