minimal wraps around std.algorithm
simple pure nothow
converting integer and floating numbers to string
assertEq( pFormat( "%4d", 10 ), " 10" );
assertEq( pFormat( "hello % 6.3f world %d ok", 3.141592, 12 ),
"hello 3.141 world 12 ok" );
assertEq( pFormat( "%2$10s %1$s", "hello", "world" ), " world hello" );
assertEq( pFormat( "%1$10s %1$s", "hello" ), " hello hello" );
// fmt args without option index starts with first from any place
assertEq( pFormat( "%1$10s %1$s %3$ 6.3f %s %d", "hello", 14, 2.718281828 ),
" hello hello 2.718 hello 14" );
manipulate bit flags
minimal wraps around buildNormalizedPath
struct PData
(for storing information for passing to other thread for example)
, toSnakeCase
, toDString
enum of most using numeric types and works with it
To build doc use harbored-mod